
Showing posts from January, 2023
                                                          A strange sight while Shepherding How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 53) Exodus: The Call Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 3)                One thing that is certain is for a person to identify why he/she was born and what he/she was born to do. This could be arguably the best thing that can happen to anyone who discovers these. Sometimes, it takes some years to come to this knowledge. Sometimes, many people do not get to this point until they die. This week blog discusses how Moses came to discover why he was born and what he must do to fulfill his reason for existing. That lamenting and helpless boy of  about 80 years ago just found out the reason for his existence. It was a glorious day for Moses, but he probably did not expect it this way.                Last week discussed that Moses was making effort o
                                                                                                                                                                                                     The mother was heartbroken on leaving her poor innocent child.  How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 52) Exodus: Time for Change begins Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 2) The Savior was Born Last week blog discussed intensively on the wickedness being displayed by the oppressors on their oppressed. A good example of this situation is what is being discussed in the book of Exodus. The Israelites had been subjected to ridicule and had been forced to serve the Egyptians with rigor. During this time, it was when Yahweh began to work his way through the union of Amram and Yochebed. This Levite couple had already given birth to Miriam and Aaron but when the Egyptian edict
                                                            The Egyptian Midwives dared Pharaoh's edict How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 51) Exodus: The Beginning Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 1) The book of Genesis 15:13-14 discusses the future Yahweh revealed to Abraham that his fourth generation would sojourn in the land that does not belong to them. They would be maledicted by their hosts but would be released after 400 years. Indeed, Yahweh knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10).                After the death of Joseph and the rest elders of Jacob's household, a new Pharaoh reigned in the land of Egypt who did not know Joseph (verse 8). What does this imply? It implies that this particular King did not read/listen to the past history of Joseph and his contributions to protect them during famine. How people easily forget their benefactors
                                                                     Joseph's statue in Egypt  How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 50) Genesis: The end Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Genesis chapter 50) Jacob's burial                After Jacob's last breathe, Joseph and the people in the land of Egypt wept bitterly for the Patriarch. According to Joseph's instructions, his Physicians embalmed Jacob for 40 days. The nation of Egypt mourned Jacob's death for 70 days. Pharaoh permitted Joseph to bury his father in the land of Canaan according to the wish of Jacob (verse 1-10).                A throng of people left the land of Egypt for Canaan to bury Jacob. People that saw the large number of people perceived that a great man from the land of Egypt was to be buried. It was stated that Egyptians were truly called the Mizriam (verse 11). People wailed a
                                                                                                                                           Jacob blessed Joseph and the rest of his sons. How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 49) Jacob's exit Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Genesis chapter 49) You are welcome to this New Year as we journey through the scriptures to understand how Yahweh relates with his creation. Last week discussed Jacob's blessing defiant on Joseph's sons. Have you ever heard that the words coming out of a dying elder person is like seers telling what must come to pass? This is what happened in this week bible chapter. Jacob demanded all his children to gather together with him to tell them what would be of their future. This time, it was the last opportunity Jacob had to speak with all his children. Of course, the wish of the dying man should be