The mother was heartbroken on leaving her poor innocent child. 

How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 52)

Exodus: Time for Change begins

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 2)

The Savior was Born

Last week blog discussed intensively on the wickedness being displayed by the oppressors on their oppressed. A good example of this situation is what is being discussed in the book of Exodus. The Israelites had been subjected to ridicule and had been forced to serve the Egyptians with rigor. During this time, it was when Yahweh began to work his way through the union of Amram and Yochebed. This Levite couple had already given birth to Miriam and Aaron but when the Egyptian edict came up to murder Israel male babies; Moses (Moshin) was born! may say that Moses was born in the wrong time. Honestly, you would be right in relative sense. However, it was the time Yahweh wanted to make the next move in his plan to fulfill his covenant with Abraham according to Genesis 15:13-14. What an awesome Yahweh!

Wrong time to give birth to a baby boy?

Moses' birth was a dangerous one because Egyptian history implicated that Egyptian Seers had seen the vision that a savior of the Israelites would be born but would be taken care of in the palace of his enemies. This might add to the fact that made Pharaoh to bark out an edict to get all Israelites' male child murdered. However, Yahweh cannot be stopped whenever he is ready to make his move. Nobody can withstand his will (2 Chronicles 20:6).

Yahweh swung to action:

Yahweh was quick to swing to action through this helpless baby as his mother could no longer keep him after three months. He placed him in a well fashioned basket and put him on the ridge of waterway. His dear sister (Miriam) could not leave her innocent baby brother but stationed herself to see what would happen to him. This is when Yahweh brought Pharaoh's daughter to bathe in the same river. Yahweh brought this lady into the river not only to take her bathe but to rescue the innocent child who would later be the savior of the oppressed. Can you see that in Yahweh's diary, there is always good in the bad? At times, we quickly conclude that there is no hope because of some kind of edicts that do not favor us due to race, background, gender or age. Yahweh knows how to make sense out of nonsense.

When Mercy connects you:

Mercy surely overrules judgments. Pharaoh's daughter was expected to be among those who promote their father's edicts but in the case of a woman identified as Bithia (Bathia), the look on the innocent lamenting baby moved her heart. She realized the baby belonged to the Hebrews. Instead of making it easy for the boy to be drowned in the river, she simply drew him from the river (Nile) and called him Moses. So, the name Moses implies that the baby was drawn from the river. This unknown baby to Bithia would become the savior of  Hebrews. The baby was eventually nursed by his mother who pretended not to be her biological mother because of fear. The baby would grow up to be one man that would stand and face an Empire chaired upon by a cruel and wicked King of Egypt. However, Yahweh's mercy spared Moses' life to live to fulfill why he was spared from the tooth of hungry Crocodiles!


Mercy connected Moses with his arch enemy's daughter. Yahweh is mysterious in deed!

 Fate caught up with him:

Moses went through the land of Goshen and found an Egyptian maledicting an Israelite. In his anger, he murdered the Egyptian and buried him in the sand. He had always wanted people to be treated with good justice but his voice was not heard. He was a lone ranger. He was powerless but that single act showed why he was born. He was born to liberate his people even though this was a violent approach.  A few time later, he found two Israelites fighting. He tried to let these people realize that it was not appropriate to do so but he was shocked at what these people told him. He found out that the murder he committed was not a secret anymore. His act was known to Pharaoh. The King was raged and wanted to kill him for this single act. However, Moses escaped for his life. He went all the way to the land of Midian. That was a long distance journey.  He sat by a well where sheep were being given water to drink by a few damsel shepherds.                                       


          The man could not help it. The desire to fight for the oppressed was burning in him!

Moses got a succor:

It was time for Moses to take a break from his ordeal. He was able to rescue the daughters of Jethro (Priest of Midian) coming towards the well to feed their flock some water. Remember that Midianites were related to Abraham. Midian was the second son of Keturah (Abraham's baby mother). However, a few Amalekites men wanted to bully these ladies but Moses was able to drive them away for these ladies. Moses was not trying to play a hero. He just could not stand anyone humiliating/bullying the less privileged ones. Moses' action was reported by the ladies to their father. Moses was invited into the tent and he decided to live with this family. Jethro gave Moses Zipporah (Tzipporah) to marry. Moses was blessed with two sons. Moses lived in the land of Midian for 10 years. What a long time to take a break!

Moses married a Cushite woman and got 2 children.

Moses call manifested (introduction):

While Moses was having succor in the land of Midian, his people were languishing in the land of Egypt as a result of the burden their task masters had placed on them. Yahweh heard the cry of these people and he was very concerned about them. What? Concerned about them? You may be thinking that Yahweh was lost in thought that he had already informed Abraham of the ordeals his descendants would go through in strange land. Therefore, in relative sense, he was concerned but in absolute sense, it was time to swing into action. You can say, it was Moses' call into action. After all, he was born for this time!


                                                 The Israelites were still being maledicted.

I hope you have learnt one or two things in this week blog. Yahweh orders our steps and he knows the end from the beginning. He never loses thoughts. He never makes mistakes. He lines things up to fulfill his plans on humanity. Next week blogs discusses the next life chapter of Moses. Oh yeah, we all do have life chapters. 

Thanks for reading this week blog.

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Credit: Yahoo images from

   Zipporah: Bible Jewish Women's Archive from  


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