Jacob blessed Joseph and the rest of his sons.

How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 49)

Jacob's exit

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Genesis chapter 49)

You are welcome to this New Year as we journey through the scriptures to understand how Yahweh relates with his creation. Last week discussed Jacob's blessing defiant on Joseph's sons.

Have you ever heard that the words coming out of a dying elder person is like seers telling what must come to pass? This is what happened in this week bible chapter. Jacob demanded all his children to gather together with him to tell them what would be of their future. This time, it was the last opportunity Jacob had to speak with all his children. Of course, the wish of the dying man should be respected. However, it baffles me whenever I read it in the scripture that Jacob blessed his children but were all his children blessed? I believe Jacob spoke with his children under the direction of the Spirit of Yahweh. Come with me in this week blog to find out.

Jacob began with Reuben. He recounted the evil his first born did in the place beyond Migdalder. In this place, Reuben slept with Bilhah, his father's concubine (Genesis 35:22). So, Jacob cursed his first son for this horrible act. He told Reuben that Reuben shall not excel. No wonder, in Genesis chapter 48, double portion of blessing was pronounced on Joseph who happened to be the eleventh son of Jacob. However, this blessing eluded Reuben the first born. I believe such an act from Jacob may be an exception to Hebrew's traditions on inheritance.

Simeon and Levi 's sins were also brought to remembrance by their father during this time. He cursed them for killing the people of the land of Shechem (Genesis 34:24-31). He regarded them as weapons of violence and broadswords. He cursed them in verse 7 that they shall be scattered in Israel. This implies that the generation of these two sons would be scattered among the rest children of Jacob in future.

Jacob proclaimed blessings on Judah (verse 8-11). Judah will be acclaimed by his brothers. That is, all his brothers shall acknowledge Judah as an important person. If you have many siblings, you would agree with me that this is sometimes difficult to do because of possible competitions and jealousy. Judah was blessed to be able to overcome his enemies. He was being referred to as a Lion who would threaten his enemies. It was pronounced on Judah that scepter shall not withdraw from him nor statues (laws) leaving his feet until indeed He comes to Whom it belongs (verse 10). If you check the scripture, after the reign of Saul (who happened to be a descendant of Benjamin), Yahweh promised David (descendant of Judah) that King would continue to come from Judah.

Zebulon was blessed to tabernacle towards sea shore. Issachar was blessed to be boney donkey reclining two saddlebags. This is a blessing of peace for this son. Dan was blessed to adjudicate his people.  He was also portrayed as a snake that will bite horse heels. Gad was blessed to be a raiding party. Asher (happiness) was also blessed to be for provision of royal dainties. A dainty food provider. Naphtali was blessed to be a hind loose giving seemingly words.

Joseph was blessed as an offshoot of a fruitful plant. In verse 23, Jacob was quick to point out that Joseph's elder brothers were the "archers" who wanted to destroy this offshoot branch but was delivered by Elohim. Jacob blessed Joseph with Heavenly blessings and blessings from the Abyss (under the ground). This is very strong! I believe Jacob was not happy at what his elder sons did to Joseph. In his blessings for Joseph, the tone of it could be found in verse 25-26 that his undying love for Joseph was deeply expressed.

Benjamin was also blessed as ravenous Wolf. Benjamin was blessed to be able to prey over his enemies both day and night.

After all these blessings, Jacob charged his sons to bury him at Machpelah where his ancestors and his first wife Leah were buried. Jacob drew his feet up again unto the couch and had his last breathe (verse 29-33). He was 147 years old. This week blog was dedicated to this great man. He died happily. 

Parental words at the point of their deaths matter a lot to their children/wards. There are spiritual connections between parents and children/wards when it comes to this point. In relative sense, parents are expected to perform their parental roles on their children/wards; children/wards are also expected to respect their parents and care for them. It is good for children to do their best to take care of their parents while they can. They should ensure their parents are happy with them. Parents are given divine authority to bless their children. No matter what the parents may have done to children, it is advisory for children not to pay evil back with evil. However in absolute sense, Yahweh who operates things according to the counsel of his will (Ephesians 1:11) knows why and how children behave towards their parents and siblings. He sees into the deepest heart of heart of people (Jeremiah 17:9) and his eyes see the good and the evil people (Proverbs 15:3). In the account of Jacob, one may think his elder children were wicked but it was Yahweh who had planned it to be so to fulfill his covenants made to Abraham through Jacob's dramatic children.

Now that Jacob was out of the picture, another drama came up. This will be discussed on next week blog.

Thanks for your supports and have a blessed week.

Please leave your comments and be nice with them.




Picture source: https://images.search.yahoo.com/


  1. Jacob surely knew his children. He told them what they would be in future. Deadman's wish might be sacred.


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