A strange sight while Shepherding

How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 53)

Exodus: The Call

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 3)

               One thing that is certain is for a person to identify why he/she was born and what he/she was born to do. This could be arguably the best thing that can happen to anyone who discovers these. Sometimes, it takes some years to come to this knowledge. Sometimes, many people do not get to this point until they die. This week blog discusses how Moses came to discover why he was born and what he must do to fulfill his reason for existing. That lamenting and helpless boy of  about 80 years ago just found out the reason for his existence. It was a glorious day for Moses, but he probably did not expect it this way.

               Last week discussed that Moses was making effort on his own to apply justice to his people in the land of Egypt but it did not work out well. He was even bluffed at by his own people when he was trying to mediate between the two he found fighting each other. So, he ran away from Egypt to escape the wrath of Pharaoh for killing an Egyptian. That was a sin that attracted capital punishment from the King.

               Moses found succor in the land of Midian. He had a lovely wife and was blessed with 2 boys. Hmn...a family man! He had a peaceful decade but somehow, he could not forgive himself of what might be happening to his people back in the land of Egypt. The urge was in him but he had no power to influence it. He hid this pain in him for 10 years but one day he realized the reason for existing. It was a call he would never forget in his life.

               It was just like any other day that Moses was Shepherding a flock of Sheep but he was attracted to a strange sight of burning fire from a thornbush. Hey! What a sight to look at (he might say to himself). While he was staring at this strange sight, he heard a voice coming from it. The voice called his name and he answered yes. Surely, Yeshua son of Yahweh knows the name you are called. Never doubt how Yahweh knows. He named everything we name. Through his son Yeshua, all things including names were made from him and through him and for him (Romans 11:36). Therefore, there is no name that is not known to him nor his father, Yahweh.

There are things Moses found amazing about his call while Yeshua conversed with him through the burning thornbush.

Ø  Yeshua identified himself as Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This was a strange thing for Moses to digest. How did the voice from the strange sight knows all these people? Moses found out that this Yahweh did not only know his name but the name of his fore-fathers. Remarkable. At this, Moses hid his face from looking at this strange sight. Then, Yahweh got his attention.

Ø  Yeshua informed Moses that he saw the humiliation of his people who were in Egypt. This means Yeshua sees. He heard the cry of his people because of the pains inflicted by their Egyptian task Masters on them. It also means Yeshua hears and has feelings. No one has seen Yahweh but his son. In this conversation, it was Yeshua appearing in the burning bush to Moses. He knew their pains. So, he came down to deliver them through Moses.

Wait a few minutes at this juncture.  

Who is this Elohim? He is the one who relates with us in relative way. This is why he can see, hear and have feelings. This is the same reason he can take actions. However, in absolute sense, he had known that his people would be maledicted and humiliated by strangers when his people dwell in strange land for 400 years. Although it appears the Israelites did not live up to 400 years in the land of Egypt but they had been in strange land for far too long (Septuagint Bible) because out of 400 years, they dwell in part of Canaan land too.  Remember that they moved from part of Canaan to Egypt. Thus the strange lands included both Canaan and Egypt.  However, their existence in the land of Egypt was about to end but Yahweh made it difficult for them to leave easily. 

How do I mean? Hebrews from the time of Jacob have been living in strange lands.

However, there was something dramatic Yahweh was about to do in the land of Egypt before his people leave that land. To follow the scripture, Yeshua may be sometimes be interchanged with Yahweh. They are both Elohim. They are one (John 10:30).

The words Paul stated in the book of Romans 9:15-18 correlates with what Yahweh told Moses in Exodus 3:19-21. Surely, Yahweh does whatever he wants according to his pleasure (Revelations 4:11). That is why the Israelites would leave Egypt with the strong hand of Yahweh.

Ø  Yahweh continued to inform Moses that Moses would lead his people from the land of Egypt to live in the place of Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites; the Perizzites; the Hivites and the Jebusites. Surely Yahweh knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). The earth is of the Elohim...Psalm 24:1. That is why nobody is absolute landlord but Yahweh. So, he would drive these people away for the children of Israel to occupy. It was his plan and decision. He cannot be queried for it. This time, The Hebrews will not live in part of Canaan but in the whole land of Canaan and beyond.

Ø   Moses asked to know the name of the one speaking to him. He heard, "I-Shall-Come-to-Be". This is his name for eon. This is very huge to digest. In KJV, you would read "I am that I am". He told Moses to inform all elders that I Shall-Come-to-Be had sent him to tell them it was time to go.

Ø  It was time for the Hebrews to enjoy the place gushing with milk and honey. No wonder, the land of Israel is one of the lands being craved to be occupied by people in this current century because the land produces abundant things other lands in the world may not produce. Hebrews must have lacked this pleasure for a long time.

Ø  Yahweh informed Moses that their women will take from Egyptian neighbors gold and silver. It would be the time for the children of Israel to wear precious things on their necks instead of slavery chains and restrictions.

This encounter was definitely too much for Moses to bear. However, it was a memorable day for him. It was the day he discover the reason for living. Otherwise, he would have been murdered by either the hands of Egyptians itching sword swingers or the craving tooth with wide jaws of Crocodiles. Moses could not do anything but to listen with great trembling as the voice he heard was more powerful and compelling. The experience was surreal. It was far beyond his comprehension. What a call he received that day. It was a call to duty. Break time was definitely over.  I pray we also find the purpose of our existence before we leave this World.


                                               (He hid his face from glory of Yahweh in the burning bush)

Next week will discuss the end of this conversation. Do you think Moses would be happy to go back to Egypt to continue from where he stopped around 70 years ago? He was now almost 80. Would he be able to make a huge difference this time? What would you do if you were in Moses' shoes? Please, wait until next week for another edition of my blog.

Stay connected.

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