The Egyptian Midwives dared Pharaoh's edict

How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 51)

Exodus: The Beginning

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 1)

The book of Genesis 15:13-14 discusses the future Yahweh revealed to Abraham that his fourth generation would sojourn in the land that does not belong to them. They would be maledicted by their hosts but would be released after 400 years. Indeed, Yahweh knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10).

               After the death of Joseph and the rest elders of Jacob's household, a new Pharaoh reigned in the land of Egypt who did not know Joseph (verse 8). What does this imply? It implies that this particular King did not read/listen to the past history of Joseph and his contributions to protect them during famine. How people easily forget their benefactors and the good old days. He rather began to stir-up hatred for the children of Israel.  What must these people have done to deserve this hatred? One thing is certain in absolute sense: The promise Yahweh made with Abraham in Genesis 15:13-14 was about to kick-in. It had to start with someone who would come up with the thought that the Israelites were threat to the Egyptians. This thought went viral until it reached this new King.

               What might the thoughts be? The Egyptians perceived that the Israelites were fruitful, swarming the land of Goshen, getting increased in numbers and were very staunch in the land of Egypt. So, the thought of "national security" came into Egyptians' minds because they feared that the Israelites might become allies with their enemies. In relative sense, would it not be nice and a positive thought to tell the Israelites to go back to where they came from? Why making things difficult for themselves on this issue? I mean, if you are tired of keeping your guests, you should politely tell them to leave.  Fear is their disease. Did I say "their fear"? What might be the Egyptians' fears? What were they worried about most? The answer is obvious: The Egyptians appeared be envious of Israelites. If not, they could have nicely told them to leave their land. Once again, Yahweh was in operation.

Pharaoh summed up the whole issue. He decided to put Israelites into humiliations.

               These humiliations might include but not limited to ravaging Israelites women; putting their men under burdens; speaking unpleasant words to them and making them feel less important in society. Yet, the Israelites thrived. This made Pharaoh of Egypt and his officials to be more terrified. Then, they came up with another idea to suppress the Israelites. They instructed all Midwives to ensure all baby boys given birth to by the Israelite women were murdered while all baby girls given birth to should be kept alive. Do you know what this implies? This is a kind of mass depopulation of male children. It is synonymous to how most men were being jailed in the most part of this world, especially the Western part of this world. The idea is to depopulate male children/men and take them out of family memberships. Some have been wrongfully judged while some were case paddled against by powerful accusers. The Egyptians wanted Israelites to have less of men who might defend their people and increase the numbers of women who might not be able to do much of retaliation against them. What evil genius the leadership of Egypt was?

               They surely carried out this evil plan, but did not succeed. Yahweh did not let the wickedness of Egyptian leadership infected the Midwives. The Midwives were gripped with the fear of Yahweh as they could not carry out Pharaoh's orders. When Pharaoh called them to explain themselves; they had to lie to him that the Israelite Women were stronger than Egyptian Women as they give birth to babies earlier before they reached them. These Midwives had to say something to cover them. They knew that their King's order was morally repugnant.

               The King re-instructed to them to fling every baby boy born by Israelites to wall but the Midwives feared the one Elohim and did not carry out King's instructions. Do not assume these Midwives chose to disobey their King but it was because Yahweh put his fear on them. Of course, the starting point of wisdom is the fear of Elohim and the knowledge of the Grand Holy One is understanding (Proverbs 9:10).  Perhaps, these Midwives did not only fear Yahweh but had understanding that their Egyptian leadership was acting out of jealous, envy and wickedness. Yahweh provided these Midwives households for their display of wisdom and understanding on this situation. In order words, not all Egyptians were wicked. This week blog is dedicated to them. See picture found for them above.

               On another thought, the events in this chapter reminds me of many stories heard in some parts of this world on how some more influential race have been oppressing the less influential race. If it is horrible to know that some people have been oppressed, humiliated and derogated because they were being feared of how successful, increase in population and greatly they can be. Then, the fear of Elohim is seriously being lacked among the oppressors. However, it has been observed that a few of the influenced race have fear of Elohim and understand that everyone is equal before Yahweh irrespective of their race and origin. Yahweh is surely blessing these people for their kindness to the oppressed people. He owes no man of their display of kindness to the oppressed people.

Things will not continue to be in this way. Surely, something had to be done to correct this imbalance situation. This story can be tailored to the Western part of this world and it is a shame to know how millions of the oppressed people have been murdered innocently. Surely, Yahweh knew these things and he will make things to be alright at his appointed time.

In conclusion, the Israelites surely would need a help. A kind of Savior to rescue them just like the oppressed of nowadays are praying for One to come to deliver them from the hands of their oppressors. Next chapter elucidates on the birth of the savior the Israelites needed to rescue them from their task masters. I hope you will like to read next week blog as I discuss on chapter 2 with more food for thoughts. This is just the beginning of Exodus!





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  1. Imagine people throwing one's baby born child at the wall because of one stupid directives of certain leadership? Surely, Yahweh knows and he will send the savior at the right time. Praise be Yahweh for his protection over his people.

  2. when God does His things, human do wonder about. right thing will come at the right time. it only take perfection and patient to wait. those who wait on the lord their strength is always new

  3. From another anonymous source: In my own little understanding of this event. I think being envious and jealous brings FEAR of the unknown. I am so such that a lot of things going through Pharaoh's mind, whether to send them or not to send them away. He could see the hand and glory of God on the Israelites in terms of what he is seeing and instead of moving close to them like the old Pharaoh did, and tap into that grace of God. Envy and jealousy overshadow him bringing the fear of, i cannot see them increasing in number or watch them go because they might come back and wage war against them. God bless us all🙏🏽

    1. Thanks for your comments through watsapp Mrs. Lara.

  4. Surely there's an end (to all oppressions). The expectations of the righteous (oppressed) will not be disappointed.


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