
Showing posts from March, 2022
                                                          Topic: How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 9) Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 11-12: Main texts) How are you all doing my dear blog readers? I pray that the grace and mercy of Yahweh be to you. It is another week to get blessed. In the last blog, you were informed of the names of the generations of children of Noah in Genesis chapter 10. You were also informed of how Yahweh rolled out his plan by making people build a tower to reach heaven. In turn, he disintegrated their language. He did all these to ensure people were scattered all over the world. When people speak the same language, it may not be easy to achieve this, but when they speak different languages, it would be easy for people to go into different locations. I hope you can see the wisdom on Yahweh in the affairs of humanity. Most Bible scholars and
                                                                                                                                     Topic: How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 8) Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 10-11: Main text)                How are you all doing my dear blog readers? May the grace and mercy of Yahweh be unto you. It is another week to get blessed. In the last blog, you were informed of the notice given by Yahweh to Noah and his family in Genesis chapter 8. You were informed that Yahweh owed no man any notice but he chose to relate with them because he made them. In the book of Genesis chapter 9, you were also informed of how Yahweh rolled out his plans on humans by making Noah got drunk and uncovered himself while sleeping. Ham mocked the nakedness of his father but his 2 other brothers (Shem and Japheth) covered the nakedness of their father by walking
                                                                                                              Topic: How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 7) Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 8-9: Main text)                How are you all doing my dear blog readers? May the grace and mercy of Yahweh be unto you. It is another week to get blessed. Last week blog discussed how flood covered the whole earth and how it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Towards the end of that blog, you were informed that the destructions of people, animals and all living things on earth during that time did not make Yahweh a wicked God. He had to bring that eon to an end. Each eon ends with destruction. Please, go back to my previous blogs on Eons and behind the scenes of all creations for details. Please, understand that Yahweh never makes mistakes. He does all things according to the counsel of
                                                                  Topic: How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 6) Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 7: Main text) Hello my dear readers, may the grace and mercy of Yahweh be unto you. In the last blog, you read about how Yahweh wrapped up the end of second eon. Before he did so, he spoke with Noah concerning what he planned to do for the whole earth. Noah found grace in the presence of Yahweh and this does not have to do with his good behavior. Grace is what we receive from Yahweh when we deserve the opposite. In the last blog, I did not go into details of how Noah built the ark; gather all animals and food; the rain fell heavily for many days. I did not also explain on how the rest people died among many other things that happened because all these events occurred in chapter 7 of the book of Genesis. The main thing pointed out