Topic: How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 6)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 7: Main text)

Hello my dear readers, may the grace and mercy of Yahweh be unto you.

In the last blog, you read about how Yahweh wrapped up the end of second eon. Before he did so, he spoke with Noah concerning what he planned to do for the whole earth. Noah found grace in the presence of Yahweh and this does not have to do with his good behavior. Grace is what we receive from Yahweh when we deserve the opposite. In the last blog, I did not go into details of how Noah built the ark; gather all animals and food; the rain fell heavily for many days. I did not also explain on how the rest people died among many other things that happened because all these events occurred in chapter 7 of the book of Genesis. The main thing pointed out to you last week was to understand that Yahweh never makes mistakes. He may appear that he is showing human attributes like being angry or regretful of his actions, but in absolute sense, he is never angry or regretting any of his actions.

In chapter 7 of the book of Genesis, all incidence mentioned in the above paragraph occurred. Yahweh brought deluge of rain on the earth. The crevices of the heavens were opened. The rain poured on earth for 40 days and 40 nights. This rain fell so much that the whole earth was covered by the water. All flesh that was moving on earth died. It was very terrible to those who lived on earth in those days.

Just imagine all that happened in those 40 days and 40 nights. It was a terrible loss of lives and property.

I have heard from some people who said Yahweh was a destroyer of things. Many people have problems with him on how he had destroyed many cities in Old Testament of Bible. Some people have beef against Yahweh on so many things. Some always hate to hear that there is God Yahweh. A few people have told me that there is no Yahweh and even, if there is, why is he letting evil happen on earth? One of these people almost hit me because he was vehement on his arguments against all things he had read in the scripture about Yahweh. I could not fight to defend Yahweh of course. For me personally, I found it strange that anyone could have case against Yahweh. However, I have come up with a few explanations on who Yahweh is:

Ø  The book of Psalm 24:1: The bible points out that Yahweh owns the earth and its fullness; the habitants and those dwelling in it. In order words, everything on this earth is owned by Yahweh. If Yahweh owns everything, should anyone be angry at his decision on what belongs to him?

Ø  Romans 8:20-20: This world is being subjected to frustration not by its own fault or wrong doing. Yahweh the subjector made it so, to achieve his personal objectives. He is the only one that has free will.

Ø  The book of Romans 9: 19. The bible made it known that no one can resist the will of Yahweh. In order words, no one can find fault in the decision of Yahweh, even though it may appears to be nonsense to human beings. Remember that he had planned everything that is happening on earth before they occur. He only reveals in part or to some extent on what will happen in future to whomever he will. So, those who he reveals the future to, they are called his Prophets. The secrets he revealed to his Prophets are called revelations and they are written in the scriptures that we read. These secrets are opened, yet they are secrets because they are coded information. We see them but we do not understand all, except his Spirit reveals them to us.

Ø  Remember that Yahweh is Spirit. He is not human. He does not have literal body parts as humans do have. He is not in anyone's league. No one can fathom the depth of his wisdom and the height of his glory. He does all things according to his pleasure Revelation 4:11.

Ø  Romans 9:16: Human beings depend on Yahweh's grace and mercy not by efforts.

Ø  Romans 9:20: You cannot talk back to Yahweh. Please, understand this.

Ø  Romans 9:21: Yahweh is the potter and you are the clay. You cannot decide for him. Please, do not be deceived!

               I can go on and on. However, if you still have beef against Yahweh for the destruction of this world, especially the calamities happening in this world, remember that he has reason for everything. More so, everything that happens comes up to fulfill Yahweh's plans. All things must respond to him at his will. However, the good news is that all are saved because these people will be conciliated to Yahweh in the long run and these people would learn righteousness (Isaiah 26:9).

You will see more examples of how Yahweh deals with his creations in the subsequent blogs.

Continue to stay tuned.

Thanks for reading this blog. I hope you are blessed through it. Please, leave your comments and questions. Be nice with them.

Have a wonderful day.



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