Topic: How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 9)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 11-12: Main texts)

How are you all doing my dear blog readers? I pray that the grace and mercy of Yahweh be to you. It is another week to get blessed. In the last blog, you were informed of the names of the generations of children of Noah in Genesis chapter 10. You were also informed of how Yahweh rolled out his plan by making people build a tower to reach heaven. In turn, he disintegrated their language. He did all these to ensure people were scattered all over the world. When people speak the same language, it may not be easy to achieve this, but when they speak different languages, it would be easy for people to go into different locations. I hope you can see the wisdom on Yahweh in the affairs of humanity.

Most Bible scholars and Bible preachers may think Yahweh disintegrated people's language because they built the tower (so, it may look as if he punished them for wrong doing) but not exactly. He made them build the tower for him to separate them eventually. Thus, he ensured his words in Genesis chapter 1:28 and 9:1 came to pass. Matthew 24:35 points out that the words of Elohim Yahweh will not miss what it was meant for. Yahweh may appear as if he was not in these incidences in relative sense, but he was the one behind all these in absolute sense. He did it to fulfill his will. I hope you were blessed by this too.

In this week, I will like to wrap up what is in Genesis chapter 11. You will observe that names of the generations of Shem were focused on. It indicates that since the remaining children of Noah went into different ways, less information could be heard or recorded in the scriptures for them. If you ask me why, I believe the answer is obvious. It was time for Yahweh to carry out the next thing on his agenda.

What could that be?

It was time for him to be preparing grounds for his son Yeshua to be born and fulfill the task lined ahead for him. So, Yahweh had to choose a vessel to use for this purpose. This vessel was chosen from the family of Shem down to Terah and eventually, Abram. Why Abram?

Chapter 12 of the book of Genesis explained a lot on the call of Abram. First of all, Yahweh had been pulling out Terah and his family from the location where the great grand children of Shem were located from the land of Ur to Haran. From this location, Yahweh called out Abram to move away from his people in Haran to Canaan. According to Google search, this was 12,180 Kilometer if you travel at a constant speed of 50 kilometer per hour. This is also 7,568.9 miles journey. From verse 1 through 3 of chapter 12, Yahweh met with Abram. He had covenants with him. With these covenants, Abram had to embark on a journey to get him to the land Yahweh promised him. I will come back to discuss his experiences in his this journeys hopefully in the next blog. Meanwhile, I will like to talk about the covenants he made with Abram. I know you would like to understand these covenants too.

It can be inferred from Genesis chapter 12: 1 through 3 that:

Ø  In verse 1: Yahweh said to Abram to go by himself out of his land (location) and kindred (people) to the land he would show him. Initially, Abram did not know this land but he did eventually. There was no record that Abram was taught by his parents to know who Yahweh is, but remember he came from the family of Shem who were serving Yahweh. According to a historian, most people were serving idols and abandoned Yahweh. Abram was created to have hunger for the living Yahweh who was not carved into images for people to see. Yahweh had already put this hunger and thirst in Abram to look for a God of his forefathers. More so, Yahweh made us all and he can always reach out to us whenever he wants. Abram left his people without questioning Yahweh. He actually got the answer that satisfied his hunger. Promising Abram of the land he would show him began the covenants Yahweh had with Abram. If you observe more critically, Yahweh did not say that Abram had to follow his instruction before he had covenant of blessing with him. The covenants of blessing were not conditional. Besides this, no one can resist Yahweh's will. It is just like the influence Magnets have on steels or metals. Abram was meant for this event.

Ø  In verse 2: Yahweh continued with his covenants with Abram. He said that he would make Abram a great nation. This was fulfilled in the fourth generation of Abram. Yahweh also covenanted with Abram that he shall be blessed. In order words, true blessing come from Yahweh. If he covenants blessing with you, he would fulfill it. Yahweh covenanted with Abram that he would make his name great. This has come to pass even during the life time of Abram (whose his name was later changed to Abraham). Yahweh laid emphasis on his covenant to bless Abram by stating that indeed, he would be blessed. Yahweh does not joke with his words.

Ø  In verse 3: Yahweh mentioned it third time that he would bless Abram to the extent that whoever blesses him would also be blessed. What a contagious kind of blessing! On the other hand, Yahweh covenanted with Abram that he would curse whoever maledicts him. This covenant is not limited to Abram but to his bloodline. Yahweh covenanted with Abram that through him, all families of the ground (world) would be blessed. This is my favorite of all the covenants.

You may be wondering why Yahweh had to have such huge covenants with Abram. It was not because Abram was righteous or upright before Yahweh. It was not because Abram was sinless.

It was also not because Abram was seeking for an unseen God. In short, Abram did not earn these covenants by good deeds. It pleased Yahweh to have covenants with Abram.

Why should this be so?

Ø  Yahweh had planned to bring salvation to the whole world through an offspring of Noah in the name of Shem. From Shem, Abram sprouted. Through this sprout, a seed would come out to fulfill Yahweh's plan of salvation in the future and the seed is Yeshua.

Ø  Yahweh owns the future. He had planned out everything before all these events began. He was not looking for someone to have covenanted with. He was cruising on his plan.

Ø  Remember that in Genesis chapter 10, Noah stated that Japheth would dwell in the tent of Shem and children of Ham would be their slaves, especially Canaan? Where do you think Abram came from? Was it not from the family of Shem? Can you connect the dots? Were all these events by accident? No! Therefore, it can be concluded that through children of Shem, all families off the world will be blessed.

In conclusion, Yahweh had been in control all the while. I must confess that there are lots to discuss in this chapter but I have to stop for now. I will like you to read this blog over and over. We may not see Yahweh literarily taking steps but he is truly doing so. In the long run, you will understand it in case you do not believe it now. I believe you can see that it is all about Yahweh, not about Abram after all!

Continue to stay tuned.

Thanks for reading this blog. I hope you are blessed through it. Please, leave your comments and questions.

Be nice with them.

Have a wonderful day.




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