Topic: How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 8)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 10-11: Main text)

               How are you all doing my dear blog readers? May the grace and mercy of Yahweh be unto you. It is another week to get blessed. In the last blog, you were informed of the notice given by Yahweh to Noah and his family in Genesis chapter 8. You were informed that Yahweh owed no man any notice but he chose to relate with them because he made them. In the book of Genesis chapter 9, you were also informed of how Yahweh rolled out his plans on humans by making Noah got drunk and uncovered himself while sleeping. Ham mocked the nakedness of his father but his 2 other brothers (Shem and Japheth) covered the nakedness of their father by walking backward. May be he thought it was funny, but it was not. To cut the long story short, curse was placed on children of Ham and it still works on them until today. You may claim that Christ Yeshua has freed you from curse. You are correct, but that is of the sin through Adam and Eve. Not from how people have been organized to live by Yahweh in this current eon. It was a deliberate act of Yahweh to make it happen. For more detail on this blog, please go back to read series 7.

In this week, I like to peep into chapter 10 and take a more look into chapter 11.

In chapter 10, it can be inferred from it that the children of Noah had many sons and daughters. Their names may sound right to many of you that are familiar with this chapter. For example, children of Japheth included Gomer; Magog; Madai; Javan e.t.c. Children of Gomer included Ashkenaz; Riphath and Togarmah; Children of Javan included Tarshish; Kittim e.t.c. Children of Ham included Cush; Put; and Canaan. Children of Cush included Havilah; Sheba; Nimrod e.t.c. Out of these names, many tribes and tongues were created. You can see a couple of the above names on world ancient maps. By the way, are words like Gomer and Magog familiar to you? You can see them in the book of Revelations. These names have a lot to do towards the end of eon 3 that we are.

The plan of Yahweh was to make children of Noah spread all over this world.  This was pointed out in Genesis 9:1. However, I believe part of chapter 10 supposed to be in chapter 11 because when the scripture mentioned that children of Noah were scattered around the world with different tongues, it triggers the events that happened in chapter 11. Do you like to know the events? I bet you are, especially if you have never read it in your bible. By the way, I am planning to create a project in the nearest future on a very huge topic concerning "One-World Government". It promises to be a blessing to everyone. The real title will not be released by now because of possible piracy.

Now, to chapter 11 of the book of Genesis (11:1). It can be inferred from this chapter that humans were creative, lived together in a place called Shinar. Shinar is in the eastern part of Garden of Eden. In those days, the scripture made it known that people had Nimrod as their leader. He was a great hunter before the Lord. According to an historian, Nimrod was politically powerful. He led many people away from worshipping Elohim Yahweh that Noah and children of Noah were worshipping in their days. He was very influential. So, he encouraged people to live together and create a symbol of togetherness. What might this be? It was the tower of Babel.

The idea behind building this structure was to avoid possible flood from Yahweh and have a one world government. Yahweh knew this would happen. He was waiting for the right time to act. One thing you must remember is that all is of God (2 Corinthians 5:18). He knew he had to bring his plan into fruition. What was his plan? Let me remind you. In the book of Genesis 1:28, Yahweh pronounced blessing with commandments that humans should be fruitful and increase; fill the earth and subdue it. How would humans fill the earth if they had lived together? It might take longer time to achieve this, but Yahweh knew what to do.

What did he do it?

He put it into the minds of people with their leadership chaired by Nimrod to build a tower to reach Elohim Yahweh and to avoid flood (as mentioned earlier). Then, in Genesis 11: 5-8 point out that:

Ø  He descended down from heaven to see the activities and courage of humans on erecting a tower.

Ø  He acknowledged that humans were speaking in one language. Therefore, they were in one accord. This is a display of relative sense of Yahweh. He acted as humans.

Ø  He acknowledged (in relative sense) that humans carry out their plans when they are determined. This is also the manifestation of his blessings on humans in Genesis 1:28. Humans were fruitful (productive) and subdued (manage) the earth (resources available).

Ø  He called on his son Yeshua on what should be done. Remember, they were the only two in creation, not three. He said, let us descend and disintegrate their language so than each man may not understand whatever his associate/neighbor says.

Ø  In verse 8, the plan he informed his son about was carried out. Yahweh knew that by disintegrating the language of humans, they would not be in one accord to continue to build the tower.

Ø  In addition, Yahweh knew that by disintegrating human's language, they would be forced to move away from each other and therefore fill the earth. This was his plan from the beginning. He fulfilled it at the right time!

Since people in those days could not speak one language, they looked for those who could understand them and formed their colonies in various places around the word. Thus, Yahweh achieved his plans on humans in eon 3.

In conclusion, you would observe that three powerful things had happened in Yahweh's plans for eon 3 according to the book of Genesis:

1. In chapter 9, he organized the hierarchy of how humans supposed to live on earth. He made some people serve other people.

2. In chapter 11, he made people speak different languages. For an example, if my English writing is not good enough, do not blame me (lol)!

3. In the same chapter 11, he made people move around the world. So, Yahweh got his plan carried out.

Hardly can some tribes (especially children of Ham) in this world communicate effectively if they do not learn how to speak or write in languages of the children of Japheth and Shem.

Up till now, Yahweh is still carrying out his plans one step after another until this eon ends in absolute sense.

To him be all the glory. He is always in control of the affairs of humans in this world! He does things according to his pleasure (Revelation 4:11).



Continue to stay tuned.

Thanks for reading this blog. I hope you are blessed through it. Please, leave your comments and questions.

Be nice with them.

Have a wonderful day.




  1. Phew! What a blessing. Now, the story is going to get more interesting! Thanks to Yahweh for this week blog. I love it.


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