Topic: How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 7)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 8-9: Main text)

               How are you all doing my dear blog readers? May the grace and mercy of Yahweh be unto you. It is another week to get blessed. Last week blog discussed how flood covered the whole earth and how it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Towards the end of that blog, you were informed that the destructions of people, animals and all living things on earth during that time did not make Yahweh a wicked God. He had to bring that eon to an end. Each eon ends with destruction. Please, go back to my previous blogs on Eons and behind the scenes of all creations for details. Please, understand that Yahweh never makes mistakes. He does all things according to the counsel of his will (Ephesians 1:11).

In this week, it can be inferred from Genesis 8 that water drained off the land when Noah was at age 601. Yahweh instructed Noah, his family and all animals to get out of the ark to continue their lives. This signaled the beginning of another eon which is the third one. A couple of classified information was divulged to Noah towards the end of chapter 8. They are:

Ø  Yahweh said to himself that he would not maledict (curse) the ground (earth) anymore. He alone has the ability to decide on what to do. This is a revelation revealed to Noah (verse 21) by Yahweh. Otherwise, no one would have known what Yahweh had decided to do.  Remember, only Yahweh has freewill. No one has it, but him. This will was made known to Noah. They were just like notifications to Noah and his families of what to come next:

Ø  In verse 22, Yahweh stated that there would be seedtime and harvest time, cold and warmth, summer and winter and they would not stop. In other words, Yahweh informed Noah of how he had arranged times and seasons for all humans in eon 3. Remember that it had never rained on earth before.

Ø  The destruction of eon 2 did not alter human nature to commit sin or do evil in eon 3. In verse 21, Yahweh unveiled his heart to Noah that human's evil thoughts and deeds begins from their younger ages (youth) and it will continue. In my opinion, I believe Noah and his family should never thought of doing evil. I also thought this family should have behaved themselves righteously and be wary of Yahweh's possible judgments, if they were found doing evil. May be Yahweh should had stopped people from doing evil, but he did not. He knew people would continue to do evil, but should it ever have started with Noah's family? If it never did, then from where should evil deeds had started? Chapter 9 unveils the beginning of evil deeds that created the basis of majority of all evils being committed on this earth by humans in eon 3.

In chapter 9, Yahweh pronounced the blessings he pronounced on Adam and Eve on Noah and all other creations (9:1). Other things that happened in this chapter included the followings:

Ø  Yahweh made covenant with Noah and his family with rainbow stating that he would not destroy the world with flood anymore. He added that rainbow will show up in the sky as a token of his covenant with humans. Why should Yahweh make covenant with humans in the first place? In Psalm 8:4, the writer was wondering why Yahweh was mindful of humans. He was bewildered on how Yahweh still cares for humans despite human's evil deeds. You know one thing? Humans are the sheep of his pastures (Psalm 100:3). He cares for humans despite humans' flaws. He is a merciful God!

Ø     However, sin began to manifest from verse 20 through 27. Like I mentioned above that towards chapter 8, Yahweh's destruction of eon 2 did not deter sin. He knew more sins would occur in eon 3. That is why he said in his heart that he would not always have cross with humans because he knew they were full of evil thoughts right from their youth.

Ø     The whole drama subtly began from verse 21. Noah got drunk.  Drunk? Wait a minute. Did the book of Genesis chapter 6 verse 9 pointed out that Noah was a righteous and without blame. Why did he get drunk and got himself naked? Religious people might have serious problem with Noah on this issue. One of his sons (Ham) saw that his father (Noah) was drunk and was lying under his tent uncovered. Ham supposed to cover his father but went to his other 2 brothers (Shem and Japheth) to tell them what he saw. Shem and Japheth did the right thing by covering their father's nakedness and walked backwardly to do so. This is what Ham supposed to have done in the first place. He might have called his brothers for assistance to do so. He rather mocked his father who was under influence of alcoholic. Ham's brothers did not see their father's nakedness because they thought it would be disrespectful to their father. Remember that the three sons were born in the same year.

Ø     In verse 24, what Ham might think was funny later became issue that was not funny. His father woke from his sleep and remembered all that happened even when he was under stupor! This is not an ordinary memory recollection. Yahweh was ready to create world of domination among sons of Noah. So, Noah pronounced curse on Ham's son. He never removed the curse. He stated that Canaan would be slaves to his brothers. Ham's sons were Canaan (the first born); Cush; Misraim and Put. Of all these sons, Canaan was the lowest slave of them. All sons of Ham were slaves to the sons of Shem and Japheth, but Canaan (the first born of Ham) was not cursed to be the least/lowest slave of Ham's son only but also cursed to be the slave to Shem's sons and Japheth's sons.

Ø     In order words, Canaan had to bear the curse of what his father had done to Noah. The curse might not had been effective during the time of Noah, but gradually, it began to manifest and gradually, generations of Ham became slaves but the lowest of all slaves are Canaan's families.

               The world has been troubled with color separations. The world has been plagued with serious mass killings; mal-handlings of minorities; rapes; human trafficking; open and secret cheatings on minorities; removing father figures from black families with Western culture, laws, religions and their social beliefs to destabilize black families; world political and economical manipulations on black generations. Depicting to the whole world that a certain color is superior in society while the rest are second rated in all manners of events is not ordinary. There are definitely reasons for all these acts.

               In relative sense, it is sad that this is the way this world is currently operating. Children of Ham are spread around the world but are concentrated in Africa. Children of Shem and Japheth are dominating children of Ham. They are directly and indirectly colonizing children of Ham (willingly or unwillingly). If generations of Ham invent something good, most of the times, the children of Shem and Japheth will take it over, make it their own and become proprietors of it. They make their franchises on the brains and sweats of children of Ham. You can see this in science, technology, sports, arts and culture and industrial developments. It may be hard to belief that Yahweh is in control of all these things happening in this world. In absolute sense, he truly is. Who can withstand his will (Romans 13:2)?

In conclusion, to many people, the way most black generations have been sidelined is grossly unfair but Yahweh knows better. He will definitely make things right at the right time. I do not like to end this week blog on a negative mood, but we have to understand that there would be a time when there would be no more curse on earth and the people living in it (Revelations 22:3). Amen.


Continue to stay tuned.

Thanks for reading this blog. I hope you are blessed through it. Please, leave your comments and questions.

Be nice with them.

Have a wonderful day.





  1. Thanks to Yahweh on this blog. He is faithful. Despite all, he never despises his own people. He is a fair judge and he will makes things right at the right time.


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