
Showing posts from October, 2021

Did Yahweh create only good?

    Did Yahweh create only good? Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance ): Isaiah 45:7; Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; 2 Corinthians 5:19             Last week, we learnt that no one can influence the decision of Yahweh. Towards the conclusion of last week blog, we came into a point of asking whether Yahweh only creates good and never destroy as well. I promised we would look into this in detail in this week. Well, here we go. I pray this message blesses your soul as you read it.             Have you ever come to think of what Solomon said in the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1? He pointed out that for everything, there is a stated time. In other words, there is a written time for things to happen in this world either for good or for evil. If you read further in verses 2 through 8, you would see that there is indeed time and season for everything under this heaven. In addition to this, Yahweh defended himself in the book of I
  God's decision influencers Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance ): Psalm 18:20-33; Isaiah 45:11-12; Romans 11:33-36 Last week, we learnt that our will are in the will of Yahweh (God that made Heavens and Earth). In case you have not read last week blog, please go back to it for details. This week, I need your attention on this issue pertinent to our life. We need to understand this truth and stop being fooled. Rather, we need to stop fooling ourselves. How do I mean?             Some religious people have got to a conclusion that God is a being they can instruct to do according to their desire. Some preachers have even turned Yahweh to a switch they can turn on and off according to their desires. Their congregations have been fooled to believe Yahweh can be commanded to do things according to their desires. Some preachers even make their members to give money (sow seeds) to collect their des
  Your will in His will Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance ): Psalm 139:14-16; I Samuel 1:1-20; Philippians 2:13; Jeremiah 29:11; Revelation 4:11; Romans 9:19-21                In the last blog, you were informed that Yahweh has agenda or plan for everyone. His plans are his will. His will is what he had documented long before we exist. This may be somehow strange to you but it is the truth. As a matter of fact, many times, we think we have abilities to make choice. We believe we make our own destiny. We believe we can get what we want whenever we want it. Have you ever will for something in your life and you got it? Have you ever wished for something and you could not get it? Have you ever procrastinated on something you would have achieved ordinarily? Have you ever lost interest on something you had desire to get before? What caused the change of mind? Some even believe Yahweh gives us permission to

Committing your plans in prayer

Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance ): Psalm 37:5; I John 5:14.             A s humans, planning is innocuous. As a matter of fact, it is si-ne qua non of human behaviors. For those who like to itemize their plans in writing prior execution, you are not alone. Sometimes, I jump out of my bed while I am half asleep to write down things I like to carry out in the following days or a few days later. May be you are one of those who like to itemize what you intend to achieve in the next 5 years. There is nothing wrong in this. However, as Believers, we should understand that there are more to planning. This is where Psalm 37:5 comes in. It says, "Hand over your way to Yahweh; trust on Him, and He shall do it". What does it means to commit our ways to Yahweh? There are few things to understand on this Bible verse: Ø   Your ways are your plans (whether you document it or not prior execution). Ø   When