God's decision influencers

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance): Psalm 18:20-33; Isaiah 45:11-12; Romans 11:33-36

Last week, we learnt that our will are in the will of Yahweh (God that made Heavens and Earth). In case you have not read last week blog, please go back to it for details.

This week, I need your attention on this issue pertinent to our life. We need to understand this truth and stop being fooled. Rather, we need to stop fooling ourselves.

How do I mean?

            Some religious people have got to a conclusion that God is a being they can instruct to do according to their desire. Some preachers have even turned Yahweh to a switch they can turn on and off according to their desires. Their congregations have been fooled to believe Yahweh can be commanded to do things according to their desires. Some preachers even make their members to give money (sow seeds) to collect their desired miracles from Yahweh. Hmn.....

Can we truly command or instruct Yahweh to do according to our desires? The answer is no.

            If you are a bible scholar, you may point out the bible says Yahweh will grant you whatever you desire. Check that scripture very well. Isaiah 45:11 is a direct question concerning Yahweh's supremacy. It is not a blank check given to you to command him concerning anything. The bible verse also says, "May God gives you according to your heart" (Psalm 20:4). The word there is "May". This means it is up to Yahweh to grant you what you desire. For better understanding, I will like to take you to the book of Genesis 18:20-33.

Truths to know in the account of Genesis 18:20-33:

Ø  Yahweh, the creator of Heavens and Earth (Isaiah 45:12) related with Abraham as if they were on the same level, contemporaries or friends. So, he told Abraham of his mission in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Ø  Abraham was quick to ask Yahweh on whether Yahweh would indeed sweep off the righteous with the wicked. Abraham was somehow reminding Yahweh of Yahweh's attributes. So, he continued to lay out his heart desires to Yahweh concerning this issue.

Ø  Abraham began to bargain with Yahweh as Melon sellers in the market on what Yahweh purposed to do in his mind by mentioning numbers of righteous people from 50.

Ø  When Abraham realized that Yahweh was giving him attention, he went all the way down to 10 righteous people.

What was Abraham thinking? Did he forget he was bargaining with Yahweh? Seriously, what was he thinking?

            Let us see.....maybe he was thinking Lot (Abraham's cousin) should be able gather at least 9 righteous people with him. By this, Yahweh would not destroy the city of Sodom and Gomorrah. This is how many people think. Most of the times, we think we can carve out how we want Yahweh to answer our prayers. I call it designed prayers points. This is ridiculous. Do you know what Paul the Apostle said in the book of Romans 11:33-36?

Paul pointed out that:

Ø  Depth and riches of wisdom belong to Yahweh

Ø  Who knows the mind of Yahweh?

Ø  Who became Yahweh's adviser?

Ø  Who gave Yahweh something that he needs to repay such person?

If there is no answer to any of the above questions, then you cannot influence Yahweh's decision by anything you may think you have or do.

            Back to Genesis 18:20-33. Abraham stopped at the count of possible 10 righteous people in the city of Sodom and Gomorrah. I feel like Yahweh was smiling within himself and say oh Abraham. Is it because I came in flesh and related with you as a friend makes you think you can influence my decision? If I really want to take to your bargain, I will destroy everyone in the city of Sodom and Gomorrah. However, I have three people to save in that city. That is my decision.

            So, you see, sometimes, we feel we win jackpot if our prayers got answered not knowing that Yahweh had decided it before we opened our mouth to pray on it. Even, before we desire anything in our minds, Yahweh had already known and his decision is the final on our heart desires! Supposed Yahweh acted according to Abraham's desire and found that only three people (Lot and his two daughters) were righteous, what do you think would had happened on that day? No one would have survived that destruction.

Question: Yahweh is popularly known for creating good things. Can he also destroy things? This question would be answered next week blog.

So, no one can really advise, counsel or influence Yahweh's decision.

Keep trusting in Yahweh to continue to direct your life. Stop being fooled by foxes in sheep clothing you love to patronize!

Hope this blog blesses you too.

Please, leave comments and be nice with it.

Have a great week.




  1. It's time to learn more about who Yahweh is. He drew the line between himself and his creature. Happy reading.

  2. What is the position of prayer then? Or must we pray ?

    1. Yes, we should pray. According to the scripture, we should pray without ceasing. To answer your question, the "position" of prayer or the purpose of prayer is for us to have peace of mind in whatever situation we may be in. Philippians 4:7 says in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God and the PEACE OF GOD WHICH PASSES UNDERSTANDING SHALL KEEP YOUR HEARTS AND MIND. You notice it doesn't say and then God shall answer your prayer, but it says you'll be at peace.

    2. @Akin OYAN: Thanks for your question. I believe you have received the response from Nneka.
      In addition to this, prayer is one of the ways to communicate with Yahweh. Yeshua prayed to his Father many times in the Bible. However, Yeshua understood that his prayer was not about his will but his father's will.
      Since children of Yahweh cannot find alternatives to Yahweh for answers to their prayers, they have to understand that once we pray, we should have faith that Yahweh will answer us according to his plans for us. We should not think it's our duty to just pray and it's Yahweh's duty to answer. This will make it look like taking Yahweh in partnership or a tag-team. No! Yahweh is nobody's tag-team. He is our father who knows the best for us. He will answer our prayers according to the counsel of his will ephesians 1:11.


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