Committing your plans in prayer

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance): Psalm 37:5; I John 5:14.

            As humans, planning is innocuous. As a matter of fact, it is si-ne qua non of human behaviors. For those who like to itemize their plans in writing prior execution, you are not alone. Sometimes, I jump out of my bed while I am half asleep to write down things I like to carry out in the following days or a few days later. May be you are one of those who like to itemize what you intend to achieve in the next 5 years. There is nothing wrong in this. However, as Believers, we should understand that there are more to planning. This is where Psalm 37:5 comes in. It says, "Hand over your way to Yahweh; trust on Him, and He shall do it".

What does it means to commit our ways to Yahweh? There are few things to understand on this Bible verse:

Ø  Your ways are your plans (whether you document it or not prior execution).

Ø  When you commit your ways (plans) to Yahweh, it does not mean he will do it on your own terms. This is what many Bible scholars and Bible students need to understand. Yahweh will do it on his own terms. Understand that you cannot force Yahweh's mind to do your will. If anyone had told you that before, do not believe them. Desist from them! Yahweh works things out according to the counsel of his will (Ephesians 1:11).

Ø  He will do what you commit into his hands according to his arrangements. You may have up to five things you trusted into the hands of Yahweh. What you think should be achieved first might not be in his will. He knows what should come first in your plan.

Ø  In his own time, things will take good shape for you and you will come to understand the wisdom of his timing. Sometimes, we want things to go in our ways, but may not be so, if it is not in Yahweh's will.

Having explained all these, the book of first John chapter 5 verses 14 pointed out that we should have boldness towards Yahweh that whenever we request anything from him, according to his will, he hears us and does it. This should be our confidence that Yahweh is the only wise God who knows the best.

The question is, how do we know his will?

Ø  My humble answer to this question is, no one knows his will (next thing on his agenda) for us but through his Spirit. That is why his Spirit prays through us in inarticulate manner (Romans 8:26-27). So, this is why we should trust in Him (Yahweh) by knowing that he knows the next thing on his agenda for us. His agenda? Does Yahweh have agenda for everyone? My answer to this question is YES! He does. How? That will be next week lesson. Before then, what do you think of Romans 9:19?

In conclusion, you can never be too sure you know the next thing good for your life but the one who created you. So, when you commit your plans into his hands, let him direct you through his Spirit. He will inform you what you should do first and at what time. You may not like it, but Yahweh is always right.

Hope this lesson blesses you too.

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Have a great week!



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