Your will in His will

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance): Psalm 139:14-16; I Samuel 1:1-20; Philippians 2:13; Jeremiah 29:11; Revelation 4:11; Romans 9:19-21

               In the last blog, you were informed that Yahweh has agenda or plan for everyone. His plans are his will. His will is what he had documented long before we exist. This may be somehow strange to you but it is the truth. As a matter of fact, many times, we think we have abilities to make choice. We believe we make our own destiny. We believe we can get what we want whenever we want it. Have you ever will for something in your life and you got it? Have you ever wished for something and you could not get it? Have you ever procrastinated on something you would have achieved ordinarily? Have you ever lost interest on something you had desire to get before? What caused the change of mind? Some even believe Yahweh gives us permission to get all we want. Today's blog will open the eyes of many readers to see the truth on this issue.

You see, many religion theories would tell you something of this nature but not giving you the plain truth. This week, you are about to learn the truth. Truth is bitter, but it is a beautiful thing. So, get the truth and live a spiritual healthy life.

These are the truth for you to understand:

Ø  In Psalm 139:14-16, it can be inferred that your existence was determined by Yahweh. So, all you will be has been documented before you exist. It is not negotiable.

Ø  Romans 9:19 points out that you cannot resist the will of Yahweh. Therefore, your will is nothing if it is not inside his will for your life. Whether you like it or not, you walk in the path of his will. Whether you are conscious of it or not, you are fulfilling his will everyday of your life. No one can resist the will of Yahweh. You are born into his will and you need to understand this.

Ø  Romans 9:20-21 points out that you cannot talk back to Yahweh in refusal to do his will. What I am telling you is that you cannot run out of his will for you. You are just clay and he is the Potter. See Jonah's life in his chapter 1 of his book.

Ø  Yahweh takes all glory because his will is his pleasure. That is why he is the Potter that cannot be argued against. I must let you know that he creates good and evil people too (Romans 9:21-23). All for his pleasures! (Revelation 4:11).

Before, I conclude this lesson; let me give you a couple of examples:

Ø  It was Yahweh's will to love Jacob and hates Esau. Romans 9:13

Ø   Moses was created to rescue Israelites from Egypt. Ramses was created to stop Yahweh's will over the enslaved Israelites (study the book of Exodus; Romans 9:14-18). Yahweh flexed his muscles to create a story the whole world will continue to remember for many years.

Ø  He granted Hannah's request at the time he needed Eli to vacate his position of Chief Priest of Israel (I Samuel 1:1-20).

Ø  He changes government of each country to fulfill his plans for each country in this world. You may not realize this, but it is true. He did the same by removing Samuel and replace Israelites leader with King Saul. He did this to create the breaking of Israel after a couple of centuries. If he did not do that, we may not have heard of Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar; the three Hebrews; Ezekiel; Jeremiah; Esther; Ezra; Nehemiah; Mordecai and Haman among many Bible characters!

               Just so you know: Yahweh is in the control of all affairs of this world. He is not nosy. He is ensuring that his will is fulfilled (Matthew 24:25). However, he keeps people in the bubble of ignorance. He even disguises himself from being noticed. So, we only see ourselves and we believe we make our destiny. This is not true! We make nothing. We walk in his will with or without our knowledge. If someone tells you that you make your destiny, tell them that you would have loved to come as a white if you were born in other color or race. Tell them you would have loved to be born in developed countries like United States instead of a place in Africa where people die of hunger, diseases and war. Tell them you would have loved to be born in England eating with the Queen everyday instead of smacking your belly with cereals and milk every morning! Tell them your 8-12 hour work shifts would have made you a millionaire by now while some rich people work less than you do.

               So, you see my dear, there are things we have no answer for. We cannot change it. It is because that is the will of Yahweh for us. If you pray to Yahweh concerning any issue and he answers your prayers, it might be his will for your life. Sometimes, he does not answers you as quick as you want because he knows the best time to grant you your request. All things that occur in this world had been written long before this world exists. So, there is nothing that catches Yahweh unawares.

This is the truth you may not get from many sources, but it has been given to you today.

Question: What must you do to this truth?

Ø  You are not accidentally created (Psalm 139-13-16)

Ø  The only helper you have is your maker, Yahweh (Psalm 121:1-6)

Ø  Bible is the manual to keep you going. Just like property manual helps you to know how to assemble property.

Ø  Before you were born, you have been known (Isaiah 45:1-5); Jeremiah 1:1-7. Trust in him to direct you. You are not a stranger to Yahweh.

Ø  Trust him to direct you. You are not as wise as you may think. He knows better Proverb 3:5-6.

               In conclusion, we are actors and actresses in his written play. Among us, there are protagonists and antagonists. We act these roles out every day but we may not know it. All we act are in his will. However, to the people he separated, he calls; he justifies and he glorifies. These people are special people who have come to understand that Yahweh works things according to the counsel of his will (Ephesians 1:11; Philippians 2:13). They also realize that all is of God (Yahweh) II Corinthians 5:18. He hears your prayers and cries. He will surely give you the good ending (Jeremiah 29:11) you hope for in his own timing and will.

So, this week, please join me to say not my will, but your will Father (Luke 22:42). Amen.

Hope this lesson blesses you too.

More lesson to come next week God willing.

Please, leave comments and be nice with them.



  1. It is all in Yahweh's plans. His plans are his will.

    1. Wow! This is awesome! Joshua, my brother, God has really established you in His truth. You are so flowing with it. I thank God! Good write-up. Not only did God create both good and evil people as you indicated above, but God also USES both good and evil. Remember 1 kings 22:21-23 (for a better contest read from verses 1 through 23). God sent an evil spirit to deceive Ahab's prophets. The amazing thing is that God told the evil spirit "thou shalt persuade him (Ahab) and prevail also, go forth and do so". Can you imagine if Ahab was fasting and praying to overcome the evil spirit. You mentioned Romans 9... "for who has withstood His (God) intentions".

    2. Thanks for your comment. Concerning Ahab's issue, I plan to write on his issue. I have a few things to discuss about him. I agree with you that Evil spirit from God went to speak through prophets to Ahab to go to war. Yahweh had already determined that Ahab had to die in a war. So, he fashioned out how he would die. Do you realize that Ahab had a pinch of reservation on Prophet Micaiah son of Imlah's prophecy. Otherwise, he would have not disguised himself in that war. Yahweh knew Ahab hated Prophet Micaiah and fueled his hatred by making other prophets spoke lies to Ahab in order to make his will come to pass on Ahab. What do you think?


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