Did Yahweh create only good?



Did Yahweh create only good?

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance): Isaiah 45:7; Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; 2 Corinthians 5:19

            Last week, we learnt that no one can influence the decision of Yahweh. Towards the conclusion of last week blog, we came into a point of asking whether Yahweh only creates good and never destroy as well. I promised we would look into this in detail in this week. Well, here we go. I pray this message blesses your soul as you read it.

            Have you ever come to think of what Solomon said in the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1? He pointed out that for everything, there is a stated time. In other words, there is a written time for things to happen in this world either for good or for evil. If you read further in verses 2 through 8, you would see that there is indeed time and season for everything under this heaven.

In addition to this, Yahweh defended himself in the book of Isaiah 45:7 that he is the former of light and creator of evil. He is also the maker of good and the creator of evil.

What should you take from this truth?

Ø  Yahweh is the creator of everything.

Ø  All his actions are for his pleasure (Revelation 4:11)

Ø  All his actions are fulfilling his plans.

Ø  His plans were written before this world exists.

I cannot defend Yahweh. He does both good and evil. He spoke of his deeds in the book of Isaiah mentioned above. So, Yahweh was responsible for both good and evil.

What about Lucifer?

            Well, let me ask you: Who created Lucifer? If Lucifer actually originates evil, why did Yahweh not destroy him since these years? Just so you know, Lucifer was created to fulfill Yahweh's plans on earth. Yahweh had created time to conciliate all things to himself (2 Corinthians 5:19). This sounds ridiculous. You may even want to think you the blogger is out of his senses. That is not true. It is time for you to begin to unlearn all lies you were told in the places of worship about Yahweh.

So, you can see that nothing catches Yahweh unawares. He creates goods and evils to fulfill his plans. Have you ever asked yourself these questions?

1. How would a movie look, if all characters were acting good things?

2. How meaningful would a movie look like, if all that happened there are good things only?

3. How creative would a movie be, if all characters were acting bad things and there is no good thing that happened throughout?

            As you can see, these questions would probably make you start to think about who Yahweh is. It might start to make you read bible in a more different ways. It would also enable you to think on how Yahweh relates with his creations. Now, you are getting ready to get into something even deeper. Just wait until next week and let us go into the book of Romans 9 to see how Yahweh creates this movie we act daily in this planet Earth!

Hope this blog blesses you too.

Stay blessed.




  1. Think of who made of day and night. For Bible readers, you would agree with me that it is Yahweh (the maker of Heavens and Earth). Then, who created the good and evil? Hmn...Bible pointed out the one who made both. Yahweh never shy away from his creations. All were made to fulfil his plans. I understand that it may be difficult to comprehend but I pray that the Spirt of Yahweh makes you understand it. Happy reading.

  2. In places of worship, we were informed that Yahweh only does good but has ability to do evil. We were also informed that Yahweh never does evil. I found that all these are not true because the scriptures say otherwise. I wonder where these Church preachers got their notion....Hmn....definitely not from the Bible! Who is telling the truth: The preachers or Yahweh himself through his words? It is time we behave like the Bereans and stopped being tossed here and there with human wisdom in carving out doctrines that are not up to snuff.


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