
Showing posts from September, 2021
    Do we really know how to pray? Bible Texts: (Concordant Literal New with keywords concordance): Romans 8:26-27                Last week, we learnt that faith does the work and not fasting and prayer. This is rather shocking news to many people. However, the scriptures discussed in that lesson buttress this truth. This week, we want to unlearn what many people believe is the truth about prayer. Do we really know how to pray? Oh yes, I can tell where your mind may go to. It is in the book of Matthew 6:9-10. It says: Our Father Who art in the heavens....this is a foundation or the basic way to pray. However, this is not what this topic is discussing. You may think in your mind that prayer is speaking with Yahweh (God that made heavens and earth). You are correct, but do you really know how to pray? Prayer is beyond physical exercise. Even, in real sense, for you to pray to someone, it means the thing you are asking is beyond your ability to achieve but you really need someone t
  Faith through fasting Bible Texts: (Concordant Literal New with keywords concordance): Matthew 17:14-21             In the previous blog, we learnt that fasting may be used to enable us to focus on Yahweh on whatever we are asking him to do for us. It was also discussed that fasting is not a yardstick to get answer from Yahweh on our request. Many religious leaders have thought you that fasting is the key to get your prayers answered. Some religious leaders even love to prescribe number of days to fast for people as Medical dosage. Some people have developed Medical problems including ulcer as a result of this ignorance. This is a false doctrine. You are about to learn more truth about fasting while praying today. In Matthew 7:14-21:             And, at their coming to the throng, a man came to him, falling on his knees before and saying, Lord be merciful to my son, for he is epileptic, and is having an evil time. For often he is falling into fire and often into the water.....
  Fasting: How should we fast? Text: (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords concordance) Isaiah 58: 3-12; Matthew 6:16-18             While it is generally believed that fasting is when one skips food and drink for a certain number of hours, days, weeks or months, there are more to this exercise. Medically, fasting may also help. However, I like to focus on Spiritual implications of fasting. On Spiritual implications, many religious practitioners apply fasting to gain Spiritual muscles to attain their objectives. However, today's blog will discuss how fasting can be applied with better understanding and in another way. Question: Why do we fast? As stated earlier, fasting is beyond medical prescription and spiritual exercise. According to the book of Isaiah 58: 3 through 12, the following truths can be inferred: Ø   Fasting is a thing of Spirit and soul (mind) which should be between you and your maker, Yahweh. In order words, it


  What is Anointing? Bible Texts ( Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance ): Acts10:38; Acts; Isaiah 61:1-3; 45:1-5; Jeremiah 1:5; Judges 13:1-5                Before I go too far on this topic, I like to start with what many bible scholars and bible reader say about anointing. One of the common things I can gathered from them can be found in the book of Psalm 23:5 (You have sleeked my head with oil....). Most bible scholars and readers have attached anointing with pouring of oil one's head to signify that a person is separated to perform a specific duty. Unknowingly, many people need to understand today that pouring of oil on people is not the reason for one to be called an anointed person. This blog is created to expose, rebuke and entreat ( II Timothy 4:2 ) with all patience and teaching as teachings will be released to the whole world in season and out of season. There are few things that would be discussed