

What is Anointing?

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance): Acts10:38; Acts; Isaiah 61:1-3; 45:1-5; Jeremiah 1:5; Judges 13:1-5

               Before I go too far on this topic, I like to start with what many bible scholars and bible reader say about anointing. One of the common things I can gathered from them can be found in the book of Psalm 23:5 (You have sleeked my head with oil....). Most bible scholars and readers have attached anointing with pouring of oil one's head to signify that a person is separated to perform a specific duty. Unknowingly, many people need to understand today that pouring of oil on people is not the reason for one to be called an anointed person.

This blog is created to expose, rebuke and entreat (II Timothy 4:2) with all patience and teaching as teachings will be released to the whole world in season and out of season. There are few things that would be discussed on this topic which I encourage you to read to the last letter.

Ø  Anointing is not just when oil is poured on one's head. Anointing is simply when Yahweh (God that made Heavens and Earth) separates, ordained, consecrates and chose you before hand to carry out the plans he had designed for you.

Ø  His plans are written before you are created.  You are just a vessel prepared to carry out his plans.

Ø  Oil pouring is the physical manifestation of Yahweh's already predetermined choice/decision on human beings (Isaiah 61:1-3). This is determined beforehand because Yeshua (Jesus in English language) had not been born before these words were written by Prophet Isaiah.

Have you ever come to think of what is in Acts 10:38? ...Jesus from Nazareth, as God anoints Him with Holy Spirit and power, Who passed through as a benefactor and healer of all those who are tyrannized over by the Adversary, for God was with Him.
In the above bible text, it can be inferred that anointing is far beyond pouring of oil on one's head. According to the above scripture, Yeshua was anointed with Holy Spirit and Power, not by any other means.

So, what is anointing?

Anointing is when Yahweh separates, ordains, consecrates and chooses anyone before hand to be conformed to his plans and to carry out special task through him long before the person is born.

Let us go into a few examples of people that carried out Yahweh's plans for humanity according to the scriptures:

1. In Isaiah 45:1 through 5, King Darius was anointed before birth. Long before Darius was born, Prophet Isaiah wrote about him through the inspiration of Spirit of Yahweh.

2. In Judges 13:1-5, prior Samson's birth, he was said to have been anointed through the Spirit of Yahweh to deliver people of Israel from the hands of their enemies.

3. In Psalms Jeremiah 1:5, Yahweh informed Jeremiah that before Jeremiah was formed he was already known to him before he was formed in his mother's belly.

4. In Judges 6:11-24, Gideon was anointed to perform a special task through him (Yahweh) to defeat enemies of Israel.

5. King David was anointed long before he was born. The physical manifestation of this was shown in I Samuel 16: 8-14.

What you must understand:

Ø  You were born for reasons whether you are aware of it or not.

Ø  Being anointed is not accidental. It is Yahweh's choice and plan for you.

Ø  You do not earn to be anointed. Otherwise, you boast of it and make Yahweh unfaithful. There is no price you pay for it. You were walked up by Yahweh to activate it. Not by your effort. Remember that you live, breath and have your being in Yahweh (Acts 17:28).

Ø  Being anointed is not by your choice but Yahweh's choice.

Ø  You are not a wasted generation.

Ø  You are not a biological accident.

Ø  You are justified by Yahweh to be anointed Psalm 105:14-15.

Ø  You were chosen before hand to be anointed by Yahweh.

Why do some religion leaders make big deal out of anointing oil (handkerchiefs; water etc.) in the name of anointing?

1. Some use it for commercial purposes.

2. Some use it to cajole people.

3. Some deceive people and put them under their control.

Is it good to use anointing oil?

The answer is yes. You can even lay hands on people to show the physical manifestation of people meant to carry out special task as in Acts 13. Paul and Barnabas were chosen before hands by Yahweh before he orchestrated their life journey to be physically called for a special task.

            Anointing oil should be used as a tool of faith for the miracle one expects from Yahweh not as a source of miracle. James clarified this in chapter 5; 15-16 that the prayer of faith heals the sick not the anointing oil. If you read the scriptures with the help of the Spirit of Yahweh; you will understand clearly that anointing oil is not the key to the miracles or healings you are asking Yahweh, but by prayer of faith. More messages will be released on prayer of faith and not just prayer or fasting as most religious people have beguiled millions of people.

In conclusion, to be anointed is not just what any person will claim he wants to conduct it on anyone. It is not when oil is poured on someone or when someone lays hands on you to make you anointed. It is only when Yahweh has purposed you for a special task prior your birth to glorify his only name. You do not need to pay to get it. Otherwise, you have been fooled by deceivers!

Thanks for reading.

Hopes it blesses you.

More will come soon.

Thanks and be blessed by Yahweh.



  1. Great post for those who Yahweh is drawing out of religion conventional believes into unequivocal secrets he unfolds to whoever cares to know the truth.

  2. Amen and amen!!! This is an anointed message. It is separated unto God to break yokes. Yokes will be broken by the hearing and reading of this message as minds are renewed and people coming to the realization of the truth. Anointing breaks yokes!

    1. Amen. Those who are separated unto God (Yahweh) were not born before they were separated. They had been separated prior their birth. An example can be found in the book of Jeremiah 1:1 through 8. Those who are separated are destined to break yokes because they carry the covenant of God in terms of anointing. Pouring oil, laying hands or pouring water on people are outward demonstrations and they do not deter those who are anointed from demonstrating it when occasion calls for it. Some people use money to get anointing from so called men of God. I wonder which kind of anointing is that though. It is definitely not from Yahweh. People need to understand this and they should stop being fooled.


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