Faith through fasting
Bible Texts: (Concordant Literal New with keywords concordance): Matthew 17:14-21

            In the previous blog, we learnt that fasting may be used to enable us to focus on Yahweh on whatever we are asking him to do for us. It was also discussed that fasting is not a yardstick to get answer from Yahweh on our request. Many religious leaders have thought you that fasting is the key to get your prayers answered. Some religious leaders even love to prescribe number of days to fast for people as Medical dosage. Some people have developed Medical problems including ulcer as a result of this ignorance. This is a false doctrine. You are about to learn more truth about fasting while praying today.

In Matthew 7:14-21:

            And, at their coming to the throng, a man came to him, falling on his knees before and saying, Lord be merciful to my son, for he is epileptic, and is having an evil time. For often he is falling into fire and often into the water.......And he rebukes it, and the demon came out from him, and the boy was cured from that hour. Then the disciples, coming to Jesus privately, said, "Wherefore could we not cast it out?" Now, He is saying to them, "Because of your scant faith. For verily I am saying to you, if you should have faith as a kernel of mustard, you shall be declaring to this mountain, proceed hence-there! and it will be proceeding. And nothing will be impossible for you"

            According to the above bible text, there was a man who had a son troubled with epileptic. This man heard that Yeshua (Jesus Christ in English language) performed miracles and hoped his son would get healed. Unfortunately, he met with Yeshua's disciples. Yeshua's disciples tried to rebuke the epileptic from the lad, but they did not succeed. Yeshua was able to do so when he arrived the scene. The disciples came to Yeshua privately (because they were probably baffled and embarrassed).

            Of course, it was baffling to them. It was time for them to learn something very important from Yeshua that day. That is what you are about to learn now. Yeshua told them that no miracle can be performed unless faith is applied. What?! Just that? What about fasting while praying?  Nothing more but, solid faith. Why applying faith when one can fast and pray on anything?

You see, faith does the work. Faith helps miracle we request Yahweh to come to pass. This is what fasting and prayer cannot do. Do not be deceived. You may pray all you want. You may fast until your eyes turn blue or red. It is all frivol without faith.

So, do you need to fast while you pray to receive answer to your prayers? Not necessary.

            Last lesson thought us that fasting helps to prepare our minds to approach Yahweh but it is not a guarantee for our prayers to be answered. In this week, I am happy to inform you that fasting will enable you to condition your mind on what you are asking Yahweh. Faith only comes through the word of Yahweh (Romans 10:17). When the word of Yahweh illuminates your mind, your faith will rise up to ask anything from Yahweh and it will be done for you.

            So, you see that fasting is not the key, but faith. So, back to the disciples, it can be inferred that the word they heard from their master (Yeshua) had no root in their minds. They did not grasp the word of Yeshua enough. Sometimes, outsiders applied faith more than the disciples during the ministry of Yeshua. Please, see Luke 7:2-10 to read about the Centurion who applied faith and received his miracle from Yeshua. This was a Roman Soldier! An outsider. Woman with issue of blood (Matthew 9:20-22) received her miracle by exercising faith. It is just faith. Nothing more! The common thing between these two outsiders (that is, not part of the 12 disciples) is that they heard about Yeshua's miracles and his teachings probably from mouth to mouth. Yet, they believed. They exercised their faith and it worked for them!

            In conclusion, religious leader with their doctrines have put billions of people into a cage of believe that fasting and prayer helps them get miracles from Yahweh. No wonder, many have spent a whole lot of time fasting and praying without receiving answers to their prayers. Today, understand that it is faith through hearing words of Yahweh that works not fasting and prayers. If you choose to fast and pray, do not overlook the fact that faith does the work to avoid waste of time and efforts! If you must fast, have faith that when you fast and pray, Yahweh will answer your prayers.

Hope this lesson blessed you too.

Please, leave your comments and be nice with it.





  1. Yes. It is all about faith, without which it is impossible to please God. The scripture says in Ephesians 2:8 that it is by the grace of God through faith, and that faith is a gift of God. The faith to believe comes from God. I thank God for the measure of faith He has given to us that we may be willing participants in His accomplishments in us.

    1. I agree with your comment. Faith is one of the Spiritual gifts. If it is a Spiritual gift, then it is divine. That makes it unique in the life of all people. The measure of faith is determined by Yahweh himself as he opens our eyes of understanding to his words.
      Do you think faith can be earned by our work like many people may have been told?


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