Fasting: How should we fast?

Text: (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords concordance) Isaiah 58: 3-12; Matthew 6:16-18

            While it is generally believed that fasting is when one skips food and drink for a certain number of hours, days, weeks or months, there are more to this exercise. Medically, fasting may also help. However, I like to focus on Spiritual implications of fasting. On Spiritual implications, many religious practitioners apply fasting to gain Spiritual muscles to attain their objectives. However, today's blog will discuss how fasting can be applied with better understanding and in another way.

Question: Why do we fast?

As stated earlier, fasting is beyond medical prescription and spiritual exercise. According to the book of Isaiah 58: 3 through 12, the following truths can be inferred:

Ø  Fasting is a thing of Spirit and soul (mind) which should be between you and your maker, Yahweh. In order words, it is not meant to be broadcasted.

Ø  You are not supposed to have strife or be in argument with people. Some religious people fast to pull down their fellow people in their prayers for their personal gain.

Ø  You are not supposed to bend your head in a rush to destroy your fellow men in prayers while fasting.

Ø  You are not a prayer contractor who fast and pray to make money from people.

Ø  You are not supposed to fast with the hope to gain power from Yahweh. Some people believe they should do this to gain favor from Yahweh to get power. This is a false doctrine because Yahweh cannot be bribed. He gives gift without mutation or shadow from revolving motion (James 1:17).

Ø  You are not to look sad or somber while you fast. Otherwise, people will know you are up to something (Matthew 6:16-18). So, cheer up and look like you are never fasting.

So, how do we fast?

It may be a surprised to many of you that all issues mentioned above is the things most of you were told in many places of worship about fasting. This time, let us see how the Bible admonished us to apply fasting:

Ø  Unloose the hindrances of wickedness in your mind. That is, do not fast with mind of wickedness. Otherwise, you are wasting your time fasting.

Ø  Let loose the harnessing of the yoke-bar. This is very powerful. To fast, it means you need to free those who you imprisoned in your mind.

Ø  You need to let the maltreated go free.

Ø  You need to feed the poor with your resources.

Ø  You need to cloth people who are naked.

Ø  You need to house those who are homeless.

All these mean, help the poor and needy while you fast.

Having mentioned all things you need to do; you can agree with me that fasting is far beyond what religious people believe it is.

My personal observations:

            Do you know that many people fast long hours and days and their prayers were not answered? I remembered in African countries, many people love to go to mountains to fast and pray for long days but their prayers were hardly answered. Why was that? The answer is simple. What was their motive of fasting? Ha ha....., that is what Yahweh looks at. You see, in the book of Daniel chapter 9:23, Angel Gabriel made it known to Daniel the Prophet that at the beginning of his supplications (through fasting and prayer), a word came from Yahweh to deliver Daniel answer to his request. Even, in the book of Isaiah 65:24, Yahweh pointed out that before you ask, he will answer. He added that while you are still asking, he will grant you your request. Fasting is for you to humble yourself, not for Yahweh to answer your prayers.

So, why do we fast, if we do not understand the truth behind it? Remember that if you forgive your neighbor, you have just fasted because you just skipped your right to revenge or payback. It is just the same thing when you skip your right to eat and drink like you would normally do!

Hope this message blesses you!

Please, put your comments and be nice with it.

More lessons to come, next time.




  1. Fasting is more than what you think. Do you know that? Great post!

    1. Fasting is for us not a pre-requisite for us to get Yahweh to answer our prayers.

  2. Do you know that the occult people do fast too? So, if you're religious, what makes you think that fasting helps Yahweh to hear and answer your prayers? Yahweh cannot be wooed or impressed by your fasting but by your faith. Moreover, he answers prayers according to his plan and his timing for you.


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