The bright face



How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 86)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 34)

Being in the presence of Elohim Yahweh is what anyone should crave for. Moses experienced the splendor and unexplainable deluge of Yahweh's glory as he saw the back of Yahweh while he was kept in the crevice of a Rock. Moses basked in the glory of Yahweh and this experience was something Moses would never forget in his life. Well, in this week bible chapter, Moses got another chance to experience Yahweh's glory. He was asked by Yahweh to cut two tablets and come to meet with him on Mount Sinai to re-write the Ten Commandments. Yahweh cautioned Moses that no one else should approach the Mountain but only him.  It would be a private meeting between Yahweh and Moses.

I could imagine Moses was very excited at this opportunity. Of course, Yahweh was looking forward to it. Moses saw Elohim Yahweh descended from Heaven to the top of the Mountain but in form of cloud. This cloud was filled with the presence of Yahweh to the extent of which Moses had to see the back of Yahweh once more. This time, something else happened to him. His face was changed! He could no longer speak with the people of Israel unless he wears veil. He was not kept in a crevice this time. He practically saw more of Yahweh than the first time. What a mighty experience Moses had. Psalm 34:5 made us know that when we see the presence of Yahweh, our faces will beam and we would not be ashamed. In the presence of Yahweh, there is fullness of Joy. Moses was in high spirit as "Yahweh passed by before his face and proclaimed as thus: Yahweh, Yahweh El, Who is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abundant with benignity and truth, preserving benignity to thousands, bearing with depravity, transgression and sin, yet He is not holding innocent, nay innocent, but visiting the depravity of the fathers on the sons and on the son's sons, on the third and on the fourth generation" (verse 5 through 7).This proclamation is very deep but time will not permit me to discuss it. In a nutshell, this is who Yahweh is. It is what he can do. It summarizes who he is. Moses had to bow down to the ground when he saw this great light hovering over him. It was too much for Moses to behold.

Yahweh further discussed with Moses on the instructions he had given him in Exodus 23 through 29. The conversation between Yahweh and Moses can be summarized as thus:

1.      Moses requested once again that the presence of Yahweh be with them if he had found grace in the presence of Yahweh. He implored Yahweh to do this despite the fact that the Israelites are stiff-necked people. What a thing to ask. Moses knew there was no way his people could navigate their journey to the Promised Land without the presence of Yahweh. He also knew that his people did not deserve the presence of Yahweh because of their evil deeds but he still implored Yahweh to be merciful to them.

2.      Yahweh responded that he was contracting a covenant with the people of Israel to do marvelous things among them. This wonders included driving out the six occupants of the lands promised to the people of Israel. They were the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite. Why would Yahweh contract this kind of covenant with the stiff-necked people? First of all, Yahweh is not a man that he should lie (Numbers 23:19). In spite of the rebellious attitudes of Israelites, Yahweh remembered his covenant with Abraham and he was ready to fulfill it. The Earth and everything in it belongs to Yahweh (Psalm 24:1). Therefore, he could drive these six nations out of their lands for the people of Israel to occupy. In addition to this, these six nations were worshipping another elohim which is a rebellious act against Elohim Yahweh. This is why he warned the Israelites not to covenant with these kinds of people not to talk of worshiping their gods or marrying them so as not to pollute their minds. So, Yahweh told his people to cut down the Asherah poles. He strictly warned the people of Israel not to worship this god.

3.      Yahweh informed Moses on the kind of festivals the people of Israel have to hold periodically in each year. This is meant for the children of Israel only because it is a covenant he made with them.

4.      Yahweh informed Moses on the kind of offerings he required from people. He also stressed that first male children should not come to his presence in the synagogue empty handed. They had to pay half a shekel as a ransom fee. This is a kind of covenant Yahweh had with the Israelites. The first fruits have to be brought to Yahweh's place (synagogue). All these are strictly for the Israelites. If you were not born an Israelite, then you are a Gentile and this is not for you to observe. Remember that Church cannot replace the children of Israel. According to this week's bible chapter, the covenants were made between Yahweh and the people of Israel but not with the Churches/Christians.

5.      Yahweh stressed the ratio 6 to 1 days for the people of Israel. They are to work for 6 days and stop from work on the 7th day. I believe there could be more issues Yahweh discussed with Moses concerning the book of Genesis. That is why this book was attributed to Moses. Though this was not established in this chapter. The meeting of 40 days and 40 nights may involve other things not expressly mentioned in this chapter. This is just my observation.

After all these conversation, Moses had to re-write the Ten Commandments given to him by Yahweh on the Mount Sinai. He was on the Mountain with Yahweh 40 days and 40 nights without eating or drinking. Moses climbed down from the Mountain with the two tablets containing the re-written Ten Commandments. Why was this so important? Yahweh likes written record to keep his people remember his instructions. What Moses did not realize was how his face looked. His people could not behold his face when he went to meet with them. His face was bright with the glory of Elohim Yahweh. He had to cover his face with veil before people could get close to him. He would remove the veil whenever he went into the Synagogue to meet with Yahweh but wears it whenever he had to meet with his people. What a great experience to have!

I hope you have learnt on or two things in this week's blog. Being in the presence of Yahweh is key to experiencing glorious life. I hope this would also be your prayer too.

Stay tuned for more comments next week by the grace of Elohim Yahweh.



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  1. Cullen from Tayo (Whatsapp channel):
    Thank you for sharing. Of course the evidence of an encounter with Christ is evidence of a changed life. It is like when two grown up or young adults got engaged. The lady wears the engagement ring as a sign to every one that she is in a relationship. Like wise we must wear the garment of new man when we encounter God. As one called by God into His marvelous light, we must radiate His light wherever we found ourselves, not among brethren alone, but everywhere we found ourselves. God met with Moses and his life changed that even though he was or not aware of it. Everyone who saw him noticed it. If people can not noticed out so called changed life, then we need to check our life.

  2. Sis. Lara( from Whatsapp channel):
    Powerful message 🙌

  3. Precious presence of God... God bless you sir

    1. His presence makes the difference. Thanks for reading the blog and commenting on it.

  4. Praise be to Yah who related with his creations made of dust to see his great and majestic glory!


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