Prepping for the next line of Action 




How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 89)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 40)

At the heel of the great project completed by Bezalel and Aholiab, Yahweh instructed Moses on how to place things in the just completed Terbanacle. This bible chapter discussed in details of what Moses had to do. Among what Moses had to do was to anoint the Terbanacle and Altar. The Altar was to be placed in the holy of holies. In other words, there had to be a kind of three sections in a Terbanacle. They are holy, holier and the holy of holies. There is a lot to discuss on these sections, but this is for another day.

Moses was also instructed to sanctify himself Aaron and his sons before they began their work. He brought them to the door of Terbanacle to wash their hands and feet before they enter into the Terbanacle to minister to Yahweh and the people of Israel. This means apart from the fact that these people were chosen by Yahweh to officiate for him, they needed to be sanctified every time they had to do their work. To make this washing easy, a laver was placed between the tent of appointment and the altar full of water for washing.

When Moses had completed all that he had to do, the cloud hovered over the tent of appointment and the glory of Almighty Yahweh filled the Terbanacle. With this appearance, Moses could not even enter into the Terbanacle (verse 35-34). Can you believe this? Despite, the fact that he had seen the backside of Elohim in chapter 33 and 34, he could not stand the glory that descended on the Terbanacle. Wow!

Therefore, whenever the cloud ascended over the Terbanacle, the children of Israel journeyed in all their journeyings. However, if this cloud is not taking off the Terbanacle, the children of Israel would not proceed on their journey because the cloud represents the Presence of Yahweh. This cloud shows up in the day on Terbanacle and it becomes fire in the night. All these happened in the very eyes of the children of Israel in those days.

In conclusion, the bottom line is that the children of Israel had learnt that Yahweh's presence is key to their journey. They knew nowhere to proceed on their journey. The presence of Yahweh is their navigation to the Promised Land. Do you know what to next on your life journey? Would you also beseech Yahweh's presence to navigate your journey of life for the next second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year? He knows better than we do. Proverbs 3:5 admonishes you to trust in Yahweh with your heart. You are not to lean on your ways (even if you appear to have planned your next move already). In all your ways, acknowledge him and he himself shall straighten your paths. Amen.

This is the last chapter of the great book of Exodus. A lot has been learnt on how Yahweh related with his creations, especially with the people of Israel.

I hope you have been blessed throughout this book.

I trust in Yahweh for his direction if he wants me to discuss the book of Leviticus with you soon.

Thanks for taking time to read this week's blog.

Please, leave your comments in the comment section below this week's blog.







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  1. Great is the Elohim Yahweh who championed the accounts of Exodus!

    1. May the grace of God keep us safe and sound. We all need the comforter in this dispensation of grace... Grace to live and survive just as the presence of God for the Isrealite; fire by day, light by night

    2. Amen. Thanks for reading the blog and your comment.


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