Inappropriate Goodtime



An in appropriate goodtime

How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 84)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 32)

Have you ever seen people doing some sort of things and wondered why they were doing it? What if you ask them and they gave you 101 explanations that appear to be reasonable even though you understand fully well that they are wrong? What would you do?

This week bible chapter calls for a deep understanding of why Yahweh is a jealous El. He had already informed the people of Israel in Exodus chapter 20:3-4 not to worship any image in Heavens, on Earth, beneath the Earth or even in the water. Why would the people of Israel look for a goodtime inappropriately by worshipping a golden calf?

While Yahweh was wrapping up his conversation with Moses on Mount Sinai, an act of rebellion was being staged by Aaron when he inclined to the pressure of elders and the rest of the people of Israel. Aaron listened to these people as they posed a few seemingly reasonable explanations at him by stating that Moses was probably tarrying too much from coming back. It might be that he was dead while meeting with Yahweh in Mount Sinai. They thought of looking for a goodtime. They needed something to cheer them up. Somehow, they thought of showing gratitude to the Supreme Being that led them out of the land of Egypt. So, they intended to worship this Supreme Being, hold festival and rejoice in the presence of this being. Why could they not do it on their own accord? Of course, they needed a powerful back-up of the next leader. That leader was Aaron. So, Aaron was pressurized to give them what they wanted. Aaron was in no position to argue with these people. He could not even educate his people on the goodness of Yahweh on how he had brought them from the hand of Pharaoh with great power, sings and wonders. He was rather weak to talk himself out of this temptation. It appears he was somehow shy of believing in Yahweh and Moses. So, he listened to them and did what they wanted. What?! This is what most religion leadership are doing by stating they can praise Yahweh anyhow they feel while Yeshua stated in John 4:24 that Yahweh should be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth! There are so many Aarons in places of worship who have bowed down to pressure from their congregations; church leadership, elders and social acceptance on how to worship Yahweh because Yeshua our Lord is yet to show up. What a shame!


                                         Aaron making a Golden Calf with gold covering.

What was wrong with Aaron? Could he not respect God that took them out of the land of Egypt? I thought he knew better than the rest of the Israelites besides Moses. Did he think Moses was busy doing nothing on Mount Sinai?

These were other things that could be attributed to Aaron. He was afraid to die while defending the truth. So, he was at the mercy of these desperate people. To my surprise, Aaron demonstrated a great skill as he carved an image of a Calf. Then, he instructed the people of Israel to bring gold substance to him to melt to coat the carved Calf. In order words, Aaron knew how to design a carved idol. Little did he know that he had pushed the children of Israel off the course! Aaron went a little step further by asking the children of Israel to make a feast to celebrate together in the presence of the golden Calf. Some of the children of Israel dressed half naked. This is something they would never have done if Moses were around. They ate food of sorrow and drank wine of revelry. In short, Aaron kept the people of Israel busy by having a goodtime to celebrate the golden Calf. The people of Israel attributed the glory that supposed to be given to Elohim Yahweh to the golden Calf as they praised this Calf for bringing them from the land of Egypt to the Wilderness. They also had hoped to get into the Promised Land by the help of this Golden Calf. What an insult to the Almighty God Yahweh!

While these people were having merriment, Moses and Joshua went down to these rebellious people to see how far off course they have gone from Yahweh's fiat.

Moses was very angry to see the bad things Aaron and the rest Israelites have done. You can imagine how disappointed Moses would be. I can see Aaron looking for the ground to swallow him up for the shame he had brought on himself. All Aaron could do was to state that "the children of Israel made him do it". At least, that was what Ten Commandment movie by Cecil B DeMille (1956 version) stated. It was obvious Aaron did not think of what Yahweh might do to him but he was afraid to die by standing firm on the truth.  

Moses called for those who wanted to be on the Lord's side. At this point, Aaron showed a sign of repentance as he and the rest of Levi tribe first ran to Moses. Some of other tribes of Israel did the same but the rest of Israelites pitched their tents with the Golden Calf simply because it was visible for them to see, Moses was taking too much leadership role and the Elohim of Moses was no longer needed. So, there was a great rampage among the people of Israel and about 3,000 people were killed as a result of this. Moses burnt the Golden Calf, grounded it until it was pulverized. He winnowed it into water and made the children of Israel to drink from it. Hmn...he must be very angry indeed!

Yahweh had decided in his mind in relative sense that he would wipe out these stiff-necked people and would make Moses a great nation in place of the Israelites. What a tempting offer from Yahweh. However, Moses declined. He reminded Yahweh that people from other countries would mock Yahweh for not being able to take these stiff-necked Israelites to the land he had promised them. What a wise servant Moses was. He was not a leader that would like to grab a situational opportunity when he knew what the right thing supposed to be. He knew Yahweh had promised the land of inheritance for the people of Israel. Therefore, Yahweh should deal with these people in another fashion but not to change his mind on his promise to the people of Israel. In absolute sense, Yahweh would never have changed his mind but he knew the kind of person Moses was. Moses was not a self-centered leader! Yahweh himself had stated that Moses was the meekest man on Earth (Numbers 12:3).

Yahweh had promised to forgive the people of Israel but would not let those who had offended him stay alive. He told Moses that he would take the names of these people from his scroll and not Moses' name. Therefore, Moses plea did not work because Yahweh had made up his mind on what to do to the people of Israel. Yahweh is a jealous El. Luke 12:45-46 let us know that any servant that thinks his master delays to come back and troubles his associates, eat, drink and get drunk would be in great shock when his Master arrives. His Master would make his portion be with unbelievers. Many Church leaders have thought in their minds that Yeshua delays his coming as they do whatever pleases them. They also may stand to face the same situation as Yahweh deems fit. The people of Israel had belittled Yahweh and his servant Moses in their thoughts and actions. Yahweh did not take it kindly with them because he does not joke with his fiat! Does it really worth having an inappropriate goodtime or show attitude of readiness for Yahweh's next line of action? There is time for everything. We should be wise in all our reasoning and deeds.

I hope this week blog has been a blessing to you as well.

Please, look forward to reading my comments on the next chapter next week, God willing.

Please, leave your comments or questions in the comment section below.






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  1. How do people easily forget God's presence when we know that he is present everywhere? Of course, we are humans. However, this is not an excuse. May the Spirit of Yahweh helps us to be aware of Yahweh's presence in everything we do. May we have his fear in our heart to keep his fiats. Amen!


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