Yahweh gave Moses the list of what to do.

How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 84)

Exodus: Setting up Israelites' Government: To Do List

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 30 and 31)

It would be great to wrap the conversations Yahweh had with Moses up this week as chapter 30 and 31 would be summarily discussed. I love to term these chapters as to do list. 

Chapter 30:

Ø  Yahweh discussed how an Altar should be built for him in the Terbanacle. Yahweh was so detailed in this chapter as he mentioned the materials to be used for this Altar. They include Chitin woods; Gold; Silver and Bronze. Yahweh also mentioned the measurements of this Altar to Moses.

Ø  Moses was instructed to tell Aaron and his sons to be in charge of incense burning throughout their generations. This was a huge task. These people are to burn both fragrance and ordinary incense as described by Yahweh in this chapter. Yahweh wants all these to be put in place before he could meet with Moses and the rest of the people in the Terbanacle.

Ø  Aaron was also saddled with the responsibility of making Atonement once in a year.

Ø  Talking about Atonement, Yahweh instructed Moses to conduct a Census among his people. Men of 20 years and above were to give half of a Shekel to Yahweh. These Shekel could be also referred to as Atonement gifts. The rich and poor from age 20 and above had to give the same half of a Shekel. None of them should either give more or less than that amount.

Ø  These Shekels were to be used for the service of Tent meetings.

Ø  Aaron and his Sons were to wash their hands and feet before they get into the Terbanacle to avoid being dead.

Ø  Moses had to take certain perfumes to be mixed with oil for anointing purpose. He had to anoint Aaron and all other people concerned. Anyone not part of the people to be anointed may be in danger if they used this oil or the incense.

Ø  Moses was further instructed on the kind of Sweet smelling spices as well as how to use them. Nobody is allowed to use these prescribed incense and oil, except Moses.

Chapter 31:

Ø  Yahweh proceeded on appointing another person from the tribe of Judah. His name was Bezalel son of Uri. This man was gifted by Yahweh to have the ability to carry out craftsman works. He was to help out in crafting different designs that had to do with Gold, Silver and Bronze. Yahweh also chose Aholiab son of Ahisamach of the stock of Dan to carry out the instructions given to Moses because he was also given the heart of God's wisdom to do the job.

Ø  Yahweh reiterated to Moses on the importance of keeping Sabbath day. The children of Israel were to stop from whatever they had been doing for the past 6 days.

In all these, a couple of things were observed:

1. It can be observed that Yahweh gives instructions on the kind of patterns he wanted. He has pattern of his choice.

2. He is specific about things. He does not give generic information.

3. He has different offices/jobs for different people. Otherwise, the rest of the 12 tribes could have been Priests also.

4. Yahweh gives people spirit of wisdom to carry out his work. Wisdom belongs to him. Ability to carry out his instructions is also from him. We cannot do anything without him.

5. Yahweh loves order of things and he loves things to be carried out according to his directives.

In conclusion, Yahweh created a solid foundation for the children of Israel to build their lives. He wanted to get closer to them in relationship. He wanted them to be responsible but according to his directives. Would these people appreciate all that Yahweh had planned out for them? Moses had been given the blueprint of what the Israelites had to do. Yahweh also gave Moses two tablets of stone written with his own finger (Elohim's finger). In order words, Moses did not write these laws but Yahweh while meeting with Moses on the mountain.

Would they be obedient and not rebellious? It is obvious something else was brewing  downhill when Moses was busy receiving instructions from Yahweh for many days. 

This would be discussed next week in the next chapter.


I hope this week's blog has been a blessing to you.

More information would be released to you on the next chapter by the grace of Yahweh in next week.




Credit: Picture credit: https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images





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