How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 76)

Exodus: Why the Ten Commandments?

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 20)

Last week's blog ended with a few questions at the heel of the explanations written on Ten Commandments. Do you think following the 10 commandments is a great thing? What if there are no 10 commandments, how should we live? Then, what are the essences of having 10 commandments?

 I pray Yahweh's Spirit to enable you understand this week's blog.

In relative sense, Yahweh wanted to know the hearts of the Israelites by giving them these laws. These laws came because the Israelites informed Moses that they would do whatever Yahweh asked them to do. However, in absolute sense Yahweh knew they were humans and were wired with imperfection. He could make them not go against his laws but he kept himself behind the veil by making them experience series of errors. This discovery may be strange to you to know. You may find it difficult to believe but this is true

Understand this:

Primarily, Ten Commandments were meant for the Israelites to keep. Yahweh intentionally gave these commandments to let the Israelites experience the human struggle with keeping laws. However, these laws (from verse 13 through 17) may be arguably deemed to be the yardsticks of laws many country leaders around the world use to govern their people. These laws are practical and are relevant to people up till today. For examples, stealing is punishable under law. False witnesses may be punishable under law if found out. More so, it can be gleaned from these Ten Commandments that we should love Yahweh with all our hearts and love our associates as we love ourselves.

The Israelites in deed struggled throughout their lives as it was found in the book of Exodus through Malachi. The Israelites had fallen to the hands of their enemies a couple of times because they could not keep these commandments. Just so you know, chapter 21 and the rest of chapters in Exodus recorded the breaking down of these Ten Commandments. By laws were also included. They are too much to observe in my opinion.

What are the essences of the Ten Commandments? 

First of all, contrary to what many of you may be thinking, it is not to make the Israelites a better nation. Ten Commandments are not meant to make them a holy nation but it was because they are holy nation (already). What does being holy mean to you? Does being holy means being perfect? The right answer is NO! Remember, prior these Ten Commandments, Israelites have been chosen right from the time of Abraham. Yahweh's covenants are with Israel through Abraham. 

Understand that the Israelites are holy not because of their deeds. Being holy is being separated from the rest of the world. Therefore, being separated does not mean the Israelites are perfect. This is contrary to many doctrines being preached in many places of worship with their seemingly reasonable doctrines but with false conclusions on this issue. Being holy does not make people perfect. Once again, being holy is being separated from the rest of other people (for special reasons).

Why the Ten Commandments?

Ten Commandments were given to the Israelites to show the rest of the world of imperfections in human beings. Otherwise, these commandments should have made the Israelites far better than the rest of the world because they are the ones who these laws were meant for. If you read the rest of Genesis chapter 20, Yahweh further informed the Israelites not to make elohim of Gold or Silver for themselves. He only informed them on how to make altar for him and how they should make sacrifices to him. Yahweh knew these people would not keep commandments, yet he gave it to them. This is why the Israelites would have to be making sacrifices of atonements for their sins. The Israelites would keep doing this until the ultimate sacrifice through Yeshua was done. From the time Yeshua died and resurrected, the sacrifice was not only meant for the Israelites' atonement but for the rest of the world as well.

Understand that primarily, the Ten Commandments were meant for the Israelites to keep, not for us. The Israelites were chosen as a sample by Yahweh for the rest of this world that no one is perfect except, Yahweh. Imagine the world is without sin, do we need to ask Yahweh to forgive us our sins in the name of his Son, Yeshua? Do you need to wash your clothes when they are already clean? Do you need to take bath if you do not smell bad? Do you need to brush your teeth if they are not dirty? Have you now seen how Yahweh relates with his creations in relative and in absolute senses? Paul stated that we may be boldly "coming" to the throne of Grace to procure Mercy and Grace always (Hebrews 4:16). This is a continuous thing to do unlike the way KJV among other bible has recorded this verse. Our sins are washed off us with the blood of Yeshua (I John 1:7).

It is human to want to adhere to laws but it is still human to trespass these laws. This is where grace comes-in. Thus humans flesh and spirit fight against each other daily (Romans 7:14-25) but in 2 Corinthians 12:9, Yahweh informed Paul who was also human as you are that his grace was sufficient for Paul. The grace Yeshua had brought to us has helped us to go beyond these laws and has given us the liberty to understand that sins will always come as a result of laws. Paul writes that we have been justified the blood of Yeshua. We are conciliated to Yahweh through the blood of Yeshua (Romans 5:9-11). 

Through one man, sin entered into this world which is followed by death. Remember that sin has been in this world before the laws were given (Romans 5:12). However, through Christ Yeshua, we receive forgiveness and grace (Romans 5:15-17). What Paul mentioned in Romans chapter 7 is awesome when he stated that he would have not known that coveting was a sin if it was not known to him. In short, laws expose sins. Sins result to corrections/punishments. More would be discussed on these chapters in the future. You see, when these laws were given, Yahweh knew these Israelites would definitely disobey them.

Transgressing laws may lead to punishable situations up to terminations of lives. So, sin should not be toyed with. However, if you find yourself falling into it, lose no sleep. Righteous fall seven times (Proverbs 24:16). In as much you are a human, you are prone to experience this struggle just like the Israelites were. Go to Yahweh for the forgiveness of your sins. If he meant you to be corrected of your sins, he would raise corrector/correctors. These corrections are meant to teach you how to become better, wiser and stronger.  They are not meant to condemn you to everlasting torment. If people mock you because of your downfall, you will rise again and you will be celebrated. Remember that the corrections are for a moment. Corrector/Correctors is like a whip. If a whip is no longer needed by Yahweh, it is thrown out of the house and become useless. However, Yahweh is merciful as we call upon him for mercy through the name of his only begotten Son, Yeshua. His grace is new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).

I hope you have learnt one or two things in this week's blog.

I hope to come up with another interesting blog from the scriptures next week.

Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.


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  1. From Lara:
    Yes, the ten Commandments were meant for the Israelites to keep but, we are the Israelites of today. And the coming of Jesus did not eradicate any of the Commandments but updated to instead of 10, we have 2. To love God and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

    1. We are not replacements for the Israelites. Thanks for your comments.

    2. We are not replacements for the Israelites but are Gentiles.


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