Stop telling people what I did not say. Stop telling them who I am not!
   How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 72)

Exodus: Yahweh's Fiat-part 3

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 20)

    In last week blog, you were informed that Yahweh detests those who make image that represents things in the heavens, on earth and in the water. Impliedly, Yahweh forbids people from making image of deities under the earth (ground). Yahweh commanded that people should not worship these images because he is a jealous El. As this commandment appears to be popular, people need to understand that Yahweh does not joke with his words. No wonder, evil things keep happening on earth because people tend to find alternatives to Yahweh. Unfortunately, evil things will continue to happen on earth as it was written in the scripture to fulfil Yahweh's plans. More so, it is because some people were made as vessels of dishonor.  No matter how you try to admonish them, they would not change and you would become their enemy. Is there no reason for this gross hatred for the truth? These wicked people must continue to perform their role until the  judgment day because Yahweh made them to be wicked (Romans 9:19-21). However, in absolute sense, people will learn righteousness when Yahweh begins to judge the dwellers on earth (Isaiah 26:9). People will not learn to do the right things by their efforts but by the strong hand of Yahweh when the appointed time comes (this may be found in the book of Revelation chapter 3-20).  For an example, why do people keep mentioning climatic change when they are deliberately disobey Yahweh's instructions? Why do they point their middle fingers at Yahweh words through their belligerent activities?  Proverbs 16:4 indicates that Yahweh has made everything for its own outcome (purpose) even the wicked are being made for the day of evil. These wicked ones were made for this eon. However, they will learn righteousness on judgment day when they come to realize that Yahweh does not joke with his words. At this time, wicked people' eyes and hearts will be opened to learn righteousness when they are summoned to appear before the almighty Yahweh to give accounts of their deeds. Then, they would be thrown into lake of fire and remain there for Eons of Eons (Revelations 20:15).

    Yahweh continued to instruct Moses in Exodus 20:7 to tell his people that they should not take his name for futility. Yahweh further stated that he would not hold innocent whoever takes up his name for futility. This is a very huge commandment given to the Israelites to keep. People may understand the gravity of impersonation and defamation of character in civil and criminal laws but when it comes to the instructions of Yahweh, they take it lightly. Children of Israel are just samples to the rest of the world as Yahweh has purposed in his plan to bless the world through them. However, this commandment is applicable to us as well. If many religious leaders truly understand the implications of telling what Yahweh did not say; they would be very careful and be slow to speak to their congregations on any sensitive issue.


From the account of many seemingly "representatives of God"; most people's lives have been chained in slavery and doomed into darkness. Many families have been destroyed. A lot of successful people have been wallowing in river of failures. Many rich and wealthy business owners have been financially drained. Many ladies have fallen victim of these dubious men of God because they trusted in the words spoken to then in the name of God. It could be recalled that most of these representatives of God prophesized that certain candidates would win political election but their prophecies were found to be false. Many lives have been destroyed as a result of the faith people sheepishly put in these so called representatives of God.

Yahweh stated in his commandments that he would not hold these so called representatives of God innocent for taking his name up in futility. It can be recalled of mega church leader asking people to give certain amount of U.S Dollar to receive blessing from God. Later, this church leader came to tell his congregation that "the Spirit of God" told him not to collect money anymore because it is not scriptural. The million dollar question is, was it truly the Spirit of God that instructed him to be asking people to give money in the first place? Has the Spirit of God changed his mind?  Another mega-church leader was saying God told him to change his jet because the one he was using needed to be upgraded. Was that truly the Spirit of Yahweh or his master Devil talking through him? Which jet did Yeshua ride on his days? Well, I can understand that in his time, there no jets but there were chariots of horses. Where can you find it in the scripture that he rode on any? The donkey he rode upon was even borrowed (Mark 11:1-11).


What amazes me is that these people would never stop using the name of Elohim Yahweh for futility despite the fact that sometimes, they feel sad that for doing it for a moment. After a few times, they continue to deceive people through their false prophecies and sweet words that would captivate people, convince them to drain their pocket in the "theatre" and "stores" they called church.  They are fulfilling Matthew 7:15. Yahweh is keeping these strange religion leaders for the day of reckoning. Yahweh will not take it lightly with them. My heart goes for people in Asia; Africa and South America. Most countries in these world regions are in abject poverty as a result of false prophecies and act of defaming Yahweh's Spirit these impostors are sowing into the minds of their people. Some people would rather starve their families to please their church leaders because they trust every word that comes out of them. As the lives of many innocent people are being impoverished, they would still be told to give tithes and offering "to avoid God's wrath". Many people live under fear and they give to "God" not from their heart but by compulsion. Therefore, they would always be at the mercy of these church leaders because they are under undue influence of the commander in thieves. What a shame! Individually, we should be careful of what we say in the name of Elohim Yahweh and be sure we are not speaking from our own human feelings.

As mentioned earlier, these horrible people and those who take Yahweh's name for futility will have to report to Yahweh on white throne judgment. At this time, it may be too late but they would learn righteousness after their nakedness is exposed for people to see. At the same time, Yahweh is merciful to those he would have mercy upon. Whoever he would have mercy upon would change from this bad behavior as a result of messages like this. No one can challenge Yahweh on why he made some repentant but not to others. Romans 9:16-18 points to us that there would always be people he would not have mercy upon until the day of their judgment just like Pharaoh of Egypt. Change of mind is not by human effort but by Yahweh's mercy as people turn away from their wicked ways through the messages like this one. This is also another reason Yahweh should be feared and revered. He cannot be accused on why he does things like this.

I hope this week blog is a blessing to you. Thanks for your moral supports and prayers.

Please, leave your comments and questions and be nice with them. This blog will continue next week by the grace of Elohim Yahweh.










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