How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 69)

Exodus: When Honeymoon is Over

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 19)

Have you ever heard people saying the Honeymoon is over before? This implies that the time of condoning certain behaviors is over. Lest I forget, it is observed that this chapter is full of codes and significance which are very deep to explain in this platform but a few may be discussed. I used to think that what happened in this week chapter should have happened right after the children of Israel crossed the red sea (chapter 15). However, in relative sense, I believe Yahweh observed their hearts as he directed them from Elim through Rephidim to the wilderness facing Mount Sinai. Yahweh had already told Moses that these people will be directed to this place in chapter 3:12.  At this place, Yahweh began to show his other side to the Israelites.

What other side?

One thing is certain about Elohim Yahweh. He is a Spirit. His son, Yeshua is also is a spirit. Both are holy and are dreadful to see with naked eyes. However, his son may manifest in form of a person to relate with people but his father cannot be seen with human eyes. St. John 1:18 established that no one has ever seen Elohim Yahweh. This chapter is a dreadful one that Israelites were exposed to. These people did not know the kind of Elohim that saved them from the hands of Pharaoh and Egypt. They had no idea of who they were murmuring against when they were thirsty and hungry. They were about to know who this Yahweh is.

 Yahweh instructed Moses to climb on Mount Sinai for an instruction. He informed Moses to tell his people to clean themselves for three days and wash their cloths. The men should not come close to their women (men should not sleep with their women during these days). They should all be sanctified to be able to meet with him on the third day. Three days are very significance to Yahweh. Why not just one day? Yahweh also informed Moses to tell his people not to cross a drawn line over to the nether (bottom part) of the mountain to avoid death. On the third day, there were thunderclaps; flashes and heavy cloud on the mount; sound of trumpet exceedingly steadfast to the extent that people in the camp were trembling. Can you picture all these on your mind? This is not a movie. Not a vision. It happened in real life! These magnificent appearances are full of codes and significance. A hint for you to know in this week is that all these dreadful sounds and appearances were speaking of Yahweh's glory but the people could not discern it. They only heard the sound and saw all dreadful things happening on the Mountain. For your information, all Yahweh's creations speak. This was fully discussed in one of my audio podcasts about 3 years ago.

Moses brought his people from the camp as instructed by Yahweh to stand behind the line they should not cross over to get to the bottom part of the Mount. Yahweh and Moses spoke concerning the children of Israel.  Another code in this chapter is that Moses was the only one who could perceive Yahweh's voice and words but the Israelites could not. Moses was not different from the rest Israelites but Yahweh chose to give Moses the ability to hear and speak to him fluently. This scene was so trembling to the extent that the sanctified priests could not get closer to Moses. They could not hear what Yahweh was discussing with Moses. You see, it is not just because these people were sanctified but just to let us know that sanctification without the blood of the Lambkins (Yeshua) cannot grant us access to Yahweh. Moses was granted this access and he was able to converse with Yahweh as a friend would converse with each other because it pleases Yahweh to do so (Rev 4:11).


Something was definitely about to happen here. Yahweh had to begin to use the Israelites as a proper example to the rest of the world that no one is perfect as he prepared to usher them into bubbles of ignorance. Israelites made a huge mistake as they promised to do whatever Yahweh tells them to do (verse 8). They had no idea of what they were getting into. The honeymoon was over and they did not realize it.  When a couple says "I do". They really do not know what it means until they experience it.

Yahweh informed these people that they would be the priests to the rest of the world if they obeyed him. You have seen in this chapter that the priests could not stand a chance to approach him in his colossal glory and unmatchable holiness. Yahweh intended to get these people organized and prep them for the eon to come. Chapter 20 and the rest of Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers and Deuteronomy discussed further on the struggle the Israelites had with keeping up to their promises. However, let us wait to know the essence of chapter 20 of this book.


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