How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 68)

Exodus:  Meeting with a great Advisor

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 18)

It is another week to get blessed as you read the blog. Last week blog discussed two major events that Yahweh instructed Moses and Aaron to record in the archive Israelites' history. Yahweh surely did these to let elders of Israel read it to their younger generations and to enable them to have faith in him.

This week blog took another turn as Moses had to learn the administrative aspect of his leadership. One of my favorite prayers is that Yahweh should continue to send people who would help me shape my life for better. A person who's his/her suggested ideas will not mislead me. People who will not be afraid or timid to tell me how to become a better person; People who will assess my present condition and offer pieces of advice for way out. If you pray these kind of prayers, you are about to know why Moses needed this kind of prayers.

It is a great thing to experience Yahweh's miraculous intervention in every seemingly insurmountable mountain of issues in our lives but it is also very important to know how to manage our success. Moses recounted the great news of miracles Yahweh had performed among the Israelites to Jethro when he visited him with Moses' wife and children. Moses went as far back as all plagues that happened to the Egyptians. Jethro had heard this news as well but you know it is always good to confirm such a story from the right source. Jethro proclaimed that Yahweh is able to abase the proud people. This is true. Jethro gave thanks to Yahweh for all these great news as well. He ate with Moses and all elders of Israel. It was a happy moment, especially when Moses met with his wife and two children after a few years (verse 2-13).

Jethro observed that Moses was presiding over so many matters arising among Israelites and it was wearing out Moses. Moses himself did not realize this. He must have being of an opinion that he was the one Yahweh had called to shepherd the Israelites but lacked how to administer this call. This is what Jethro found out while he stayed with Moses in the wilderness. Jethro was bold enough to tell Moses that what he was doing was wrong. He did not point out Moses error in anger but in love and care.


As a good Father-In Law, he offered a nugget of wisdom to his Son-In-Law (Moses). He informed him not to get worn out as the result of making effort to oversee every issue of the Israelites because Moses might easily get tired; fall sick and might be almost dying. One may argue that Jethro also impliedly wanted Moses to have attention to his own nucleus family. This is also very important. I do not see much of sentiment on this either.

One more thing is crystal clear between Jethro and Moses.

Ø  Moses did not have much relationship with his earthly father. Moses bowed down to Jethro when he saw him coming to meet with him (verse 7). You could say that Jethro had earned this kind of salutation from the great Moses.

Ø  Jethro offered Moses a place in his tent as his son, not only as his Son-In Law. Jethro had no son to call his own. So, the first son he could transfer his fatherly care to was Moses.

Ø  Moses learnt a lot on how to be a good father from Jethro.

Ø  Through Jethro, Moses got to learn a lot about Elohim of Abraham; Isaac and Jacob. For a record purpose, Jethro was one of the descendants of Ishmael born through Haggai to Abraham. He was the Sheik/Priest of Midian. This confirms that not only children of Israel worshipped the Elohim Yahweh of Abraham.

Jethro advised Moses to perceive among all people of Israel men of ability; fearful of Elohim; men of truth and hating dishonest gain. These are great criteria. Jethro went further to advice Moses to place these men of good qualities over a thousand people; some on hundred people; some on fifty people and some on ten people. He continued to advise Moses that these appointed men would judge in every season. In other words, they would permanently be judging. Moses would only preside on every heavy matter that none of these appointed men may be able to handle. He assured Moses that Elohim would instruct Moses further (on what to do) so that Moses could stand (be of fewer burdens). What a great Father-In Law.

What I observed in all these is that Moses took the advice of his Father-In Law (verse 24-26). He did not claim to know better than his Father In-Law. He simply acted accordingly. Let this be a great lesson for you and me this week. Nobody is a highland. Nobody knows it all. If Moses was arrogant, he would have disdained his Father-In Law's pieces of advice. Moses might have lost strength to carry on. However, he did not only respect his Father-In Law but obeyed him. He did not say he would go and pray about it. He knew Yahweh had sent Jethro to him to offer him pieces of advice that would enable him to continue his leadership role with less hassles.

Jethro left Moses for his own place (verse 27). He had done what Yahweh wanted him to do in the life of Moses. Moses leadership role was changed for better since that moment. What a great relieve Moses would experience too. Moses was also humble enough to listen to his Father-In Law's advice and had his family back to him in the wilderness as he continued to shepherd his people to the Promised Land.

I hope you must have learnt one or two things in this week blog.

Please, scroll down and write your comments and or questions. Please, be nice with them.

Look forward to read next week blog on the adventure of these Israelites to their Promised Land.








  1. It's always a blessing to have someone sent by Yahweh to advise us on be better in what we do. Sometimes, we may not realize what impact their advice or suggestions may have on our lives.


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