How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 65)

Exodus:  New Life Begins

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 15)

It can be inferred from Psalm 103:2 that the writer was conversing with his soul. He spoke with his soul to magnify the Lord and never to forget all benefits the soul has received from Yahweh. This week blog discusses further on why we should always remember Yahweh's past benefits whenever we are faced with issues in our present time.      

               Just like a newly married couple, there is an indescribable ecstasy between the Man and his Wife. Sometimes, they go on Honeymoon immediately they were joined together as a couple. Have you ever watched a sport whereby your favorite team wins the final match? How did it feel? If you were informed that you have passed a professional exam, how would you feel? The same feelings pervaded the children of Israel at the heel of the massive hunt Yahweh conducted on their hunters in chapter 14. The mighty wind collapsed the gigantic high rise column of red sea at both opposite sides over the angering army charged by Pharaoh to hunt the Israelites. It was an event the children of Israel would never forget in their lives. At this victory, without preparation, Moses composed a song of praise to Yahweh by saying:

Do let me Song to Yahweh, for He is august, yea august.

The Horse and its rider He heaved into the sea.

Yah is my Strength and my Melody and He became mine for salvation.

This is my El; I shall adorn Him, Elohim of my father, I shall exalt Him.

Yahweh is a Man of War; Yahweh is His Name (verse 1-3).

               This is a kind of joy no one can explain. It was rather beyond description. Moses even stated that all cities including Philistia, Edom and all lands of Canaan would be afraid of them due to the miracle Yahweh had performed for them. That was true when you get to Joshua chapter 5 and 6. Meanwhile, Miriam was referred to as a Prophetess. This is rather a strange thing to me. There could be more information on this. I do not know what she had prophesized in this bible chapter. However, she also joined Moses to sing as she played tambourine in her hand and sang after the song of Moses. All women joined Miriam to sing the same song as well as all Israelites. They all went into rapture as a result of the mighty salvation Yahweh had brought to them. It was a happy moment that was priceless.

               This happy moment was cut short after Moses took the children of Israel on a three day journey into wilderness. These people became thirsty. Luckily, they found water but the water was bitter. How would you feel when what you expected to be a succor turns out to be a threat? I believe they should have asked Yahweh for help. After all, they just sang praises to him 3 days ago according to this scripture. Instead, they called on Moses for help. Have these people learnt something about Elohim Yahweh yet? Hardly. Moses might be a little worried at these people as they all chorused his name to save them from dying of thirst. Imagine roughly 2 million people chorusing your name for help....that would be overwhelming. Was Moses the solution or Yahweh?


                                                  Moses, this bitter water is all your fault!

 Anyway, Moses demonstrated to them once again as he cried out to Yahweh for help. I believe the Israelites by then should have understood that it was Yahweh they supposed to have called upon in the time of trouble. To solve this problem, Yahweh directed Moses to a tree which Moses flung into the bitter river water. Then, the river water became sweet for the Israelites to drink. However, Yahweh led them to a place called Elim where they saw 12 springs of water and 70 palm trees. Elim may be a significant topic in another school of thought. However this indicates that Yahweh will never leave his people not forsake them (Deuteronomy 31:6-8).


               At this simple incidence, Moses made a statute for the children of Israel with an ordinance to probe them. At this scene, he instructed them according to the direction of Yahweh that they would not be afflicted with the same contagions that came upon the children of Egypt if they do what is upright in the sight of Yahweh; listen to Yahweh's instructions and observe all Yahweh's status. Why do you think Moses had to go this far? He probably found that his people needed to start to learn about Yahweh faster because their new life has just begun! Did the Israelites realize that they just started a new life? It did not appear so. Sometimes, some married couples need to be reminded that they are no longer single. Therefore, they should act like married people.

               In conclusion, the Israelites acknowledged their salvation from the hands of their Hunters but were soon to forget that the same Yahweh would never abandon them in the wilderness to die of thirst talk less of hunger. However, Moses found that he needed to make these people begin to think like a freed nation separated unto Yahweh as they begin to learn about who their true savior Yahweh is. He wanted them to stop focusing on him but on Yahweh. Psalm 121:1 admonished us to look up to Yahweh for help. Do you think the Israelites would pass this probation?

Next week blog will shed more light into how the Israelites perceived Yahweh.

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