How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 63)

Exodus:   Preparation for a new life

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 13)

               Last week blog informed us that Yahweh instructed the Israelites to kill one year lamb or goat and rob the animal blood on their lintels so the he would pass them over. It was established that according to this bible version, it was Yahweh who visited the land of Egypt and kill from the first male child of Pharaoh to the last first male being of beast. It was not an Angel of death but Yahweh himself. The Passover was meant for him. The Egyptians wailed in tears and eventually, Pharaoh let the Israelites leave. It was time for the Israelites to begin to live a new life.

               The visitation of Yahweh to the land of Egypt should not be a thing to forget. It was a great steadfast hand of Yahweh that brought the Israelites out of the land of Egypt. The spiritual battle between him and Pharaoh could not have been won by any other means but by Elohim Yahweh himself. Pharaoh had many gods he could use to combat any spiritual battle but he lost to Elohim Yahweh of Israel. The last straw Yahweh pulled was the massive death of all male beings in the land of Egypt. This was a wonderful work of Yahweh. Therefore, he mandated the Israelites to sanctify all first male being that comes out of the belly of their mothers because they are special to him. There are lots to discuss on this but this blog may not permit me to do so. In a nutshell, Yahweh knows the importance of every first male being from humans to animals. Thus, what he did to the Egyptians was a great damage and the Israelites should not take it for granted. Remember that Yahweh made it known to Pharaoh that Israel is his first male son (Exodus 4:22). First male child should not be taken for granted.

               Yahweh knew what were going to happen in the nearest future of the Israelites. Therefore, he began to inform Moses and Aaron of the ordinance of what to do; how to do and when to do things. He informed them many things in this chapter (from verses 1 through 16). What stood up to me most was the fact that the Israelites should be reminding their children of the miracles he performed in the land of Egypt and how he let them out of the land of slavery. He knew the Israelites may soon forget Yahweh's intervention. This event should be remembered between the end of March and the beginning/middle of April. It is also known as Nisaan-Abib in Hebrew language. Nissan (spring time) is the first month of the Israelites according to Exodus chapter 12. It is the time of Passover celebration in the land of Israel. It was the time Yeshua was also crucified as the Lambkin of Elohim Yahweh to atone for our sins and transgressions once and for all. The Israelites follow moon phase not regular calendar we have. So, there may not be accurate day between March and April for Passover.

               Another thing that stood up to me was the fact that the Israelites had to put the sign symbolizing his miraculous intervention in the hand and between the eyes of each of them. This implies that Yahweh wanted the Israelites not to only have this miraculous deliverance in their minds (between their eyes or foreheads) but also in their deeds (right hand). Ironically, Anti-Christ would also want people to show their pledge of allegiance to him by taking his mark on their foreheads (between their eyes) or on their right hands (that is, by their deeds). Wow! What a coincidence.

               Towards the end of this chapter, Yahweh knew the level of Israelites' faith against oppositions. Therefore, he re-directed them from going through the land of Philistines to Wilderness road of Sea Weeds. The puzzle of my heart was why would Yahweh not let the Israelites pass through the land of Philistine? It was the closer route to the land of Canaan promised to them. Why could not Yahweh send terror on the hearts of the Philistines or caused fire and thunder to scare the Philistines away when the Israelites pass through the land of Philistine to their promised land? Have you ever thought in this way? Do you think Yahweh could not have done this? Why did he not do so? Have the Israelites not suffered enough in the land of Egypt? Are you with me on these questions so far? But why? Seriously why?  Please, see the map on the above heading.                                                     

    What came into my mind was that, Yahweh needed the Philistines to live because he had many things to do with them in the nearest future. According to history, some Egyptians migrated to the land called Philistine. Therefore, Yahweh had some unfinished dealings with the Philistines in the later bible chapters. So, you can see why Yahweh is the only wise Elohim? He knows the end from the beginning. If the Philistines were destroyed because the Israelites were passing through their land, there would not be story of Samson and Delilah; David and Goliath respectfully. Do you agree with me? More so, Yahweh did not want to expose the Israelites to fear of oppositions. He had something else in his mind for them.

    In conclusion, Elohim Yeshua (Christ Jesus) was the pillar of cloud to the Israelites in the days and the pillar of fire to them in the nights throughout their journey to the Promised Land. He was also the navigator Moses used to take the Israelites towards the Promised Land. He had been with them throughout this journey. You will find out later in this scripture. However, Paul points out in I Corinthians 10:3-4 that the Israelites drank from the Spiritual Rock which was Christ. Remember that some bible version called this Elohim an Angel, God or Lod. I hope you have gained one or two things in this week blog.

More to come next week by the special grace of Elohim Yahweh.

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