How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 61)

Exodus: Harbinger of the Last Straw  

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 11)

Last week blog discussed how Yahweh hides himself from people. It was a great bible commentary on Exodus chapter 10. You should read it if you have not.

Did you see the picture of Pharaoh disdaining the warning from Moses and Aaron? Did you also see the angry face of Moses (in white cloth)? Let us see what this week blog focuses on.

This week blog focuses on the fore-telling of the last straw Yahweh intended for the Egyptians. This was planned by Yahweh to shake the whole land of Egypt right from Pharaoh to the last person. Yahweh informed Moses and Aaron that he would bring one more plague to the people of Egypt. As a result of this last plague, Pharaoh and his people would surely let the people of Israel leave.

There are three things to take note of in this week blog:

Ø  The last contagion (plague) will terrify the Egyptians that they will drive the Israelites out of the land of Egypt. This implies that the Israelites would not be let go voluntarily but with a forced situation. Sometimes, blessing of relief may come in violent way. Never question the form of which the blessing comes. It may be in involuntarily sometimes (verses 1-2).

Ø  The children of Israel had to ask their Egyptian neighbors of valuable things including items of Gold and Silver. In King James Version, the action word is "borrow" but the above version used to discuss this chapter elucidates that the action word is "ask". Thus, if the children of Israel had to ask their Egyptian neighbors of valuable things before they left the land of Egypt, they would not need to pay/return these neighbors back because they would not have to "borrow" them. So, the action word, "borrow" is not detailed enough but the word, "ask".

Ø  Yahweh informed Pharaoh and his Courtiers through Moses and Aaron that death would come on the Egyptians if they would not let his people leave Egypt. It should be expected that Pharaoh might be terrified and let the Israelites leave without further hesitation. It should also be expected that Moses' words had never fallen through but perform whatever he said to Pharaoh. Should the situation whereby all first born male in the land of Egypt from Pharaoh's son to the first male beast born not be enough to scare Pharaoh? Therefore, by all means Pharaoh should not have hesitated on Moses' request to let the Israelites go. However, Yahweh stated in verse 10 that he purposely hardened Pharaoh's heart to perform this one last contagion!


Moses went forth from Pharaoh in the heat of anger (verse 8). Why should this bother Moses? I believe Moses should leave Pharaoh's presence with a grin on his face. Why was he angry at Pharaoh? Have you ever thought of this? Perhaps, he had compassion on the people of Egypt. He had compassion on them for what Pharaoh would bring on the Egyptians as a result of his stubbornness. In my own opinion, I do not think Moses should be bothered at all. However, this is to let you know that Moses did not wish this tenth plague comes to Pharaoh and his people. He expected Pharaoh to wave a white flag to avoid this horrible plague. Indeed, Pharaoh's attitudes called for one more contagion. He was the harbinger of this last straw. He surely brought this upon himself as Yahweh made his heart to lack understanding.  Romans 11:7 points out that people like pharaoh have been intoxicated by Yahweh to make them not get understanding of the situation around them because they are in stupor of mind.

               In conclusion, Elohim Yahweh works things according to the counsel of his will (Ephesians 1:11). This was his will to subdue Pharaoh, his Courtiers, his numerous gods which include but not limited to Horus, Osiris, Aakhu, Ra, Amun, Hathor, Bastet, Thoth, Anubis and Isis. These gods were appealed to by Pharaoh's Sorcerers, Diviners, Priests and Wise men but they were unable to stop Yahweh from his will and intention for the Israelites and Egyptians. Where were these gods in the heat of this spiritual battle? No one can withstand the will of Yahweh. Not even any of these over 2,000 Egyptian gods!

Next week blog will discuss how this plague was applied in the next chapter.


I hope you are blessed by this week blog.

Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.



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  1. Praise the Elohim Yahweh who shows that he has no rivals.


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