How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 59)

Exodus: The Open Secret

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 9)

The battle between Yahweh and Pharaoh continued to get intense. If you were like me, I think Pharaoh should have given-in and let the people of Israel go. However, Yahweh was in control of this situation as he continues to make Pharaoh refused to let his people go. You may be wondering which kind of Elohim Yahweh is this. What does he have to gain from this continuous battle? He is who He is. He does whatever he wants (Isaiah 46:9). Some people do say this but they probably do not understand it. This Yahweh's secret in plain sight. This week is another example of how he deals with his creations. I hope it will also help you to understand who Yahweh is.  Remember that he had already informed Moses of what Pharaoh would do (Isaiah 46:10). Let us see how this battle continues in this week blog.

In chapter 9, you can observe that Yahweh never gets tired of whatever he wants. Remember that he was doing this intentionally to judge Pharaoh and his people with different kind of plagues. Moses had come to understand that Yahweh was having his way on this issue. I believe by now, Moses could not be asking Yahweh to stop sending him and his brother (Aaron) back and forth to Pharaoh. They have understood that Yahweh was running the show. He was their Elohim (God) while they were his messengers. So, Moses and Aaron informed Pharaoh to let their people leave Egypt. Otherwise, all flocks in the land of Egypt, except in the land of Goshen would be infected with exceeding heavy plague (verses 3-4). Pharaoh would not let the people of Israel leave. So, the plague came on all these flocks. Pharaoh sent for these two brothers to appease to their Elohim. After the relief, Pharaoh's heart was hardened again.                                                               

Then, Yahweh told Moses and Aaron to sprinkle limekiln quicklime towards heavens in the presence of Pharaoh and his sacred scribes for the boils to come on the Egyptians. The boils budded out into pustules on humans and on animals. These boils were so apparent to the extent that the sacred scribes could not stand before Moses. This plague did not flinch Pharaoh. You know why? He knew Moses and Aaron would always appeal to their Elohim to remove these plagues. So, he continued to be stubborn. Yet Yahweh informed Moses to arise in an early morning to stand before Pharaoh to tell him to let the people of Israel leave to avoid the next plague if Pharaoh refuses.


This is what got to me most in this chapter. It starts from verse 15. Moses revealed a divine secret of what was going on to Pharaoh but Pharaoh and his sacred scribes did not understand. Moses revealed the truth in a plain sight to Pharaoh and his people yet, they did not see it. Yahweh informed Pharaoh through Moses that he could have put forth his hand and smitten Pharaoh and his people with plagues so that they would have been suppressed from the earth but for this sake, he kept Pharaoh standing in order to make him see his vigor (strength/might) that Yahweh's name may be related (acknowledged) in all earth. Thus; Yahweh used these plagues to engrave who he is in the in the mind of Pharaoh and all Egyptians. Yahweh intended and purposefully engraved who he is in the land of Egypt and whoever reads about these events. These are the behind the curtain secrets revealed to Pharaoh and his sacred scribes, sorcerers, astrologers and wise men but they still did not understand not to talk of letting the people of Israel leave.  This is another good example of relative sense and absolute sense. This makes me awe Yahweh. No wonder, in the book of Isaiah 6:9, Yahweh pointed out to Isaiah that: Hear; yea hear, yet do not understand; And see, yea see, yet do not know. As you can see, Yahweh showed Pharaoh and his folks the secret behind this continuous war but kept the understanding away from them. In other words, this world is full of increased knowledge but with less understanding. If people understand the secret Yahweh reveals, they would amend their ways without further delay. He let them see the secret but kept the solution away from them. This time, as the plagues grew worse, it was Moses carrying out the next instructions from Yahweh. Moses stretched out his rod to the heaven. Not Aaron's rod this time forth. Yahweh gave thunderclaps and hails. As a result of Pharaoh's disobedience, heavy hail fell on his people and his animals. A lot of them died in this plague. No heavy hails have ever fall in the land of Egypt like that up till today. However, the land of Goshen where the Hebrews resided was safe from this plague (verses 22-26). Pharaoh was terrified by this plague. He acknowledged his sin. He stated that Yahweh was right but he and his people were wrong. He asked Moses to beg Yahweh for his sin. He even assured Moses that he would let the people of Israel leave. Moses pointed out to Pharaoh and his sacred scribes in verse 29 that earth belongs to Yahweh. This was also written in Psalm 24:1. I think Pharaoh has begun to learn about who Yahweh is. You may call it "Yahweh 101". In the presence of Pharaoh and his courtiers, Moses stopped the thunderclaps and hails from falling. The wheat and the spelt were not yet destroyed because they were blades. This bewildered Pharaoh and his people but he appeared to have got another succor from this plague. Of course, you might have already known that he was lying. He would not let the people of Israel leave (verses 30-35).


With this week blog coming to an end, I came to think of it. I fear this Elohim Yahweh. People should dread him seriously. He is nobody's mate. He can show people secret of his punishment and still make people not repent of their sins. Wow. As you can see, this does not involve Satan as many of you might have concluded. This has nothing to do with Satan making Pharaoh so stupid to the extent of punishing his people at the expense of his stubbornness. How many are they in this world that Yahweh had shown the truth in the plain sight yet they did not recognize it? They will never recognize it unless he reveals it to them. So, can you see that knowledge is not enough without understanding? Only Yahweh gives understanding. He reveals the secret and the meaning of the secret gives understanding of what to do with the secret. Pharaoh was lacking understanding in this chapter. It reminds me how understanding was lacked in the time of Yeshua when he faced the Sanhedrin in John chapter 8 (the whole chapter). The Pharisees and Sadducees lacked understanding despite their great knowledge. John 9 verse 39 points out out that these people were blind when they claimed that they see. Up till this moment, billions with knowledge of Yahweh are without understanding of who he truly is.  This understanding cannot be earned by human's effort but by the Spirit of Yahweh. No one is seeking Yahweh (Romans 3:11). Yahweh is Spirit (John 4:24). He makes you find him (John 6:44). Not the other way round.

Perhaps, Pharaoh might be thinking that Elohim Yahweh of Israel might get tired of his mandate and leave the Israelites for him in the long run. He did not know that all that happened to the Israelites were in Yahweh's overall plans. Indeed, Yahweh controls humans' affairs whether we like it or not.

 I hope you have been blessed in this week blog.

Let us wait to see what come next in the following chapter.

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