How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 58)

Exodus: Ping-Ponging?

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 8)

Have you ever played ping-pong? It is also known as table tennis. This is when two to four people hit ping-pong ball back and forth between/among themselves on ping-pong table.  It is an interesting game. You should try it. It is good for health too.

This week blog discusses ping-pong of spiritual war between Yahweh and Pharaoh. It is very interesting. It makes me laugh and at the same time see how Pharaoh, his occultist wonder chimp-monks and courtiers tried to call Yahweh's bluff. In all they did in this chapter, it is synonymous to when someone hurts you but you hurt yourself instead of hurting the one that hurts you. How ridiculous is this? Very ridiculous! Is it not a good thing for anyone hurt to alleviate the pain instead of adding to it? This week bible chapter shows how arrogantly stupid Pharaoh and his folks were.

However, before I dive into this, I like to call your attention to these observations.

It was Aaron's rod and not Moses' rod

I used to think that all these signs and wonders were directly performed by Moses. This bible version made it known that it was Aaron doing all these according to the instruction Yahweh passed through Moses. In addition to this, it was Aaron's rod that was used to cause all the plagues not Moses' rod. This is connected to the fact that Moses was an elohim to Aaron while Aaron was Moses' Prophet. Moses instructed Aaron on whatever Yahweh tells Moses to do. I hope this is also clear to you.

Moses and Aaron grew in faith

In this bible chapter, it was observed that Moses never went back to Yahweh to demonstrate lack of faith. He had been seeing signs and wonders beyond his imaginations. He had been speaking to Pharaoh with more boldness. Pharaoh and his people had been seeing Moses as a threat to their peace. Moses got his brother's support in all back and forth with Pharaoh. Aaron's faith had increased too because he was carrying out his function well as Moses' Prophet. He did whatever Moses instructed him to do. He was Moses Spokesman. We all need this kind of boldness as we increase in measure of faith according to Yahweh's disposal (Romans 12:3).

Yahweh told Moses and Aaron to go back to Pharaoh to let his people go. Otherwise, there would be frogs everywhere in the land of Egypt. This includes but not limited to Egyptian's waterways; Pharaoh's house; his bed chamber; his couch; his courtier's house and his people generally. So, Moses told Aaron to stretch out his rod over the waterways. Frogs jumped out of it and swarmed all over the land of Egypt. Pharaoh's sacred scribes also did so with their occultisms and they brought up frogs over the land of Egypt. I came to think of this issue also. This is ridiculous. Should these sacred scribes be doing the same thing Moses and Aaron did? Should these ignorant people not understand that they supposed to remove the plague instead of adding to it? Oh, I get it. They were making a point to Moses and Aaron that whatever their Elohim Yahweh could do; they could also do. However, they forgot that they were the ones suffering more. What a pity.  They were slapping themselves after they were being slapped by the miracles performed by Moses and Aaron. These people made me laugh.


Pharaoh saw the multitudes of frogs in his palace and everywhere. He called on Moses and Aaron to entreat Yahweh on his behalf because he was ready to let the people of Israel leave. Moses and Aaron cried unto Yahweh to remove the frogs and the frogs were removed from the land of Egypt. Do you think Yahweh did not know that Pharaoh was lying to Moses and Aaron? He did but he was playing along. However, frogs were in the waterways were not removed according to the words of Moses.

Since Pharaoh loved to play Ping-pong with Yahweh; Yahweh sent Moses and Aaron again to tell Pharaoh to let his people go. Pharaoh was told that lice would come if he refused. Of course, Pharaoh would not oblige to Moses threat. So, flies came when Aaron smote the land of Egypt with is rod according to the instructions Yahweh gave Moses to Aaron. In other words, grain of sand turned into lice. Lice occupied the land of Egypt. The sacred scribes were too foolish to try to perform the same miracle but this time, they could not. This gave them a red flag that it was the finger of Elohim! What? The finger of Elohim? Somehow, these Egyptians were able to see that Yahweh has a finger. Hmn...So, then, they found that Elohim Yahweh has a finger? What if it was the hand of Elohim? What would they have done? I mean a finger can only do a little when it is compared with what a hand can do. What if Yahweh used his hand to hurt them? Would they be able to challenge him? This time, the idea of ping-ponging miracles with Elohim Yahweh ended. These sacred scribes waved their white flags. Indeed, it was no one else that could have done this but Elohim Yahweh. Pharaoh asked Moses to entreat Yahweh just like before with the promise to let the people of Israel leave. Moses and Aaron did so. They lice stopped but Pharaoh rescinded his promise.


For what Pharaoh did, Yahweh sent Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh to let his people go. If not, there would be mixture of flies all over the land of Egypt. Moses added that Yahweh would distinguish the land of Goshen from this plague so that Pharaoh would know that Yahweh is the boss in all lands. Pharaoh disdained this warning and flies came. The flies came more than Pharaoh could imagine. They were so much to the extent that they occupied every nook and crannies of the land of Egypt. However, they did not reach the land of Goshen where the children of Israel occupied. I believe this should be enough sign for Pharaoh to also raise a white flag but he would not, to fulfill what Yahweh had told Moses in Exodus chapter 3 and 4. He asked Moses and Aaron once again to help him appeal to Elohim Yahweh because he would let the people of Israel go. Moses and Aaron prayed as usual. The mixture of flies went away, but Pharaoh's heart was steadfast (verse 32). Perhaps Yahweh demonstrated sense of humor to Pharaoh because it does not cost him anything to eliminate him and render his people useless.

In conclusion, you may be wondering why Yahweh was making things prolong with Pharaoh. Just like the comments made in series 57, Yahweh was doing this because:

Ø  To fulfill what he informed Moses about what he would make Pharaoh do (harden Pharaoh's heart despite all plagues from Yahweh).

Ø  To show Pharaoh and his Sacred Scribes that he is more powerful than their occultism powers.

Ø  To reveal himself to the children of Israel about whom he is. 

I hope you are blessed with this week blog.

Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.


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  1. Father, you are the El. There is no one like you. Not even Pharaoh and his Folks! Amen.


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