How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 55)

Exodus: First visit to Pharaoh

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 5)

It is another week to learn from the book of Exodus chapter 5. Moses was given a mandate to go and tell Pharaoh to let his people go back to their land gushing with milk and honey.

Have you ever made an attempt to face an opponent that looks intimidating? Have you ever been assigned to perform a task that you had no prior experience and the volume of work is beyond your capacity? To men, how did you feel when you were to speak to a lady you greatly admire and love for the first time? All these would probably be arduous tasks to achieve. It would seem like you are trying to face and defeat a gigantic Goliath with your seemingly feeble weapon.

This week, Moses and his elder brother Aaron had to deliver the message given to them by Yahweh to the one and only Pharaoh of Egypt. The name Pharaoh in those days signified the highly respected ruler in the world. Remember that the land of Egypt fed the people from far and near during the time of Famine. With the administrative prowess of Joseph, Pharaoh had become the most significant subject not only in the land of Egypt but in the whole world in those days. So, for slaves to visit Pharaoh would be a huge task especially with a strange message. What was this message?

These two Hebrew brothers went to Pharaoh's palace to deliver the message.  Thus says Elohim Yahweh: "Let my people go". Their words sounded like arrant nonsensical message to Pharaoh and his Royal subjects. I could imagine Pharaoh and his people laughing and mocking these Hebrew brothers. However, I was a little concerned about the fact that these two brothers asked Pharaoh to let the people of Israel to serve Yahweh in the wilderness for 3 days to avoid plague or sword (verse 4) that may come to them if they did not go. I believe this is undermining the mandate Yahweh gave to Moses. I would rather prefer they told Pharaoh straight-up that he should let the people of Israel leave because this was Yahweh's mandate. However, have you ever wondered this issue too?

The implication of Pharaoh's response depicts that Moses and his brother were asking for irrelevant thing. They should not think about it or consider leaving Egypt. They should rather keep working as slaves (verse 5). To make this more effective, he commanded that the children of Israel should get straw for themselves but the tally of their bricks or assigned tasks should not reduce. This rather appears to be an intimidation and bullying. This idea is obvious. You may call it psychological imprisonment. Pharaoh kept on imprisoning not only the physical appearance of the Israelites but also their minds.

Pharaoh did not expect challenge from the children of Israel. He wanted them to be continuously maledicted and beaten down emotionally.  He would prefer them to die and rot in the land of Egypt. To make this matter worse, Moses was accused by his own people after they went to Pharaoh that his Superintendents have stopped getting them straw and this has become an additional task for them to perform to ensure bricks were made for all structures they were demanded to erect in the land of Egypt. This was rather pathetic. Moses found himself very confused. He probably might have thought that Yahweh would cause a scary miracle to occur right away to make Pharaoh agree to let the children of Israel leave for Promised Land. However, Yahweh's way is not our way (Isaiah 55:8-9). He works according to his plans and as scripted by him before the world was created. Nothing catches him unawares. So, his ways are not our ways. He is not a magician but a miracle worker.

What would you have done if you were Moses? Would you have blamed Yahweh for sending you to your people or even to Pharaoh? This was a huge task for Moses to carry out. He was in between the devil and the deep blue sea. He was not loved by his own people and he was not regarded by Pharaoh who hated him with passion. Who would he have run to but to Yahweh who called him? In case we find ourselves in the face of doubt and uncertainties, let us remember the promise of Yahweh for our lives. He will fulfill his promise no matter what (Numbers 23:19). He will surely never leave us nor forsake us (1 Kings 8:57).

This is the beginning of the actions taken by Moses and his dear brother Aaron towards the mandate given to them by Yahweh. Pharaoh had never been challenged like that by any Israelite. This is a tip of the iceberg. Moses was onto something in the land of Egypt. Yahweh was being patient on this issue. He knew that Moses and Aaron would have to face a herculean task but he was with them to see them through. May Yahweh see every reader through this year as we face our individual tasks which may appear to be like Pharaoh to us. I also pray that he gives us the confidence to challenge our oppressors and subdue them.

In conclusion, Moses may not have done anything that is significant in this week chapter but he has actually started. Next week chapter will discuss more on this. Indeed, people require signs and wonders to prove the words of mouth are potent. Talks may be cheap but signs and wonders are not. Signs and wonders are the "real deals" that support talks. They make talks not mere words but words backed with great power! Wait to see Yahweh in action through the words of Moses next week.

I hope you have learnt a few things in this week blog.

Thanks for reading this blog. Please, leave comments and/or questions and be nice with them.

May Elohim Yahweh bless you for your support.






  1. Praise be to Yahwh who works things according to the counsel of his will (Ephesians 1:11).


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