He continued to hear the voice from the burning thorn bush.

How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 54)

Exodus: The Call (continues)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Exodus chapter 4)

Yahweh (God) or an Angel: Who was actually in the burning bush?

Last week blog discussed the beginning of the encounter Moses had with Elohim when he was shepherding flocks of sheep towards Mountain Horeb (Sinai). It is also called the Mountain of God. There, Moses found out the reason for his being. In other bible version, it was recorded that an Angel appeared in the bush as a burning fire. Like it was mentioned in Genesis 15 that the word "Lord" or "Angel" appeared and received people's obeisance/worship and declared himself as God or Elohim implicate that this is the appearance of the son of Yahweh. I like to speak more on this in this week to clarify things that may be unclear to people. This is Yeshua. Sometimes, bible refers to him as God. Jacob fought with him according to Genesis 32:22-32. This was not Yahweh the father of Yeshua (Yahua/Yhwh). Understand this truth: Just as your son bears your last name and your last name makes you one, Yeshua bears his father's name (Elohim/God) and he mentioned it in John 10:30 that he and his father are one. Yahweh was probably mentioned in last week blog but it was actually his son Yeshua in that dialogue with Moses. God/Yahweh is just a title. However, his Hebrew name is El. For an example, El Shaddai (means Almighty God); El Elyon (means Most High). Yeshua/Christ Jesus is Eloah (means towards El) and the two of them are called Elohim. This is for you to know to avoid mixing it up. Remember, it is always the relationship between father and his son. They are two but not three. Colossians 1:15 points out that Yeshua is the express image of the invisible Yahweh. I hope to write more on this truth in the nearest future.

However, Yeshua clarified in John 14:28 that his father is greater than him just like you are greater than your son (agewise). So, to make you understand this truth, Yahweh and Yeshua are both Elohim. Most of the times when you read that God appeared to someone in the bible, remember that it was his son. Not exactly Yahweh the father of Yeshua. Why? It is because no one has ever seen Yahweh according to John 6:46 except the one who is from him ( that is Yeshua). You may be pondering that some preachers said they went to Heaven and saw "God"...This is not correct. It is all lie.  These preachers love to turn scriptures upside down. Scriptures cannot be set aside (broken/annulled) according to John 10:35. Isaiah recorded that he saw Elohim (the Lord) in chapter 6:1. That was Yeshua (who in English language is referred to as Christ Jesus). John 1:18 pointed out that no one has seen Yahweh. Micaiah wrote that he saw the Lord...(I Kings 22:19). He saw Yeshua not Yahweh. The Lord is being referred to as Eloah/Oluwa (Yoruba language) or Yeshua (Hebrew language). While most people have difficulty in identifying them, Yeshua clarified again in Matthew chapter 6:9 saying, "our Father" who lives in Heaven...There many things to share on this but this would be discussed in future Elohim willing.

The call with signs and wonders:

Moses was terrified to speak with Elohim who appeared to him in a burning fire. The thorn bush did not burn and the voice coming out of this fire knew everything about Moses and the people of Israel. Moses' complaints were obvious. The task given to him was very huge. So, Elohim gave him 2 signs and wonders to show the elders of Israel so that they may believe he was truly sent to them (verse 3-8). In verse 10, Moses complained that he was a man of heavy mouth and heavy tongue (he could not speak eloquently) but what Yeshua told Moses was striking. Yeshua responded as thus: " who made mouth for a human or who is making one mute or deaf or having unclosed eyes or blind? Is it not I? Was he not Elohim Yahweh? Here, the name of God was borne by his son. How do I mean? The book of John 1:2-4 points out that the word (Yeshua) was with his father (Yahweh) from the beginning. Through him, all things were made and without him, nothing was made that has been made. So, you can see why it was Yeshua that made different kind of human beings? The same Elohim did not make mistake by calling Moses. He knew who and what Moses was. Physical deficiencies would not stop Moses from performing the role he was made for. It had to be Moses and no one else. Moses got the mandate. He was told to show the miracles to Pharaoh to prove that he had met with Elohim who demanded that the Israelites should leave Egypt. Elohim let Moses understand that Pharaoh would not let his people go but with a strong hand which he had already planned to show in the land of Egypt (verse 21-23). Despite all agitations within Moses, he went to the land of Egypt. He met Aaron on his way to Egypt just as Yahweh had informed him (verse 27-28). When elders of Israel heard Moses' account with signs and wonders he showed to them, they all bowed down in reference of Yahweh. They knew it was time to pack up and move up from the land of slavery to the Promise land.

In conclusion, this week bible blog took a different turn. It is not how it was originally planned. Perhaps, this week's blog is for some people who needed to know the truth about Yahweh and his son and of course, the concluding part of the dialogue between Elohim and his tool in the name of Moses. Please, get ready for more actions from chapter 5 onward. It would be the battle between the good and the evil just as it will be towards the end of this eon. This one is just a sample of it.

Thanks for taking time to read this week blog.

Stay connected for more inspirational comments on the next chapter of Exodus.




Picture source: https://images.search.yahoo.com/


  1. Knowing that Yahweh (Yahwh) is invisible makes it clear that he is a Spirit. Yeshua is the image of this invisible Spirit. That is why he bears his name sometimes just as our children bear our last or surnames. Moses was on to spiritual battle. That is why he was born afterall. To be a deliverer.

  2. A display of languages, denotatively and connotatively for those who need to know.


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