Joseph watched in surprise as his father crossed his hands to bless the children

How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 48)

Jacob's mandates

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Genesis chapter 48)

Joseph: Um...Dad, I think something is not right....that's not how to place your hands on my two sons.

Jacob: Don't worry my son, I'm aware of it. 

This is a couple of lines in the events you are about to learn in this week bible chapter.

Jacob was getting to his grave so, he called to see Joseph. He had seen the salvation of Yahweh through his dear Joseph. He reiterated his wish to Joseph to bury him in the land of Canaan. Joseph was aware of his father's situation. So, he went to his father with his two sons (Manasseh and Ephraim). In this week, Joseph witnessed a thing he was not expecting from his dad. Let us see what Jacob's mandates were.

Jacob continued in his mandates to Joseph by telling him that both Manasseh and Ephraim belonged to him because they were born before he came to see Joseph in the land of Egypt. This was obvious anyway. However, he clarified that any child that is born by Joseph after he (Jacob) had come to Egypt to stay did not belong to him (Jacob). I really do not understand what Jacob meant in verse 5. You may comment on this verse, if you do know what it means.

Jacob requested to bless Joseph's two sons. At this time, Jacob was getting blind as a result of old age. What happened to Isaac who was also blind at his old age happened to Jacob. Joseph placed Manasseh (the first son)'s head for Jacob to place his right hand upon and placed Ephraim's head (second son) to Jacob's left hand to bless. However, Jacob crossed his hands on the two sons as he places his right hand on the left side where Ephraim was standing and he places his left hand on the right side Manasseh was standing. Jacob blessed the two sons and placed Ephraim ahead of Manasseh (8-16).

Joseph was displeased at what his father did but his father made it clear to Joseph that it was not because his eyes were getting dim due to old age but that was his mandate (verse 17-19). Jacob told Joseph that he was aware of how he placed his hands. In other words, Jacob was in his right senses.

In relative sense, Jacob was not making sense according to the traditions of Hebrews because first born sons are entitled to double portion of their parents' inheritance. However, in absolute sense, this is how Yahweh worked through Jacob to bless Joseph's sons. Ideally, Jacob knew that Manasseh was supposed to be given the first born blessing but somehow he did not do so. He even stood by his decision which made Joseph bewildered. Jacob might not know why he did so (even though he was aware of his action), but Yahweh knew what was happening. He does things according to his pleasure (Revelation 4:11). Yahweh works things according to the counsel of his will (Ephesians 1:11).

Through Yahweh we live, breathe and have our beings (Acts 17:28). What happened in this scenario was beyond both Jacob's and Joseph's wisdom because Yahweh made it happened that way! This is another example of how Yahweh shows us that he is in the affairs of all humanity as he re-arranged the order of Joseph's sons' blessings not in accordance with age but in accordance to his will. This situation is synonymous to the event that happened between Esau and Jacob but this time, it had nothing to do with cheating Esau to get blessed.

Towards the end of this chapter, Jacob mentioned three striking things to Joseph in his mandates.

Ø Jacob left Joseph to the care of Yahweh to be with. He knew that it was the same Yahweh who had been taking care of Joseph during the time Joseph was sold to the land of Egypt as a slave.

Ø He prayed for Joseph that Yahweh restored him (and his brethren) to the land of Canaan which was covenanted to Abraham and his descendants. That was a prophetic prayer for the descendants of Jacob which eventually came to pass from the books of Exodus through Joshua.

Ø He gave Joseph one mountain slope more than his brothers which he took by his own sword when he defeated the people of Amorites. In order words, Joseph received double portion of Jacob's inheritance. This also implies that Jacob's undying love for his dear wife Rachel was extended to Joseph. I believe he was trying to tell Joseph that the right Reuben (Jacob's first son) deserves was given to Joseph who happened to be the first son of Rachel.

In conclusion, let us see how Jacob blessed his 12 sons when he was about to have his last breathe.

I hope you have learnt something positive from this week blog.

Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.

Have a great and prosperous New Year in advance.


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