How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 45)

Happy Family Reunion part 1

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Genesis chapter 45)

At the heel of all dramas and episodes roller-coastering between Joseph and his brothers; Joseph could no longer hold himself together. He informed all Egyptians around him to leave him with his brothers in the house. He had a secret to tell his brothers. Just like in the movies, when you hear the terrifying sound of musical instruments that ushers-in surprise, Joseph made the last episode appear like this to his brothers. His brothers would be wondering what next was coming for them. I can imagine them fastening their despondent eyes on Joseph to hear the next information bombshell. They all were terrified and had their hearts in their tummies to know what would come to them next.

Joseph looked into his brothers eyes and let the cat out of his bag. He disclosed himself to his brothers!  You may be wondering why Joseph sent all Egyptians standing by him outside of the house.  I believe Joseph had to prove to his brothers that he was truly who he said he was. Do you know what he did? In case you do not, he only wanted his brothers to see his circumcised private part (foreskin) to prove that he was their brother. What? Do you remember when Yahweh informed Abraham to circumcise himself and all male children in Genesis 17:10-12? This was an eonian covenant Yahweh has with Abraham and his seeds. With this, his brothers could not deny the truth that it was Joseph indeed.                  

From verse 5 through 11, Joseph spoke with his brothers with much more understanding of how Yahweh relates with his creations both in relative sense and in absolute sense.

This is what I mean:

Ø  In relative sense, Joseph let his brothers know that he was sold to the land of Egypt because they hated him. The thought his brothers had for him was evil.

Ø  In absolute sense, it was Yahweh who sent him to the land of Egypt to preserve the lives of people against the worldwide famine. Therefore, Yahweh had a good thought towards him.

Who could have believed that Joseph would conclude this way on his life story? What made him come to this understanding? Yahweh had made Joseph to understand that sometimes when we try to figure out why we are in any unpleasant situation even though we are not at fault; there is a reason for it.  At times, when we pray, fast, whine, whimper, cry, and are downcasted to get Yahweh's attention on our situation it appears that he gives no hoot about us. We may be asking Yahweh whether he was even listening or show some sort of care but he does not flinch.

Psalm 23:4 admonishes us that even though we should walk in the ravine of blackest shadow, we should not be afraid because Yahweh is with us, ravine of blackest shadow is not pleasant to humans but this moment will surely pass away one day. Yahweh never answers our prayers late. He always comes to rescue us at the right time.

Joseph's conclusion is a deep one. It also helps to confirm that we are just acting on Yahweh's plans whether we are aware of it or not. His conclusion indicates that humans have no free will but only Yahweh does. Otherwise, Joseph would have avoided to be sold to the land of Egypt; or to be jailed for sin he did not commit or to become Lord of the land of Egypt because he would not want to leave his beloved father.   All were planned by Yahweh who knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 45:9-10). Joseph understood that Yahweh was at work all the while. His elder brothers also acted according to the will and plan of Yahweh for Joseph to bring an overall promise he made to Abraham to pass. His brothers could not have done worse to him. They could not help it either.

Joseph lamented with an outburst cry, but he embraced his brothers. He hugged and kissed them, especially his younger brother (Benjamin) whom he had missed for a long time. He could not be with him to see him growing from a baby to a young man because he was sold out to the land of Egypt. He spoke kindly to his brothers. All dramas were over. He informed them to go and bring his father and the rest of the household to Egypt to live with him to preserve them throughout the rest 5 years of famine. Finally, he let go off the burden he was carrying for over 13 years.  What a family re-union.


Joseph spoke kindly with his brothers

Well, the rumor of this meeting reached the Egyptians living with Joseph. This news also got to the hearing of Pharaoh. Then, Pharaoh said to Joseph to bring all his family members and household from the land of Canaan to Egypt. He determined to give them the best of the land to live. He also provided food for them to eat for their journey back to Canaan.

Joseph provided carriers to his brothers to bring all Israel's household to the land of Egypt. He gave 300 shekels of silver and five changes of raiments to Benjamin but he gave just one change of raiment to each of his brothers and no shekel of silver. Why was this? You may call that a kind of sentiment. Anyway, he was deprived of growing with Benjamin for many years. He had dearly missed his blood brother. What do you expect? At this, his elder brothers did not raise their eyebrows. They had to take it to their chins.

When Joseph's brothers reached their father, they could not hold their joy back as they informed their father that Joseph was alive. At this point, I believe they had to tell the whole truth to their father, but they did not. I believe Jacob would think his children were playing him a joke. However, the manner in which the news was brought to Jacob made his heart torpid.  He was eager to go and meet his dear loved son before he had his last breath. What a joyful news Jacob had received. I am sure he would want to hear the other side of story from Joseph on how he got to the land of Egypt. However at that moment, there was no time for this. Jacob had to be on his journey not to only meet his son, but to also live with him to be parted no more until he dies. Off you go, father Jacob! He could not wait to see him.

Is there anything else we need to learn from Joseph and his family? Yes, of course. Stay tuned until next week.

I hope you are also blessed with this week blog.

Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.





  1. I bless Yahweh for his plan for humanity. There's time for everything.


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