Joseph held a banquet with his brothers.

How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 43)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Genesis chapter 43)

                                     Joseph's brothers turning new leaves?

At the heel of last week blog, Jacob was contemplating that his last son, Benjamin would not go with the rest of his elder sons to the land of Egypt because he did not want to lose him as he lost Joseph.  Reuben and Judah vowed to protect Benjamin and promised to bring him back to home safe. It was an emotional moment when Jacob's elder brothers realized that the love their father had for them was not bias. Jacob loved their imprisoned Simeon as well as he loved Benjamin and the rest of them.  However, Yahweh was in absolute control of this situation because it was time for Jacob and his family to be on the way to the land of Egypt to fulfill what he told Abraham in Genesis chapter 15:13-14.

This week, Jacob had no choice but to release Benjamin to his elder brothers to go to the land of Egypt because the food they initially purchased was about to finish.  Remember that in last week blog, Joseph told his elder brothers that he had to see Benjamin to release Simeon. Otherwise, they should not bother to see him.  Benjamin and his elder brothers arrived at Egypt and they met with Joseph.  Joseph's brothers were quick to state that they found money in their sacks when they initially came to buy food in Egypt. They were told that their Elohim and the Elohim of their fathers had buried the treasure in their bags. Hmn...Really? They did not know that Joseph was acting as a Hollywood actor to trouble their minds (verse 23-25).  They bowed down to Joseph once more (verse 26) because they were perplexed and trembled before the Lord of Egypt.  While these elder brothers were eager to see to Simeon, Joseph was busy looking at Benjamin. It was a great moment for him (verse 29-30). That was his brother from the same mother (Rachael) who he had missed for many years. He asked for the well-being of his father and was glad to know that his father was doing great.  Simeon was released to the rest brothers. Joseph observed how happy the brothers were when Simeon was released from prison. Joseph organized a banquet for himself and his brothers.  It was part of custom for Egyptians not to eat together with the Hebrews. Joseph did not break this custom because of his brothers. He separated his table from his brothers (see above picture). He pretended to be an Egyptian.  

In this banquet, Joseph created another scenario. He arranged seats for his brothers according to their ages. Remember that it was still during the time of famine and food supposed to be rationed but regardless, Joseph threw-in a banquet for his brothers to merry. How awesome was this? He served Benjamin 5 times more than the rest 10 brothers. Could they be thinking that may be Simeon had told Joseph their order of birth? Well, this thought probably did not come to their minds. However, this scenario made his brothers pondered but they surely had a great banquet with Joseph. Joseph somehow probably cracked some jokes with them to make them feel at home and relaxed while they were eating with him. He somehow alleviated their fear. So, they all had fun for that moment.


What do you think may be possibly going on in Joseph's mind? Did these brothers know who he was? What a happy sight would it have been if he was among these brothers rejoicing to see Simeon being released from prison? How would it be to see his dear old father again? How would his brothers take it if he told them he was the Joseph that was hated and sold to the land of Egypt by them? How would he break the news of his identity to them? These and many more thoughts might be bothering Joseph's mind. When he was in the middle of happy moment with his brothers during banquet, he was crying deeply in his mind. However, have you noticed that these elder brothers were more matured and were ready to protect each other? Have they truly turned new leaves? Did Joseph also notice this change of mind? I hope this world comes to understand that we are all from the same Adam and Eve or better say, we were all created by one God who created the heavens and earth. May be wickedness and jealousy would be greatly reduced in our societies at large.

Well, let us wait to see how Joseph breaks out this news to his brothers. Until then, I believe we should understand that whoever God has blessed cannot be cursed. Sometimes, we should let the weight of offenses be offloaded from our minds. This may help to free our minds from those who have wronged us. Do you think Joseph would do the same? Next week blog will tell.

Thanks for reading this week blog. Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.



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  1. Joseph could not hold it together. He just threw-in a party for his brothers in the midst of his sadness for his brothers' attitudes towards him. However, he found maturity and great sense of oness among his brethren. His brothers still found it amazing on how a "stranger" knew their order of births. A stranger? is that so? Let us wait for how this Hollywood man ended up his drama. Above all, Yahweh planned this to fulfill his agenda. His ways are not our ways. Joseph was just an avenue to fulfil Yahweh's future plan for Abraham's descendants per Genesis 15:13-14. This time, Jacob and his household would be preparing to go to the land of Egypt.


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