Topic: How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 39)

(Yahweh continued to work out his plan through Joseph)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Genesis chapter 39)                                   

 She could not keep her eyes off that young aspiring innocent man. Oh Father, lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the wicked ones (Matthew 6:13). Amen.

Hello my blog readers. Last week blog discussed how Yahweh related with Judah to carry out his plan. You were also informed of how the descendants of Judah were connected from Perez to Yeshua the Messiah. This week takes another turn to how Yahweh continued work out his plan through Joseph as he related with him in the ways that is difficult for any human to comprehend.

In Genesis chapter 37, Yahweh (in disguise) put hatred in the mind of Joseph's brothers to sell him to the Ishmaelite to avoid the fulfillment of Joseph's dreams. This week chapter discusses how Joseph began his life in the land of Egypt. He was sold to Potiphar (the chief Guard of Pharaoh). He was sold at the age of 17. The love and care of his dear old father were being terribly missed. However, the scripture stated that Yahweh was with him.  Joseph was initially meant to be a slave doing derogatory tasks. He actually began with this until his skill-sets were found out by Potiphar.  From doing derogatory tasks, he was promoted to the position of head servants of Potiphar's house.  In addition, because of Joseph's presence in Potiphar's house; Potiphar was greatly blessed with many successes. Potiphar noticed these and he handed all other things in his house over to Joseph. He only cared for his food. Nothing more! (verse 2 -6).


While Joseph was basking in this favor, Potiphar's wife was noticing the rise of Joseph. She also began to eye him and somehow began to seduce him for sexual relationship. Did you see the picture found for her in this week blog in the above heading? That was her! On many occasions, she stalked Joseph to yield to her request but he refused. One faithful day, Potiphar and men servants were not around. It was the perfect time for Potiphar's wife to get her wish. She caught Joseph in a position Joseph could not escape. Joseph had to spill his words out to escape Potiphar's wife eager body. He said to her that Potiphar had put everything in the house in his care but not her.  He would not commit such an heinous crime by sleeping with her. He would not do such a thing to sin against his El (verse 7-9). Sometimes, such a thing may tempt anyone aspiring to actualize higher position but promotion comes from Yahweh (Psalm 75:6-7).


These statements did not sit right with Potiphar's wife. She quickly turned from being softly seductive to being aggressively desperate and demanding! Joseph could not help it but to run away. His cloth was already being gripped by Potiphar's wife but Joseph had to force himself away from such desperate grip. Who would believe his story? He was still a slave irrespective of his rank in Potiphar's house.  This problematic woman cried out to her husband that Joseph, an Hebrew was brought to make fun of them! Oh my God! She just cooked something up to make this matter worse for Joseph. This woman made sure she laid Joseph's cloak beside her in the bed until his husband arrived.  Joseph had nothing to say to vindicate himself before Potiphar who jailed him without thinking.  In all these, it appeared that Joseph's hope was dashed and his dream had been shattered (verse 10-20). Joseph must have prayed with heavy heart and running tears but it appeared Yahweh was not listening to this poor young  innocent man.  Yahweh was not moved by Joseph's dilemma but was excited for what Joseph would later become! In case you find yourself in an ugly situation, Yahweh knows. He will safe you at the right time.


Yahweh never left Joseph because he showed him kindness in the prison. The Warden of the prison handed the affairs of the prison to Joseph after he realized that Joseph's management skills was demonstrated among his fellow prisoners. Indeed, "a man's gift widens the way for him, And guides him before the great" (Proverbs 18:16). The Warden of the round-house (prison) did no longer bother to supervise the prison because it had been handed over to the capable Joseph. Would Joseph end his life in the round-house? Would his dream ever come to pass? Could he ever forgive and forget about what the cruel, forceful and lying Potiphar's wife did to him?


The Warden of the prison handed Joseph prison keys.

All I can tell you is that sometimes, when life poses to be unfair to us, Yahweh is very much aware of it. David said when we walk in the ravine of blackest shadow; we should not fear evil because Yahweh is surely with us (Psalm 23:4). So, let us be hopeful. Our future is definitely bright! Amen.

Wait! There are more to Joseph's life. He did not end it where I will stop this week.

Next week is another time to discuss this great man. Yahweh was working out his plan for Jacob step by step to fulfill the overall covenants he made with Abraham.

Please, leave your comments and questions.

Be nice with them.


Pictures credit:
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  1. Wow. How do we find ourselves in unwanted trouble and think Yahweh had left us. He has us in his mind. We are written in the palm of his hands. He surely never forget us. He will come and safe! Our prayers and fasting are good in time of trouble. However, they are not the reasons Yahweh rescue us but these spiritual exercises help to improve our faith that Yahweh answers prayers. Yahweh will show up at the right time. Not at our own set time. It is always at the right time my people.

  2. Do you think Joseph would realize his dreams? I think it is good to wait on the Lord and avoid unnecessary shot-cut.


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