How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 33)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Genesis chapter 33)

Greetings to you my blog readers. Last week blog discussed the encounter that Jacob had. This encounter propelled Jacob to the next phase of his life. His name was changed to Israel. Please, read the detail of last week blog if you have not done so.

               In this week, Jacob's encounter was the liberation he needed to face his brother. According to the book of Genesis chapter 33, Jacob saw Esau a far off coming with 400 hundred men. So he divided his children among his wives and maidservants. He put the children of his maidservants  in front, followed by Leah and her children before Rachel and Joseph (the only child at this time). Then, he moved ahead of them to meet with Esau (verses 1-3). He bowed down seven times while going towards Esau. What does this mean? I believe it was a sign of respect and humbleness towards Esau. He knew he was not worthy to meet with Esau. He showed a sign of remorse. Esau ran towards Jacob, hugged him, kissed him and the two men wept. Aww...What a great family re-union. I believe their parents would love to see this, especially Rebecca. In verse 5, Esau asked Jacob who the children and women were. Jacob humbly answered that they were "the children whom Elohim had graciously given to him. Jacob regarded himself as the servant of Esau. What else could he have done? He saw himself as being at the mercy of Esau. Jacob introduced his family batch by batch to Esau and they bowed down to Esau as he introduced them. What does this tell you? Esau appeared to be a higher authority over Jacob? Not so. Jacob was still being smart as he understood that he was at the mercy of Esau.

               Jacob offered gifts to Esau just to find grace in his eyes. Jacob did not know that Yahweh had already blessed Esau too! So, Jacob's gifts would not amount to anything before him. However, he received the gifts after Jacob begged him to do so to show him that the he was truly being forgiven (verse 6-10). However, in future blog, you will learn how children of Esau dealt with children of Jacob on the issue of birth right. It seems this issue was still boiling in Esau's mind. This is a serious issue. The conflict has never stopped until today. It is rather pathetic to know.

               Jacob continues to demonstrate his fear of being attacked by Esau by telling Esau to go ahead of him to Seir and he would come along at his pace due to his young children, flocks, cattle and wives who might not be able to pick up fast pace after Esau and his men (verses 11-15). Jacob surely went to Succoth instead! Why? Was Jacob still afraid of his brother? Was he doubtful of his spiritual awakening and encounter with Elohim? What about the prayers he prayed to Yahweh concerning his journey? What was going on in Jacob's mind? Was Jacob masterminding all these? Not so. This might be a controversial issue because it appeared Jacob supplanted his brother once more. In relative sense, this is true because he did not tell Esau that he was not coming to Seir. He rather let his brother moved far from him and he smartly settled in the place called Succoth which was in the city of Shechem within the land of Canaan. Please, see the map below for better understanding. However, in absolute sense, Yahweh wanted Jacob to live in a separate place to fulfill his plan for him in a few years to come. Jacob bought a place in Succoth from the sons of Hamor the father of Shechem for a hundred kesitahs.


             In conclusion, the whenever we pray to Yahweh concerning things and he answers our prayers according to his plans, our behaviors towards the answered prayers may not deter the blessing Yahweh has given to us. In relative sense, Jacob did not need to act in this way. It was uncalled for. Esau should have gone to challenge him for being cunning again, but it was not recorded in the scripture that he was angry at Jacob for such behavior. What Jacob did not realize is that whatever Elohim does shall be for the eons. Whatever he does cannot be added to or taken from. The one Elohim does so for people to fear before him (Ecclesiastes 3:14). We cannot help Yahweh. He does whatever he does at any time he wants. So, whoever he blesses cannot be cursed.

I hope you have gained one or two things in this week's blog too.

More events continued to happen to Jacob. Yahweh had the next chapter for his life. Indeed, Succoth was not his place of rest. He has more moving to make!

Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.

Happy reading.




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    1. Sometimes, reconciliations among siblings may be more difficult to achieve when it is compared with reconciling with friends. However, reconciliations among siblings may be more healthy and joyful than making up with friends in my opinion.


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