How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 35)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Genesis chapter 35)

               It is the last week of September 2022. I hope you get blessed in this week's blog.  It appears last week blog showed that Jacob somehow kept getting into different issues. There is another thing to learn about his life according to the scripture this week. Remember that Yahweh was in Jacobs' life throughout. It may appear to you that Jacob's life was not something to pray for. Believe me. I understand your thought. However, are you not surprised that the same Jacob inherited Abraham's covenant?

               Sometimes, we only see the surface of issue but the underneath is not feasible for us to see. In relative sense, Jacob's life was nothing to write home about but in absolute sense, he was living his life to fulfill the plan Yahweh had for him. We are just clay in the hand of Yahweh who is our Potter (Romans 9:19-21). We cannot blame Yahweh for how we live our lives. His plans for our lives are not mistakes. Like I responded to one of the blogger's questions, Jacob had a better end. Please, stay connected.

               At the heel of the incidence that happened in chapter 34 (last week blog), Elohim said to Jacob to go and make an altar for him at Bethel. This is a kind of SMS message or email that gave Jacob the next direction for his life. I believe his hope was revived (Chapter 35:1-3). He informed his family that he had to go and worship the Lord that helped him during his distress. So, he knew what to do. What do you think he did? He instructed his family to first of all clean themselves. Then, they had to put away all Elohim (idols/gods or image of gods). Does it imply that Jacob knew that his family members were indulging in gods other than Yahweh? Yes, it does! Do you remember in my previous blog when Laban (Jacob's father in-law) accused Jacob of stealing his gods (Genesis chapter 31:31-37)? Jacob probably found out later but he did nothing about it. Hmn. Does it means that Jacob was afraid to control his family, especially his wives on whom to serve? Was he accommodating foreign gods and was contented with it? I will be back on this. Let me move on to the next thing on this chapter.

In verse 8, Deborah, the wet Nurse of Rebecca died. I believe Wet Nurses were hired to help breast-feed children that were not theirs in those days too ( According to Google search this had been stopped since 1900 officially. However, my feeling is that it is still being practiced in some places currently but unnoticed.

Jacob and his family went all the way to Bethel. There Elohim appeared to him and blessed him. Jacob's name was affirmed to be Israel. The same blessing pronounced on Abraham which was later  transferred to Isaac was pronounced on Jacob. It was mentioned that Kings would come from the descendants of Jacob (verse 11-13). This was also the reflection of the blessing pronounced on Abraham in Genesis chapter 17:7. So, in the nearest future when I begin to discuss issues in I Samuel 8, you would see that it had already been said by Yahweh that Israel will surely have kings. Therefore, it was not accidental as it may appear to many bible readers. You can see that scriptures are connected.

               As they journeyed from Bethel (after Jacob's encounter with Elohim) towards Ephrath, Rachel was laboring to have another child. The labor was intense and she was about to die in the process. She gave birth to another child. The pain was too much on her that she called this child Benoni (child of sorrow). Jacob was quick to change the name to Benjamin (meaning Son of my right hand). In short, names may have great impact on people's lives. Jacob would rather prefer to have one less sorrow than having additional one. Rachel had been the pain in the butt of Jacob despite of his undying love for her.

               In verse 19, Rachel died. The love of Jacob died. Why did she have to die while giving birth to Benjamin? Was there any medical complication not disclosed about Rachel? Not so. In relative sense, Jacob had predicted Rachel's death (Genesis 31: 32) "yet, with whomsoever you should be finding your (Laban) elohim, he shall not live". This is what Jacob told Laban then. Here it is. It happened! In absolute sense, it was time for Rachel to die. It was a sorrowful day in the life of Jacob. You can see her image at the top of this week's blog. She was buried at Bethlehem. Jacob made a monument for his dear wife.

It was a sad news to know that Reuben slept with Bilhah. Bilhah was a step mother to Reuben. She was also the mother of Reuben's half-brothers (verse 21). Jacob was sad to know this but he kept silent until Genesis chapter 49. Reuben was eventually cursed by his father! So, in the world of immorality that we currently live, things of this nature are being found in a few places around the world. It is not a pleasant thing. The book of Leviticus chapter 18 discusses a lot on this kind of immoralities. Please, take time to read it. Apart from scripture guidance, it is not humane to do such a thing.

From verse 23 through 26, all children of Jacob were mentioned. I hope to speak in-depth about these children in future as well.

Jacob finally met with his father (Isaac)! This is what Yahweh had told him to do before he went to the place his daughter was raped. Anyway, Isaac was happy to see Jacob alive (even though he was physically blind). Isaac was happy to know that Jacob came with his family. Isaac died at the age of 180. He was buried at Hebron by Esau and of course, Jacob (verse 28-29). I personally love Isaac. I always refer to him as the most favored of the three patriarchs. I think he had better life than his father Abraham, Esau and Jacob. That is the image of Isaac below. Isaac had a happy end because Esau and Jacob were back together.

I hope this week blog blessed you too.

Let me know who your favorite patriarch is.

Let me also know what you think of this week's blog.




  1. I bless Yahweh for this week bible studies.

  2. Replies
    1. Yahweh was with Jacob and his family because they could have been attacked in the land if Shechem when they were moving away from it because Simeon and Levi killed people in that land. However, Yahweh put fear in the mind of all people they met on their way out of Shechem because Yahweh never disappointed Jacob for protection. Yahweh certainly would not let evil fall on whoever he loves.


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