How Yahweh relates with his creations (series 34)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Main text: Genesis chapter 34)

Hello my blog readers. It is another week to get blessed. Last week's blog discussed the family re-union between Jacob (now called Israel) and his brother Esau. Jacob appeared to be still afraid of his brother despite the fact that all looked to be alright between the two. So, he settled in the city of Shechem of the land of Canaan contrary to the expectation of being in the city of Seir where his brother was located.

               In this week, chapter 34 of the book of Genesis gave an account of a new ordeal that sprung up for Jacob through his children. You can see the sad face of Jacob in the above picture. Will he ever get out of troubles? Let us see. From verses 1 through 4, Dinah (Jacob's and Leah's only daughter who was also the sister of Simeon and Levi) decided to walk out of her father's place. It is just as if you take a stroll out of your house when you are bored. She saw some ladies of the city. She formed friends with them. She was probably catching fun outside of  her boring house. From there, the most successful son of Hamor (a Hittite) saw her, took her in and slept with her. His soul clung to Dinah to the extent that he was ready to marry her. He informed his father to speak on his behalf to Jacob concerning his feelings and his decision to marry Dinah.

                                                         (Shechem's soul was clung onto Dinah)

               At first, Jacob was silent. Why was he silence? I believe Jacob was weighing the whole situation. He did not appear to be happy that his daughter was defiled by an uncircumcised man but at the same time, he was wary of what the people of Canaan might do to him if he retaliates. When Simeon and Levi heard this incidence, they were sad and were very grieved. Hamor and Shechem pleaded to for the girl's hands in marriage. These people were willing to do anything to get this girl. Still, Jacob was silent.

               Hamor and his son (Shechem) went as far as asking Jacob's sons to marry their daughters while Shechem marry Dinah. The "two brothers of destruction" were quick to respond. They requested Hamor, Shechem and all male in that city to be circumcised. This would the bride price of their sister. Here, Jacob was still silence. Hamor and Shechem were pleased with this request. They rushed to their fellow city men and told them to do likewise. What I observed is that these men had projected that in the long run, Jacob and his property will finally belong to them (verse 20-23). However, these people had nothing to lose by doing what was requested from them. They had already assumed that Jacob had come to stay with them. I believe Jacob did not want to have anything to do with these people. 

               Meanwhile, these men got circumcised! Just so you know; circumcision conducted was on their foreskins. It is not a good feeling at all. Circumcision is done to male babies when they were newly born. Imagine how it would feel for the grown-up men! (verse 24). Simeon and Levi knew that the excruciating pains on all men of Canaan would not enable them to be agile to fight back if they attack them. So, they used this opportunity to attack Hamor, Shechem and all men in the city of Shechem. They massacre these people and carted away all their belongings. See the picture below. Jacob was frightened at his children's action. He dreaded that he may lose his life and property. So,  resolved to move away from that city. He stated that his children had made him stink in that land. Therefore, it was better for him to move away from that place before the rest people of Canaan heard of the incidence and come to strike back.


               In this chapter, Jacob was passive. Could it be that it was because of his past ordeals with Laban, Laban's sons and Esau? Why was he silent for the most part of this chapter? It is crystal clear. Jacob was tired of fighting. All he wanted was peace of mind. Remember that he was informed by Yahweh to go back to his parents but he did not do so. He also wanted to stay away from Esau but he ran into another trouble. His sons told him that they could not let their sister be dealt with like a prostitute. Were these brothers correct?


If they were, was it okay for these brothers to still go ahead and attack these people? Should they have accepted the pleas from Hamor and Shechem? Why could Jacob not caution his children against any possible attack and violence? I believe that a lot was going on Jacob's mind. He was probably mentally tired. However, towards the end of the book of Genesis, you would see that Jacob broke this silence. He definitely expressed his displeasure with these boys for their violence. Please, stay tuned for more lesson next week.

I do not know if you have gained something in this week's blog but I have to comment on this chapter because it has connection with the next chapter.

I hope you enjoy the reading.

Please, leave the comments and be nice with them.




  1. Hmn...Jacob's life. In all, Yahweh was brewing something up for Jacob. His life did not end miserably..


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