How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 26)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 26: Main text)

Hello my blog readers. I hope you are having a wonderful summer time too. I pray that the grace and mercy of Yahweh continues to be with you.

In last week blog, Abraham's last deeds were discussed before he died. Focus on Isaac's life and his nucleus family began. Twins were born to Isaac and these were strange and opposing characters. Please, read last week blog for details, if you have not done so.

In the above picture, did you see a man caressing his wife in the opened space? That was Isaac and Rebecca. The two lovebirds could not hide their love to the extent that people saw them in their act. If you love someone, sometimes, you cannot hide it.  Indeed, Isaac could not hide his love for Rebecca. However, before this incidence happened, this week blog discussed a lot about the next move Isaac had made. Chapter 26 of Genesis discussed that there was famine in the land of Gerar. So, Isaac thought it would be a great idea to relocate. He firstly went to King Abimelech of Philistine and Gerar. Somehow, maybe he needed to take permission before he leaves Gerar (this is just my opinion). Yahweh knew Isaac was thinking of moving to the land of Egypt but he cautioned Isaac not to do so. Yahweh knows when we are trying to be proactive to move away from upcoming danger but his ways are not our ways. This time, he chose to caution Isaac but he did not do so for Abraham. He must have had a plan for him. Yahweh's ways are not our ways...(Isaiah 55:8-9). Yahweh informed Isaac that his covenant with Abraham would be fulfilled in Isaac. So, he obeyed Yahweh's instructions.

While Isaac was dwelling in the land of Gerar, he lied to men who saw him with Rebecca that Rebecca was his sister. Do you remember who first lied like this? Oh yeah! It was Abraham his father in Genesis chapter 12:13 and 20:2. You may say, "like Father; like Son". I wonder why these people had to lie but I have nothing serious against them. In one of my Saturday audio podcasts, I mentioned that Bible should not be looked at with the lens of moral standards but as the ways Yahweh relates with his creations. Otherwise, both father and son should have been "punished" as most religious people might expect. Yahweh's ways are not our ways. He knows the intention of our hearts. So, he does not look the way we do.

Isaac had issues on all wells he dug, All wells his servant dug for him were taken over by the people of Gerar and Philistine rudely. However, Isaac's servants kept on digging well until these bullies left Isaac for the last well. The well was called Rehoboth. Remember that Isaac was a stranger in the land of Gerar. His father was also a stranger there before he died. He could not fight those who inhabitants in Gerar and Philistine because they were more than him. These people even poured sands into the well dug by Abraham before he died. So, he maintained peaceful relationship with them. However, King Abimelech sent him away from his people because he was much stauncher than them (verse 16). So, they confessed that he was a blessed man, an influential person, a man of honor and a special person. Isaac's well reached water and he called the place Rehoboth. Yahweh appeared to him to reassure him of the covenants he had with Abraham. Isaac's enemies had stopped troubling him and he was given a place to stay finally. These people were jealous of him but were afraid of him because they understood that Yahweh was with him (verse 23).

Proverbs 16:7 points out that our enemies would be at peace with us when our ways please Yahweh. People of Gerar made peace with Isaac at last. They swore an oath not to cause trouble of Isaac anymore. So, Isaac made a feast for his enemies and they left him alone. You see, my dear blog readers, sometimes we do not know how Yahweh fights for us. Sometimes, patience overcomes quarreling and animosity. I believe Isaac realized that Yahweh had never left him even when he was being maltreated by the people of Gerar and Philistine. In this chapter, Yahweh did not instruct Isaac to fight back. It is not everything fighting back solves. Sometimes, it is good to overcome evil deeds with good deeds.

Lastly, Esau did something that caused grief and embitterment on his parents (verse 34). He married Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite and Basemath daughter of Elon the Hivite. I am pretty sure; Esau's parents would have preferred him to marry from their kindred in the land of Pandanaram. Now, you can see that Esau was taking his course away from the lineage Abraham would prefer his children to take. Indeed, Yahweh knew this would happen. That is why his covenant would pass from Isaac to Jacob.

I hope you have one or two lessons to pick from this week's blog.

Thanks for taking time to read it.

More will come up by the grace of Yahweh next week.

Please, leave the comments and be nice with them.

Have a great week and peace of Yahweh be with you.






  1. Praise be to Yahweh who deliver us from our enormous envious beings.


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