How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 27)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 27: Main text)

Hello my blog readers. I pray that the grace and mercy of Yahweh continues to be with you. Last week blog discussed the followings among other things:

Ø  After the death of Abraham, there was famine in the land of Gerar and Philistine. Isaac wanted to relocate to the land of Egypt but Yahweh instructed him not to do so. He was told to stay in the land of Gerar.

Ø  Isaac lied to King and people of Gerar that his wife (Rebecca) was his sister. His lie was punctured when they found him caressing his wife in an opened place.

Ø  People in the land he dwelled a series of quarrels with him but he was vindicated by Yahweh in the long run.

Ø  Esau married from children of Heth and it caused great grieve to the hearts of his parents.

In this week, Genesis chapter 27 mirrors the event that started from Genesis chapter 25. Yahweh surely had secrets. He kept this secret between himself and Rebecca. Isaac was in the spiritual darkness on this issue. Time had come for Yahweh to begin to execute his plans for both sons of Isaac. So, he did not only keep Isaac to be spiritually blind to this plan but also caused him to be physically blind. You might think how was this possible.  On this issue, I took a few steps to reflect on Isaac's father and mother. None of them was blind. So, what could have possibly gone wrong with Isaac? Have you ever thought about this? The answer is not too far to get. Yahweh had to do this to Isaac to carry out his plan for the two sons perfectly well. Even, Rebecca could not fathom how her dear old husband became blind. She only knew that Yahweh preferred Jacob to Esau.

How did this whole thing played out?

Isaac realized that it was getting to the time he would die. So, he told Esau (his first son) to go and hunt game for him. He intended to eat this hunted animal that Esau kills and bless him (verse 1 through 4). This information was eavesdropped by Rebecca. She hurriedly instructs Jacob to kill a tender animal for Isaac to eat (verse 5). Jacob was a little reluctant but his mother urged him to do so. Jacob's mother dressed Jacob as if it was Esau. She also prepared tender meats for Isaac to eat.

Isaac appeared to be a little skeptical of who came to bring the meat for him to eat as it was somehow too early for his son to bring-in the game killed. Jacob's voice could be identified by Isaac but the skin worn by Jacob checkmated his skepticism. Jacob even told his father that he was Esau. Yahweh put everything in line for Isaac to bless Jacob. This was unknown to Isaac (verse 25-29) . In relative sense, this issue appeared as if Jacob cheated his brother but in absolute sense that was how Yahweh wanted it. The book if Isaiah 46:10 pointed out that  Yahweh tells the end from the beginning and his counsel shall stand.

Genesis 27:30 revealed that when Jacob was barely leaving his father, Esau arrived from his game. He prepared tender meat for his father but could not believe that the real Esau just came to him! This situation sent a shocking wave into Isaac's bones. He was baffled and at the same time bewildered at how he was being fooled (verse 33). Esau tried to get blessing from his father but it was a hard thing for his father to do. Isaac declared to Esau that he had appointed Jacob as master over Esau. Esau had also been "spiritually" handed over to Jacob as servants (verse 37).

Esau was truly a hustler. He hustled blessing (at least one) from his father. He wept bitterly. In Esau's groaning and bitterness, his father pronounced blessing on him as well (verse 39-40) but would still be subservient to Jacob. However, Esau's blessing had to come with struggling and hustling because he had to brake off the yoke Jacob put on his neck when Esau was strong enough to do so. This was a bitter day for Esau who found that Jacob had outsmarted him second time.

Esau did not want to add more to his father's sorrow. So, he held his anger until the demise of his father (verse 41). In the long run, Isaac understood that it was the will of Yahweh that the blessing goes to the younger brother. Rebecca instructed Jacob to go to the brother (Laban) in Charan until Esau's fury is gone. Rebecca had psychological trauma on this situation. Her mind was not at rest. She was also concerned that Jacob might marry from children of Heth just like Esau. She valued her heritage to the extent of not entrusting Jacob to the children of Heth. Other things to learn on this week's blog are not limited to the followings:

Ø  Yahweh never makes mistakes. It does not matter how anyone looks at this situation. He knows better. There is never any wrong turn or wrong decision on this issue.

Ø  All we act whether consciously or otherwise are how Yahweh wanted (Acts 17:28). It appeared that Rebecca was helping to fulfill Yahweh's plan for the two sons because she was aware of Yahweh's secret for the future of these children. Not so fast. Yahweh knew Rebecca would keep the secret, observed the deeds of the two sons and ensure this plan was fulfilled. In helping Jacob to get blessing from Isaac, Rebecca was undergoing great tumult within herself. She knew it was wrong to do but it had to be done. She knew Esau might murder his brother for this unpleasant situation, so she instructed Jacob to move away from Esau.

Ø  Once again, Isaac was in spiritual darkness on Yahweh's plan for the two sons. Otherwise, he would have not wasted his time in trying to bless Esau in the first place. Isaac enjoyed the hustling spirit of Esau. Isaac was right to wanted to pronounce blessing on Esau because Esau was the first born. He wanted Esau's last game to be a point of blessing for his courage to face and kill beasts of the land for the whole family but Yahweh preferred an administrative, skillful, cunning, and softy Jacob. Indeed, Yahweh's ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). Jacob did nothing right to deserve Abraham's blessing from Isaac. Esau did nothing wrong not to receive this blessing either. However, Yahweh's words will not pass away until it is fulfilled (Matthew 24:35).

In conclusion, Jacob went away to face his new life in another city. I hope you would love to learn more on this young man from next week (by Yahweh's will). What a bad day for Esau. He had to take this situation on his chins. Yahweh preferred Jacob to him. That is the truth of this matter. It does not mean that Esau had miserable life, but Abraham's covenants were not passed to him from Isaac. Once again, Yahweh never makes mistakes!

I hope this week's lesson has blessed you as well.

Please, leave comments and be nice with them.



  1. Praise be to Yahweh who never see wrong in our wrongs. He always sees right because with or without our conscious, we carry out his plans (Acts 17:28). His plans are always right!

  2. Amen. Glory be to Yahweh (Revelation 4:11).

  3. Rebecca probably had compunction for aiding Jacob received blessings Esau was entitled to receive as the first born. However, she understood why because she had the future secret revealed to her by God Yahweh.


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