How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 25)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 25: Main text-conclusion)

Hello my blog readers. I hope you are having a wonderful summer time too. I pray that the grace and mercy of Yahweh continues to be with you.

Last week blog discussed how Eleazer got a wife for his master's son (Isaac). Isaac was contented with his wife, Rebecca. He was comforted. Please, read it if you have not done so.

This week lesson has a few sub-headings due to different events that occurred in it.

Abraham's last days:

Abraham had lost his dear wife, Sarah in chapter 23 of the book of Genesis. So, he remarried in chapter 25. He married Keturah. Keturah gave him 6 children. They were Zimran; Jokshan; Medan; Midian; Ishbak and Shuach. You would realize that there are familiar names among these children. At least, names like Medan and Midian are familiar. Abraham had to give Keturah and her 6 children gifts and sent them away from Isaac. Why did he do so? Was Keturah not married to Abraham? Was there any agreement between both before they lived as husband and wife? Somehow, to Abraham, Keturah was a kind of by-the-way-relationship. The love of Abraham for Sarah could not be compared with any woman. Not even Hagar not to talk of Keturah. The love Abraham had for Sarah must be very strong to the extent of not letting any child have rift with Isaac on issues concerning inheritance. This is plausible. It is reasonable action to protect Isaac from possible problems. That was another good foresight from Abraham besides getting Isaac married to a woman who hailed from his relatives. Somehow Abraham laid a good foundation for Isaac to build upon. What a great father! He died at the age of 175 and was buried with his wife at Cave of Machpelah in the field of Ephron son of Zorah the Hittite (verse 7). Abraham was buried by both Isaac and Ishmael.

Yahweh fulfilled his promise to Ishmael:

               Ishmael was a victim of lack of father love when he was growing up to be a man because Yahweh approved the suggestion of Sarah to Abraham to send him and his mother away. However, the promise of Yahweh was fulfilled on him as he was blessed with 12 sons! These sons all lived in the places located between Havilah and Shur which adjoined the land of Egypt. So, somehow, their locations were not too far from the descendants of Isaac.  As you can see, these children occupied Middle East of this world too. So, Yahweh was setting the end of this eon up with future battles as these children began to occupy this part of the world. Ishmael died at the age of 137.

Isaac and his nucleus family:

               From Genesis chapter 25:19, much focus was on Isaac and his nucleus family. Isaac married at the age of 40. His wife, Rebecca was barren. She asked his husband to pray to Yahweh for her to have a child. There is nothing wrong in asking for help but why asking Isaac to help her entreat Yahweh for a child? Who told her that Yahweh gives child? It appears that Isaac must have done a good job by teaching his wife about the God he and his father (Abraham) served. Isaac prayed to Yahweh and he granted Rebecca not a child but a set of twins! (verse 21).

Rumble in the womb:

               It was a thing of joy to become pregnant for most women who have been barren for many years. However, Rebecca had difficulty in understanding the kind of pregnancy she had. She realized that her womb was rumbling in most of the times. Unfortunately, there were no Medical Doctors to assist her on this issue in those days. So, should she have gone to Isaac to help her pray to Yahweh? No. This time, she had understood that it was Yahweh that answers prayers. She did not call for her husband to assist. Why did Yahweh not let her do this? It is because Yahweh had a secret he wanted her to keep for future events! Elohim informed her that two nations would come out of her. The senior would serve the junior one (verse 22-23).

Strange set of twins:

               I have heard of identical and non-identical twins. However, this set of twins is a strange one. While their mother was laboring, the first child that came out of her mother's womb was ruddy (having red hairs all around him like hairy mantle). I do not think either Isaac parents had such biological physical look. I am not sure of Rebecca's parents but this was a strange looking baby. The baby was called Esau. The second child in Rebecca's womb was holding Esau's feet from coming out of her mother's womb. God help his helpless woman! This may be a lot of pains on Rebecca.  Eventually, the second child came out and he was called Jacob. Isaac got his twins at the age of 60! This was 20 years after he married his wife, Rebecca (verse 24-26). So, Yahweh still answers prayers. He only does it whenever it was his time to do so. Please, refer to my previous blog on how we pray for details.

Twins with different characters:


               Verse 27 points out that Esau was a hunter while Jacob was unsullied man (he dwelled in the tent). Esau was a hustler while Jacob was an errand boy for his mother at home. You can tell the difference now. However, Isaac loved Esau for his bravery at killing game for the family but loved Jacob less. It appeared that all efforts Jacob made to assist his mother to make home descent for all family members were overlooked by Isaac. I believe Isaac preferred a hustler and brave child to a quiet and skillful administrative mindset kind of child Jacob was. You should also expect mother's influence on the life of Jacob. Every bit of affection her husband had on Esau was being notice by her. Little did Isaac know that Yahweh made this to be so because of the plan he had for both children in their future. This secret was between Yahweh and Rebecca. Isaac was in the dark on these children's future! Why? Yahweh still has something to withhold from Isaac to make sure his will was fulfilled on these children. Wait for it in the nearest future blog. It will be discussed.

For food only!

               Have you ever been scorned or tagged to be "for food only"? Believe me, it is not a pleasant phrase to be tagged on you. However, Esau cared less! He came back home from field (animal hunting). He was fainted and was hungry for food (verse 29-30). It was the time Jacob just prepared food at home and was ready to eat it. Esau came in time to eat but the food (red stew) was not meant for him. So, the aroma of food had captivated Esau to the extent of not caring to sell his birth right for the food.  Esau sold his birth right to Jacob because he was fainting and hungry. Esau was nicknamed as Edom for his appetite habit for food. Jacob had been looking for an opportunity to press his senior brother's weak button for some time (verse 31-34). I believe his mother must have told him the encounter she had with Elohim when she was pregnant of these children. So, Jacob had his chance and he took it. This event led to something bigger for both children in the future.


Please, check my future blogs for further discussions on these strange twins from next week by the grace of Yahweh.

Thanks for reading this blog.

Please, leave comments and be nice with them.




  1. Sky is blue. Water is wet. Women have their secrets. So, Yahweh has his plans for all humanity.


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