How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 24)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 24: Main text-conclusion)

Hello my blog readers. It is another week to get blessed.  Last week blog discussed the task given by Abraham to Eleazer to get Isaac (his son) a wife. Eleazer prayed to Yahweh to direct a damsel to him to draw water for him and his camel and may this lady be Isaac's wife. So, he waited by a well in the city Abraham sent him to. Please, read last week blog for details.

               The rest of this chapter (24:15-67) will be concluded in this week. This week, Eleazer waited for Yahweh to grant him his request. Many ladies came to draw water from this well, but drew no water for him. After a while, a damsel came to fetch water. She saw Eleazer and his camels. She drew water for Eleazer at his request.  Her name was Rebecca (daughter of Bethuel). Please, see the above picture for visual understanding.

A little biography of Rebecca: It appears that Nahor was Rebecca's grandfather, Abraham's brother and Milcah's husband. Milcah was her grandmother. Her mother's name was not mentioned. She lived in Paddan Aram (Aramean). It can be located in Syria, southeast of Turkey and very close to Lebanon and Iraq. She was very beautiful and was a virgin.

                The lady went further to draw water for Eleazer's camels as well. Eleazer was astonished at this, but he kept himself together and calmed down to observe to see whether Yahweh had truly granted him his request or not. He did not rush into conclusion (verse 17-21). Eleazer rewarded Rebecca with gifts for her kindness. He requested to stay where she lived and she took him to the place. There, Eleazer narrated his story with Rebecca's parents and they knew that truly, that Elohim Yahweh had ordered his steps (verse 23-52). They also understood that all that was narrated to them was Yahweh's plan for Rebecca. Eleazer was also convinced that it was the Lord's doing. He gave Rebecca's parent valuable gifts (verse 53). He did not hesitate to request for them to release Rebecca for him (verse 54). So, they requested if it was okay for Rebecca to go with Eleazer and she gladly said yes! (verses 57-58). Rebecca's sisters prayed for her and wished her all the best. Rebecca was released with her maids and they went to the land of Canaan where Abraham and Isaac lived.

From verse 62-67, Isaac saw his wife riding a camel with the rest people coming towards him. Rebecca found out from Eleazer who the bride-groom was. Isaac took her wife to his mother's tent and was comforted. Isaac was comforted because he missed the love of a good woman in her mother, Sarah.

This love story was one of the kinds in the bible. However, the following things need to be taken into your heart this week:

Ø  Eleazer committed his ways unto Yahweh before he sets out (Psalm 37:5).

Ø  Eleazer was not too quick to assume that Rebecca was the right wife for Isaac (Genesis 24:21). It is always good to be patient to find out the truth about people. That someone you prayed to Yahweh about shows a glimpse of good behavior may not mean the answer to your prayers. Sometimes, similarities resemble the originals.

Ø  Rebecca had maids that could help her fetch water but she appeared to be a hard worker and kind. She did not rely on her maids to do everything for her. She was a responsible damsel. She had good home training from her parent. This is another lesson for all ladies. Please, read Proverbs 31:15-31 for details of who a virtual woman is.

Ø  Show me a good home (family), I will show you the good woman of the home (Proverbs 14:1).

Ø  When Yahweh orders your steps, everything falls into place for you. So, let Yahweh does his work. Do not help him do what you have already committed to his hands.

Ø  Do not rush into marriage. Take your time. It is not a trial. It is another life to live with someone who should be your complement not your competitor.

Ø  Yahweh had purposed for Rebecca in the life of Isaac and these two lovebirds might not realize this according to this scripture passage initially.

Ø  Abraham's thought on who to marry his son (Isaac) should not be overlooked. Yahweh brought up this thought in Abraham. Abraham thought it well to find a good wife for his son. Yahweh (in absolute sense) put Abraham into action (Acts 17:28) by making Abraham unfold his concerns on the kind of wife he wanted for his son before giving this task to Eleazer to carry out on his behalf. Eleazer knew it was a great task for him. It was beyond what his 5 senses might do for him. Since all is of God (2 Corinthians 5:18), the spirit of Yahweh prayed through Eleazer's mouth on what to ask (Romans 8:26).   

Ø  In the long run, Yahweh worked everything out according to the counsel of his will (Ephesians 1:11).

In conclusion, you can see how Yahweh works. He connects people to achieve his plans through them. All that happened in this chapter were not meant to favor any of all people mentioned but to fulfill the plan Yahweh had for them in their future (Colossians 1:16). This bible chapter is kicks off a new beginning of another chapter in the life of Isaac and Rebecca while Abraham would be on his way out. For a couple of weeks to come, more focus will be on this people.

I hope you were blessed with this week's blog.

Thanks for taking time to read it.

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