How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 20)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 21: Main text)

Hello my dear blog readers. It is another week to get blessed. Last week blog discussed how Yahweh rescued Abraham and Sarah from King Abimelech in the land of Gerar. It can be inferred from last week blog that through Yahweh's grace, mercy and covenant with Abraham; Abraham and his wife were saved him from the ordeal they put themselves into.

    This week blog discusses how reliable Yahweh's promises are. He will always fulfill his promise (Matthew 24:35). This week bible chapter shows that the promise of child was fulfilled in the life of Abraham and Sarah. Sarah was full of joy and laughter. Sarah gave birth to Isaac at the age of 90! She found that Abraham's God is faithful. Sometimes, it is difficult for others to rejoice with those who were rejoicing. It was not written in the bible that Haggai was not happy at Sarah's child birth but somehow a rift erupted between the two women. It was noticed that Sarah discovered that Ishmael was mocking her son (as being scorned).  Sarah was too quick to swing into action by asking Abraham to send Ishmael and his mother (Hagar) away from them. May be Sarah had a deep thought that it would not be pleasant for Abraham to share his wealth between her son and Ishmael. I believe Sarah's action was rather too harsh.  Abraham was not pleased with the request made by Sarah so he consulted Yahweh for direction. Yahweh informed him to do what Sarah had asked. While I was studying this scripture, I was shocked at Yahweh's instruction to Abraham. What? Why? Seriously? Would she had asked Abraham to send them away, if she did not have a child? In relative sense, that is human for you but in absolute sense, Yahweh was in control.

    Has it come to that? What has Ishmael done to deserve to be kicked out of his father's house? I thought over and over on this issue. Could there be anything needed to be understood on this issue? Is Yahweh not fair anymore? What could possibly be wrong here? Of all people, should Yahweh had seconded Sarah's request?  While I was ruminating on this issue, the following thoughts came into my mind:

  • Yahweh never makes mistake. He knew why things happened this way.
  • All works according to his pleasure (Revelation 4:11).
  • Sarah started the whole problem and she ended it somehow. Due to her lack of faith, she persuaded Abraham to sleep with Hagar (who happened to be her maidservant). This was the practice/tradition in those days. It was not only out of desperation but it was their custom.
  • Yahweh had plans for Ishmael just as he had plans for Isaac. This plan was made to Hagar and Abraham respectfully. Please, read my past blogs on these series.

    On this issue, what I understood according the book of Isaiah 55:8-9 is that Yahweh's ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts as well. On the side of good conscience, Sarah was not right. However, Yahweh informed Abraham to carry out Sarah's request.  Abraham could not do otherwise as a man and the head of the house. He appeared to be confused on this issue. It all looked like nobody cared for this helpless Hagar and her son. However, all was done to fulfill the plans of Yahweh for both Ishmael and Isaac. The way we see things as humans are not the ways Yahweh sees everything. Just like last week blog, Abraham and Sarah did not deserve mercy for their bad deeds but Yahweh granted them. He let Hagar and Ishmael left. Indeed, Ishmael married an Egyptian woman and he also became great just as Yahweh had promised. More stories from Ishmael were limited because the focus now will be on Abraham and his nucleus family. The rest of this chapter discussed the treaty between Abraham and Abimelech at Beersheba.

    In conclusion, things may not go the way we may expect because Yahweh knows better. When we screw things up, his covenants over his people still remains. Just as he created problem through Eve in the Garden of Eden, he created problem through Sarah to fulfill his next plans for humanity. Do you know that the generations of Isaac and Ishmael are still at luger-heads up till today? Anti-Christ will solve this problem temporarily but this war will continue again until it is solved permanently by Yahweh through his son (Yeshua) in the next eon.

Indeed, his ways are not our ways. That is why it is pertinent to continue to trust in him.

I hope this week blog blessed you too.


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