How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 22)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 23: Main text)

Hello my dear blog readers. It is another week to get blessed. May the grace and mercy of Yahweh continue to be with you. We are currently in summer in this part of the world. I hope you and your family have been having wonderful summer.

In last week blog, it was discussed that Yahweh (God of Heavens and Earth) tested Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac. You were informed that God will never test us beyond our level of faith. Thus, God gives us different level of faith. Please, read this blog, for further information to get better understanding.

This week blog will be short because the information on Genesis chapter 23 focused on a few things.

            In Genesis 23, it was recorded that Sarah died. That was a bad news for Abraham. She was 127 years old. She was the best life partner Abraham ever had. She was more precious to him than rubies. She was with Abraham through thick and thin of life. She lied a couple of times as directed by Abraham to protect Abraham from possible wife snatchers. She brought blessings into Abraham's house despite being relatively guilty of lying to Pharaoh and King Abimelech in different occasion. Yet, Yahweh protected her and Abraham because of his covenant with Abraham. This was the woman that went all the way to give her husband one of her trusted maidservants (Hagar) to marry in order to raise a child for Abraham. It was a difficult thing to do, but she did this because she loved her husband. However, Yahweh never forgot Sarah. He gave her a son as promised despite the fact that Sarah's faith was shaken by long time barrenness.

Down the line, Sarah had issues with Hagar and persuaded Abraham to send her (Hagar) and her son away because she later had her own son. However, her decision was confirmed by Yahweh to Abraham when Abraham asked him for direction. This was the great and wonderful woman that had her last breath at Hebron (Kiriath-arba). It devastated Abraham. Abraham lamented over her. He did something a great husband would do to his deceased wife. He requested to purchase Ephron's cave at Machpelah. Ephron was an Hittite. Abraham was informed to get the land somehow for free (verse 3 through 16), but he refused. He understood that sometimes, it is good to pay for something very valuable instead of getting it for free. I thought over this issue. Why should Abraham not get the land with his desired cave for free and use the money for something else? These are the few things that came into my mind:

Ø  Abraham is principled man. He refused this offer just as he did to King of Sodom in the book of Genesis chapter 14. He knew it would not be right to get the land and the cave for free. Not all free gifts are pleasant.

Ø  Abraham understood that he was dealing with an Hittite. A strange person who may flip-flop in the future.

Ø  Abraham did not want the corpse of his wife be buried in just a place that would not cost him a great value. He was ready to demonstrate his unending love for Sarah by acquiring a field with a cave within it for 400 shekels of silver! This was a lot of money. Think about 20 Shekels Joseph was sold by his brothers. Think of 30 Shekels Yeshua (Christ Jesus) was sold by Judas. Think about the year gap between Abraham and Joseph; Abraham and Judas. Think about time value for money too. So, 400 Shekels were a lot of money.

Ø  Abraham knew how much great woman Sarah was to him. So, he showed his last respect for her with so much money.

Ø  He ensured the money was counted in the presence of Sons of Heth while he was discussing with Ephron. Therefore, no one can say that Abraham got the parcel of land and the cave for free. He bought the land for the exact amount requested by Ephron.

Ø  Abraham demonstrated accountability and transparency in this situation. He was a man of honor and integrity.

In conclusion, Abraham lost his beloved companion. It was a grievous moment for him. However, Yahweh was good to Sarah by giving her a son to call her own before she died. I do not know what this week blog may mean to you, but I believe you have learnt one or two things too.

Next week begins another exciting bible review. It was time for Abraham's son (Isaac) to get married. Much are waiting for you to learn in the next bible chapter. Until then, stay blessed.

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