How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 21)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 22: Main text)

            Hello my dear blog readers. It is another week to get blessed. Happy Father's day to all fathers! Last week blog discussed how Hagar and her son were sent out of Abraham's house. While Abraham (the earthly father) in this bible context could not help in this matter, Yahweh our heavenly father was able to. You were informed that Yahweh had plans for Hagar's son just as he has plans for Sarah's son. However, the seeds of these two sons have been at logger-heads up till this day and it would take Yahweh through his son Yeshua to bring a permanent peace between the seeds of the two sons.

            Did you see an old man and a young man going on a journey in the above picture? This picture showed a sad old man going to sacrifice his only beloved son! That is what he was asked to do in the book of Genesis chapter 22. One good day, Abraham was going about his business and he heard this horrible instruction. What? How could such an instruction be the next thing an old man who suffered a lot to have a child should carry out? I thought it was said that Yahweh promised that Abraham's children would be many. How was this going to happen, if his son was sacrificed?  

This week blog may not be a new lesson for many of you who may have heard or studied this scripture before, but I will like to address a few things with you on this chapter.

Please, picture this unwanted situation on your mind. On a faithful day, while your body was calming down on the unfortunate departure of Hagar and her son (whom you also shared your love with), a more horrible message from Elohim God was sent to you to sacrifice the other son. How would you feel?

Abraham took his son to the mountain Yahweh instructed him to go. He kept this issue away from Sarah. He might probably have learnt to keep sensitive things like this away from his dear blossom wife. Has he learnt something from his wife? Hmn...may be. He obeyed the voice of the Lord even though it was not easy for him. What a demonstration of faith from this man.

               In relative sense, Abraham was tested on a high level of faith. Such a test of faith is difficult for anyone to pass because it is life threatening. However, he passed this test! Was it because his faith was stronger? May be because he had been relating with Yahweh for a long time, so it was easy for him to obey the instruction? May be Abraham was able to pray and fast more than you? May be it is because Abraham had learnt his lesson to obey Yahweh irrespective of whatever test Yahweh brings to his way? I am happy to inform you that the answer is none of this in absolute sense!


I have a few questions:

1. Why was Abraham tested?

2. Was it a true test of Abraham's faith?

3. Why would Yahweh's messenger say now he knew that Abraham loved the Lord?

My suggested answers can be inferred from I Corinthians 10:13:

Ø  No trial has taken you except what is human: It means no trial that may happen to anyone is new. Trials are meant for humans to go through. Therefore, there is nothing new under heavens (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

Ø  However, God is faithful on whatever situation or trial we find ourselves. How? He is faithful because he will not be leaving us to be tried beyond what we are able to bear. Do you know what this means? It means there is level of faith Yahweh gives everyone. In case of Abraham, the level of faith given to him enabled him to pass the test. So, do not be arrogant at your level of faith against someone else. The level of faith you have was not developed by your own ability. It was given to you as a Spiritual fruit by Yahweh.

Ø  Yahweh is also able to use the faith he gives you to go through the trial (not to escape it). He is able to take you through it to come out on the other side in victory. King James Version implies the word "escape". This is not correct. If Yahweh wants you to escape a trial or test, he would not have let it come your way in the first place. So, he gives you the faith to go through it to come out on the other side (like getting out of a dark tunnel) in triumph!

Ø  If he wanted Abraham to escape this test, he would not have let him made attempt to sacrifice his son. Think about this. One of Christians' slogans is no cross; no crown. Does it mean people have to earn the crown by carrying their cross by their abilities? No! However, this is what they imply in their messages. It is through Yahweh we are living, moving and are having our beings (Acts 17:28).  There is no power in humans to obey Yahweh's instructions. His Spirit works through us to fulfill his instructions. In other words, Abraham was helped by the Spirit of Yahweh to carry out the instruction given to him. He did not earn it. However, he was blessed for being a vessel unto honor in this scripture (Genesis 22:15-18). This blessing was an emphasis on the covenants he had with Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3.

In conclusion, the name of Rebecca was mentioned towards the end of the main chapter we discussed this week. This began the beginning of a new chapter in the live of Abraham and his nucleus family. I am sure Sarah would be in a great shock after Abraham had narrated the whole story to her.

I hope this week blog blessed you too.

Thanks for taking time to read this blog. What are your thoughts on this week blog?

Please, leave comments and be nice with them.



  1. Praise be to Yahweh (God of Heavens and Earth). Thanks to him for his measure of faith!


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