How Yahweh deals with his creations (series 16)

Bible Texts (Concordant Version of the Old Testament and Concordant Literal New Testament with keywords Concordance (Genesis chapter 18: Main text)

               Hello my blog readers. I pray that this week blog bless you immensely.  Last week blog discusses how Yahweh tied down his covenants with Abraham and his home with change of names from Abram to Abraham; from Sarai to Sarah and with circumcision for all male (including Abraham) in the house of Abraham. Yahweh also went further on his plan for Ishmael and the unborn child that would come from Sarah's womb. However, he clarified to Abraham that his covenant was with the unborn child that would be later called Isaac. Please, read series 15 for details, if you have not done so.

This week blog is very deep and it can be separated into five sub-topics.

Yeshua as the Lord of Angels:

          I would like to call your attention to the fact that Yeshua (Jesus Christ in English) has been coming into this world prior his birth. Whenever you see in the bible that a Messenger/an Angel is described as the "Lord", then it is not an ordinary Angel. If it were, the scripture would have mentioned the specific name of the Angel (e.g. Michael or Gabriel). So, Yeshua is being referred to as the Lord and sometimes, the scripture refers to him as a being with similitude of man or an Angel who looks like a man. This being is the only begotten son of Yahweh. I do not believe it was Yahweh who had disguised as a man because no one has ever seen him (John 1:18). There are many instances that this has occurred in scriptures where he had appeared to humans and he was being referred to as the "Lord". For the fact that he is a Celestial being, writers of each encounter in the scriptures might have referred to him as a Chief Angel/Chief Messenger. He is the only one sent from Yahweh that accepts worship of any human. This week blog is another example of this situation.


Strange visitors (Genesis 18:1-5):

          Abraham saw three men coming towards him. He ran towards them and bowed down towards earth when he got to them (he worshipped them). He requested to wash the feet of these men, prepared bread, meat and milk for them. He had never met with them before. He had no clue of who these men were, but I believe something was telling him that these men were special. I want to believe that the Spirit of Yahweh aroused Abraham to do all he did for these men.

Strange prophecy (Genesis 18:6-13):

          It would have been great for these men to eat and drink in Abraham's house and go their way but they came to tell Abraham and Sarah that they would have a child who would be called Isaac. This should not be strange information to Abraham and Sarah anyways, but they were shocked to hear this prophecy from the three strange visitors! This time, the prophecy had a specific time (verse 10). When it all appeared that Sarah and Abraham's expectations had been dwindled because it was taking them longer to bear a child, it did not deter Yahweh from fulfilling his promise to them. Yahweh never fails whenever he promises (Psalm 27:1-4; 2 Peter 3:9). So, both of them laughed at this prophecy. The Messengers then told them to name the child "Laughter". What a kind of humorous good news brought to these old despondent couple! Indeed, nothing is too difficult for Yahweh to do (verse 14).

Unfolding a confidential message (Genesis 18:17-22):

Psalm 8:4 is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. Why should Yahweh be mindful of a man like Abraham on what he planned to do? He pointed out something very striking on this issue. Apart from the fact that we all know that Abraham would become a great staunch nation and in him, all generation of the earth shall be blessed (just like in Genesis 12:3), he pointed out that he knew Abraham would teach his children in the way of Yahweh to do what is right and duly just. I like to say that lack of Godly home training is one of the major issues that have wrecked many homes in majority part of this world. Home training is very important and it is priceless. I will write blog on this in the nearest future. So, it could be implied that the reason Yeshua and two Angels were sent to Abraham was to indirectly let Abraham know that the destruction of the city of Sodom and Gomorrah was lack of Godly home training. This lack is the foundation of their sins. The three men informed Abraham of their mission to the land of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham should not have known because it was confidential. However, Yeshua could not hide it from Abraham. Home training matters. Please, train your children in the way of Yahweh to have a better society.

Bargaining as melon sellers (Genesis 18:23-33):

          Have you ever seen how buyers bargain with their sellers in market? Abraham was shocked for the mission to be carried out by these three men against Sodom and Gomorrah. He wanted to remind the men of how righteous Yahweh is. So, he began to ask the men whether the righteous people would be destroyed with the wicked. Who was a mortal man like Abraham to bargain with Yeshua? Abraham even went further to bargain for possibilities of finding righteous people from 50 down to 10 to abort this mission. I found these bargains very amusing.

          How would Abraham know the exact number of righteous people in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah? What was going on in his mind? Perhaps, he expected his nephew (Lot) to be righteous and may be a couple of people in addition. He was calculative but I imagine Yeshua and the two Angels to be smiling in their minds at Abraham. The book of Romans 11:34 points out that no one knows the mind of Yahweh and no one has ever been his counselor. Do you think Yahweh did not know who he would deliver in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah?

In relative sense:

Ø It appears Yeshua and the two Angels had no clue of what they were going to find in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Ø It looks as if Yeshua and the two Angels needed to be confirming whether the people of Sodom and Gomorrah indeed had committed sins or not.

Ø It also appears that they needed Abraham's contributions to help them decide on what to do.

In absolute sense:  

Ø Proverbs 15:3 points out that the eyes of the Lord are everywhere. He sees the good and the bad people. So, Yahweh knows what everyone is doing in absolute sense.

Ø Do you notice why they went to Abraham? They went to deliver good news to him and his wife. They also related with him as if he was one of them. If you are an adult, have you ever related with a child of 1 or 2 years old? How does it feel when you bring yourself to their levels? This is what happened between Abraham and these celestial beings.

Ø Indeed, Yahweh relates with his creations in both relative and absolute ways. Yahweh who sent his son, (Yeshua) and the two Angels had decided what to do. Abraham had no influence on this decision. I understand that many Bible preachers may have informed you that Abraham interceded for Lot and the land of Sodom and Gomorrah. This is not true in absolute sense. It was just a Childs-play being displayed with Abraham. He had no say on this issue at all.

          You would observe that in verse 33, Yeshua (the Lord) left off speaking with Abraham. In chapter 19:1, only two Angels/Messengers actually went into the city of Sodom and Gomorrah. Yeshua only had to visit Abraham to deliver good news and to unfold what to be done to the city of Sodom and Gomorrah. In chapter 19, you will find out that the two Angels did not find 10 righteous people in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah. So, should they have not destroyed all people in those cities (because this was all that Abraham had pleaded for)? I will leave that for you to ponder upon. Please, stay tuned for next week blog. It is getting more interesting!

Until next week, stay blessed.


Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.

Have a blessed week.






  1. Yahweh's ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts...Isaiah 55:8-9.


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