Hello my bible blog readers. I pray that the grace and mercy of Yahweh continues to be with you. It is another week to get blessed. I hope last week blog was a blessing to you as well.

I like to write a few lines about last week blog. It was all about Lot and his family. Yahweh saved him not because of Abraham's pleads, Lot's kindness or his righteousness. Yahweh spared his life because he chose to. So, Lot and his family were instructed to get out of Sodom and Gomorrah in haste. They were also informed not to look back but Lot's wife disobeyed and she became a pillar of salt.

If you observed pretty well, not all verses in the book of Genesis 19 were discussed. I stopped at the destruction of city of Sodom and Gomorrah. This week, the rest of chapter 19 will be discussed.

In Genesis 19:27-28, Abraham went to see the outcome of the destructions wrecked on the city of Sodom and Gomorrah. I believe Abraham would hope that Lot and his family were saved but there was no record of this in the bible. However, verse 29 pointed out that Lot was spared because Yahweh had Abraham in his mind. Yahweh knew how Abraham would hope Lot to be spared from the destruction of the city of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Points to understand in the rest book of Genesis 19:30-38 are:

Ø  Lot and his 2 daughters escaped the destruction of the city of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Ø  They went to the hill country known as Zoar.

Ø  The 2 daughters could not find men to come to them.

Ø  They decided to have children through their father.

What an abomination?

Why these children would have concluded that they could not find men? What was the response of Lot to these children? In this scripture, it appeared that Lot was not carrying out any responsibility on this issue. It also appears that Lot was passive and less concerned about the future of his 2 daughters.

So, what did these two daughters do, if Lot was passive?

               They got their father drunk in the night and slept with him one day after another. The first daughter slept with her father in a night and the other daughter did the same in the following night. I am of an opinion that Lot did not train his children in the way of the Lord like Abraham would do. I am also baffled at Lot for which kind of father he was. Well, in the long run, the first daughter gave birth to MOAB. It means, from my father. The second daughter also gave birth to a son called BEN-AMMI. It means son of my kinsman. These two sons later grew up and became great nations. The generation of the first son is called Moabites and the second nation is called Ammonites up till today.

               One may think that Lot could have decided to go back to Abraham but the scripture did not indicate that such a thought came into his mind. Was Lot ashamed to go back to Abraham? Was he too proud to be a second fiddle with Abraham (his big brother who rescued him once before) ?. What was possibly going on in Lot's mind? Yahweh could have avoided all dirty things that happened to Lot by making him go back to Abraham but he did not. He wanted whatever happened to Lot and his family that way. I believe Yahweh wanted Lot to be out of Abraham's life but it was somehow not what Abraham had wished for. Unfortunately, he had to accept the truth. Lot had his own life to live.

In conclusion, it may appear that Yahweh was not in this scenario in relative sense but he was, in absolute sense. Down the line of scriptures, we will come across issues between the children of Israel (descendants of Abraham) and the children of Moab and Ammon (descendants of Lot).  In other words, Yahweh continued to scatter people around the surface of this earth to fulfill his plans for humanity.

What I observed is that the children of Moab and Ammon had quarrel with the children of Israel down the line in the scriptures. This made me think of why some people do not connect to their histories and find who their true enemies should be. I believe children of Lot owed children of Abraham big thanks for Abraham's brotherly love toward their fore-father (Lot) but people tend to forget their past when they do not read their histories. Anyway, I leave this thought for you to also ponder upon.

Next week blog promises to be great. Hmn...Abraham was at it again! Please, wait for it.

Thanks for taking time to read this week blog.

Please, leave your comments and be nice with them.

Have a great week.



  1. Connecting to one's past histories help to make one decide on whether to move forward or not. Getting the correct past histories also help people to move towards the right directions without being misled. Above all, Yahweh is in the administration of all human affairs. He runs the show.

  2. God bless you sir. If truly we know our ancestors and where we originated from, we will surely know when to fight and when to run... Where to seek for vengeance and where to seek for mercy...


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